Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

It was 8 at night and I was sitting on my study table, using my laptop. I didn't bother to study today. I allowed myself to not study since it was my birthday. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. My phone was placed beside my laptop so it was easy for me to reach for it and answer it.

"Y'ello?" I answered.

"SKYLAR! Hey! Wanna go out? Just for a short while, please! I didn't spend time with you today!" Tyler's voice begged.

"Okay, when will you be here?" I asked.

Hopefully, he isn't here already.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." He hung up the phone.

I placed my phone on the keyboard of my laptop and lean my head back. It's so tiring! I hate being outside! There are thousands of microorganisms everywhere. Ew. I lean my head forward and stare at my computer screen. I was on YouTube, listening to Ellie Goulding- Love Me Like You Do. I was so addicted to that song that I keep on repeating it. The song was still playing but, it was gonna end soon. I quickly move my mouse to the starting of the song and click on it, replaying the whole song.


"That's the seventh time I heard you playing that song!" Rebecca screamed from her room.

I don't care, if she doesn't like the song then she can cover her ears like how I do whenever Tyler and her are in her room. Gosh, thinking about it makes me wanna puke blood mixed with shit. That's how disgusting it is.

"Skylar!" My mom's voice boomed from downstairs.

Oh, looks like Tyler's here. I jogged to my laptop and close it, making the music stop playing and snatch my phone from my table.

"Coming!" I shouted while running out the room.

I reach the brown stairs and went down, two steps at one time. I know it's dangerous but, I'm gonna die anyways. Forget what I said, I'm too young to die. I jumped when I reach the last three steps, almost falling down, and walk leisurely towards Tyler, who was having a conversation with my mother.Tyler spotted me and his eyes widen with amusement.

"Skylar, you didn't tell me that you stop wetting your bed until you were 10!" Tyler said, placing a hand on his chest.

Crap! My mom just had to tell that! Out of all things, that! But, it was true, I didn't stop wetting my bed until I was 10 and I don't know why. Maybe because I was having dreams about me being in a toilet.

"Mom.." I groaned.

My mom looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. Yea, just shrug your shoulders, as if that would hide me from my embarrassment. I rolled my eyes and walk towards Tyler. I quickly grab his hand and drag him outside before my mom can say anything embarrassing.

"Bye!" Tyler shouted while he walk backwards.

Where are we going now?


Tyler and I was sitting on top of a wall that had a view of the town we live in. The streets were empty and only a few people were walking back from work or going to work. We having school tomorrow so most of the lights were off. It's 10 now and I should be in Dream Land but instead, I'm sitting on top of this wall, eating bread while looking at the view in front of me.

"What do you wanna do when you grow up?" Tyler said, chewing his bread.

"I don't know, I haven't plan yet." I shrug my shoulders, keeping my bread inside my cheeks like a hamster.

"Well, I wanna be a doctor. A surgeon." He said as he stuff the bread into his mouth.

We bought six packets of bread for each of us. So that means 12 packets of bread. Yea, we are very hungry.

"Then I'll be a nurse." I smiled, looking at Tyler.

"Why? So you can keep me from going into the patients room at night?" He smirked.

"Yea, and so I can tutor your stupid brain more." I rolled my eyes playfully.

I jabbed a finger on his head softly, just enough to not make his head pain. He chuckled and crumple the wrapper, taking another packet or bread.

"You promise?" He asked, unwrapping the bread.

I'm not sure whether I want to become a nurse. I was just joking but it seems like he was taking it seriously.

"I'm not sure, I don't even know what I want to be. I was thinking about being a K-pop singer when I was younger but then I realize that my voice sucks as hell." I joked.

"K-pop? You're into K-pop?" He asked in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, but I was, for a few weeks, until I found out that the boy groups wear make-up." I shrugged my shoulders.

Tyler paused for a minute before bursting out into fits of laughter. He even snorted! I just smiled at Tyler. What's so funny? It was true. They do wear make-up! I ignored him and sway my legs with a smile plastered on my face. After a few minutes, Tyler calmed down and stopped laughing.

"Tyler?" I called.

"Hmm?" He hummed in respond.

"Be honest, do you love Rebecca?" I asked.

He kept quiet for awhile.

"No, I don't. I have someone in mind though." He said softly.

I turn to face him with a smile on my face. A huge smile. I don't know why but when he said he doesn't love Rebecca, it made me happy. Usually I'd get angry at him but, this time I'm happy.

"Really? I wonder who's that girl." I teased.

He smiled and look down at the bread on his lap. The bread was half-eaten by Tyler and it had chocolate inside it.

"I don't think I'll ever tell you." He chuckled.

"I don't mind, I'm not interested." I said truthfully.

It's true, I wasn't interested at all. It's his life. But, him treating Rebecca like shit it was also part of my life. Now, I realize that Tyler breaking up with Rebecca was one of the best thing he could ever do. I bet the girl he likes is way better than Rebecca.

"Hey, Skylar." He said, snapping me out from my thoughts.

"Yea?" I said back.

"Wanna skip school and go hiking tomorrow?" He asked.

Hiking? Hiking means working out, working out involves sweat and tiredness. Haha, nope. I'll just say n-

"Yea, I could burn some calories." I nodded my head.

Shit, now I have to exercise. NO! What have I got myself into!? Thinking about it myself makes me feel the pain I have to go through tomorrow. Exercise, yay! Please, note the fucking sarcasm.

"It looks like you're having second thoughts." Tyler chuckled.

"Tyler! I didn't know you can read minds!" I grab my head dramatically.

He chuckled and took a huge bit from his bread.

"It's okay if you don't want to go." He said with his mouth full of chewed bread.

I want to go but, there's exercising! There's sweat and you have to be around those fat, sweaty people. Well, it's not like I'm not fat but whatever! I just don't want to exercise! Just go, Sky. For Tyler's sake. And for yours, you're fat as hell.

"No! I want to go." I smiled at Tyler.

"Sure?" He re-assured me.

I nodded my head and squeeze the bread, making the chocolate come out. It kinda looks like shit coming out from an asshole. It looks like shit, but it isn't shit.

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