Chapter 12

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Chapter 12.

Tyler and I are in my house, eating food that we bought from the mall. My glasses were at the bridge of my nose. I pushed it up a with my wrist too hard and it became really tight. That's what he said.

"Oops, my glasses are too tight." I scrunched up my face to loosen my glasses but failed.

I wanted to use my hands but my hand were really dirty. I used my hand to eat meat. I look at Tyler, who had his elbow on the table while he leaned his chin on his palm with his forearm supporting him. He was looking at me with amusement. Jerk.

"Hey, Tyler. Instead of laying there like a lazy ass, which you are, and help me loosen my glasses." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled and drop his arm to the table. He reach his arm to my face and took off my glasses. Not loosen it, took it off. The lenses were facing him so, he turned it around and place my glasses on his face. And to be honest, he looks cute in my glasses. My glasses are black outside while on the inside was yellow.

"You look prettier without your glasses." He said.

I knew he was joking. Come on, me pretty? Even a genie can't make that come true.

"Yea right. I'm ugly with and without glasses." I rolled my eyes. 

A frown was formed on his face.

"Don't say that." He growled.

Damn, he sounded angry. Why? It's not like insulted him. I insulted myself. 

"Okay, I won't. Chill." I stood up.

He look down at his food, still frowning. He picked up his fork and fiddle with the peas on his plate. I took my plate with my sauce-covered-hands and walk towards the sink. I place the plate on the sink and turn the handle that was attached to the pipe. Warm water started to flow out from the pipe. I place my dirty hands under the flowing water and wiped my hands together, making the sauce disappear from my hands. I'll just put the plates in the dish washer. 

"Still sad?" I asked Tyler.

He kept quiet. Come on, I'm sick and I need some happiness. I walk towards Tyler, who was still picking his food. I grab his face with both of my hands and stare into his eyes, that were behind my glasses.

"Cheer up, buddy." I patted his cheek.

"Okay." He pouted.

"GREAT!" I let go of his face.

I held his hand and intertwine our hands. 

"Is the tutoring session on today?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and stab a pea with his fork. I smiled and ruffled his hair, making him groan in annoyance. I see Tyler as a friend. A very good friend. Me and Tyler are getting closer, as in best friends close and I want it to stay that way.

The front door burst open and in came the one and only, Rebecca. Yay.

"Tyliee!!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes and mentally gag. I look over to Tyler and saw him smiling at Rebecca. It looks more like a fake smile though. Not the happy one that he always have whenever he's with me. When Rebecca turn to close the door, I saw Tyler roll his eyes in annoyance and groaned softly. Gosh, I had to stifle a laugh. 

"Well, I'll leave you two alone." I chuckled.

Tyler's head snap to my direction and he stared at me with pleading eyes. I smirked as Rebecca jumped on top of Tyler's lap. I quickly ran to the staircase before I laugh my ass off. 

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