Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

As I was walking to my locker, I saw Tyler leaning against the wall, that was beside my locker, waiting for someone. Obviously not me.

"Hey, Skylar." He greeted me once I reach my locker.

Instead of asking him why was he here, I decided to be more polite.

"Hi, Tyler." I said while opening my locker.

"Can you tutor me? I mean because you're smart, so I want you to tutor me." He asked.

"Okay." I said without thinking.

"Really? Well, when can you tutor me?" He asked, his face full of joy.

"Um, I'm free everyday, so yeah." I said and took out my books.

"Well, come every weekdays except for Mondays, I have practice and don't worry about transport. We're starting next week, okay?" He said and walk away.

I watched him walk away and saw Kyle talking, no wait, flirting with a few girls. Oh, looks like he's in this school now, huh. He saw me and frowned, I rolled me eyes and slam my locker. If he doesn't like me being in this school, then don't talk to me or even look at me. Literally, these people here are really childish idiots. Well, the bell hasn't rang yet, might as well go to class early. I walk to English class.

I opened the door and saw half of the class talking while the other half was either were reading books or not in the class. I sat down on my original seat which was beside the window on the second last row. I dropped my bag on the floor and took out a random book and start doodling stuff.

One more minute untill the bell rings, the class was filled with laughter, making me look up at the owner of the laughter. I look up and saw Kyle with his group of friends, including Rebecca, laughing. Oh great, he's in my class. Yay. Note the sarcasm. He walked to the last seat that was two rows away from me. I ignore him and continue doodling until a paper ball landed on my table. I caught it before it fell off my table and unwrap the paper ball.

Why are you here?

Is he stupid or what?

Cause, idiot, I'm studying in this class.

I threw the paper ball back to Kyle and continue doodling. The paper ball landed on my table, again. I grabbed the paper ball and open the window and threw it out. I'm not going to be childish and answer any of his question.

"Nerd!" Kyle's voice shouted.

I heard laughter from his group, including Rebecca's high-pitched laugh. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening my eyes and continue doodling. What a good sister, right? No one was disturbing before Kyle came to school. Now, he's the one bullying me. What's his problem? I've never done anything to him before.

After school.

I walk out the school and towards the school's parking lot. I saw Rebecca and her friends over there, talking. Kyle was there. I walk towards her car and smiled at Tyler.

"Hey, Skylar." Tyler greeted me.

I smiled back as a respond and tried opening the car door but it was locked.

"Rebecca." I called her.

She ignored me.

"Rebecca." Again.

Ignored, again.

"Rebecca, open the door." I told her.


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