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Maya- Y'all are so cute.

You- it was just one date. I berely even know the man.

Maya- Y'all would make cute babies.

You- oh my gosh are you gonna plan out our lives.

Maya- if you'll let me.

The next day I got a text from a random number.


Who is this

Sorry this is Derek

Oh what's up

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later today

Yeah that's fine. What time were you thinking

How's like 6

That's fine I'll see you then

I am excited. I actually really like Derek. I went back upstairs to wake up Maya bc she always sleeps late.

You- Maya wake up, I say shaking her.

She groans finally sitting up.

Maya- what do you want, she gives me a death stare.

You- I have another date with Derek.

Maya- oh my God!! Why didn't you tell me sooner, she pulls me into the bed.

You- I just found out myself.

Maya- what time did he say?

You- he said 6.

Maya- ok so that gives us plenty of time to talk about him.

You- what about him?

Maya- what do you think about him? Did I do good?

You- yeah I really like him.

Maya-I knew it was a good idea!

You-yeah yeah you were right this time. And he's just so damn cute and nice and did you see the way hi-

Maya- are you done. Your making me feel single.

You- maybe I should you set you up with someone.

Maya- yeah we'll see.

She does to her cabinet and pulls out a small plastic container with weed inside.

Maya is the complete opposite of me. She lives with her sister but she is never home. So she basically does whatever she wants.

Her parents died in a car wreck when she was young. But she doesn't talk about them much.

falling//derektrendz & ahiellatrendzWhere stories live. Discover now