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I woke up the next morning and instantly thought about seeing Derek. I went into my bathroom and did my morning routine. I decided to dress casual so I just put on some ripped jeans and a graphic tee.

I made my way downstairs to say bye to my mom. My dad works out of town a lot so he is rarely home. I walk to school bc I'm so close so I went outside to see maya. We walk together.

Maya- hey bitchh

You- hey maya Ok so can I tell you something

Maya- yeah what's up

You- so ahiella tried to kiss me last night

She stopped walking and looked at me.

Maya- what the fuck why you got everybody on your dick

You- ew but idk

Maya- Ik why cause your a bad bitch that's why

We walk into the school finally and Derek walks up to me from the side and picks me up. I raised up my hand to slap him.

Derek- dang girl you gon slap me

You- I'm sorry you just scared me I didn't  know it was you

Derek- it fine baby

He kisses me and puts me down. Then here comes ahiella.

Ahiella- hey y/yn can u talk to you really

You- yeah

She grabs my arm and pulls me into the girls bathroom.

Ahiella- about yesterday-

You- yeah I wanted to talk to you about that

Ahiella- I'm not sorry for trying to kiss you I know your talking to my brother but I like you and I can't hide my feelings anymore

You- ahiella that's so sweet but I don't even  know if I like girls

Ahiella- I can help you find out

She leans in but I didn't back away. I let her lips touch mine and I'm not gonna lie and say that I hated it. 

Because I didn't.

But then the door opened.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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