Chapter 19

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Chapter 19.

Another two more months 'till Tyler, Rebecca, Kyle and I leave school and head to college. So, Tyler and I hung out for a while. Just Tyler and I.

Perfect match isn't it?

Here I am, at Tyler's house, swimming in his gigantic pool. I'm sitting on the edge of a pool, with my legs in the cold water. I've never swam in a long time, the last time I swam was when I was 13, the first time I had my period and after that, I've never gone swimming again.

"Wha'cha thinking about?" Tyler appeared beside me with a can of beer in his right hand.

"Nothing. Just about college and stuff." I sighed.

College. Where I'll be alone, no Tyler or Kyle. It's me, myself and I all over again. I'll have to meet new friends and get a job. I'll have to work and I'm guessing Tyler would be enjoying his life.

"Are you excited about going to college?" He smiled.

I'm not excited at all. I don't want to be an adult. I still want to be a teenager and enjoy it while I can. I regret studying so hard just to get into college. I bet Tyler can't wait to turn 18.

"Yeah. I am." I lied.

We kept quiet for awhile. It was just silence.

"Why do you keep lying?" He looked down with a sad smile on his face.

Lie? I don't lie that much do I?

"I don't." I fought back.

"Yeah you do. So far, I've never gotten the truth." He turn his head to face me.

"Okay, ask me a question and I'll give you an honest answer." I cross my arm over my chest.

He thought for awhile.

"Do you like me?" He look at me with his bright, blue eyes.

Like? There's so much type of 'like' in the world but, I know he's referring to the friendly-like.

"Yeah, I do as a friend." I smiled.

"No, I meant as a crush like." He said.

My heart started to speed up and I could feel my body tensing. Just lie, Skylar. Just to keep your friendship going.

"No! You're my best friend." I let out a shaky breath.

He frowned.

"Stop lying, Skylar!" He shouted.

"I'm not!" I shouted back.

"For fuck's sake! It's so obvious you're lying! In fact, you're a bad fucking liar! Just tell me the truth! I know you like me!" He came closer to me.

"Prove it!" I held my chin high.

"Fine. The way you look at me. The way you react whenever I touch you. The way you cry when I hugged you that day. Oh god! You blush when your best friend calls your pretty! You're not the sarcastic, awesome Skylar anymore!" He scolded me.

"You know what? If you don't believe me, you can fuck off." I said, my voice filled with venom.

I took my legs out from the water and stood up straight. I didn't want to tell Tyler and, look what I've done. Even though I didn't tell him, it'll also ruin our friendship. I turn around and hug my body as a wind pass by me.

"Fine! You can fuck off! I'm not going to see you for the next two months." He shouted from behind.

"So be it." I said loud enough for Tyler.

If it makes him happy, then I'll do it 'cause I'll do anything to make Tyler happy.

Two months later.

I've been in my room, staring at my ceiling for the past few weeks. Yes, I've cried several times before but not as much as I did for the past weeks. Tyler still hasn't spoken to me. In fact, he looks much more happier in school. Let him be. As long as he's happy, I'm happy as a fucking dog in a field.

"Tyler, oh Tyler. Why the fuck do you hurt me?" I plastered a sad smile on my tear-stained face.

I couldn't help it, I just broke down. I fell onto my knees and start to cry. Pathetic. My heart just broke into millions of pieces. Tyler doesn't want to see me before he goes to college. I don't think he ever wants to see this face. I'm not sad, I'm depressed. I'm just heartbroken.

"You stupid, stupid, stupid Skylar! I hate myself! I hate myself for loving someone that hates me! I hate Tyler! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! I hate that you don't notice me! I hate that you see me as your best friend! I hate that you're leaving college! I just fucking hate you! But mostly, I hate myself for being your best friend." I gave out a sad chuckle.

I'm crying over a boy. I'm crying as if everything I have is gone. Which is true because Tyler is my everything.

Tomorrow is our graduation. Which means it'll be the last time I'll be seeing Tyler's beautiful face. I don't want to leave Tyler. Well, it's more like I don't want Tyler to leave me. I just love him to death. Is it possible to love someone so much? Yes. I love him so much that I think it's not true.


"Say cheese!" My mom said from behind the camera.

I tried my best to smile. I'm not happy at all. Today is the last day I'll ever see Tyler. Well, not really. He doesn't hang out with me anymore so, I'm guessing this will be the last time I'll see Tyler.

"This will be in the photo album." My mother said and walked away, leaving me alone.

Once she was out of sight, I saw Tyler laughing along with his friends. His smile also made me smile. It made me cheer up again. I just want to not know that I wasn't his friend anymore. I really hope we can re-unite again. First of all, I didn't know what made him so angry. Is it because he believed that I didn't like him or does he like me? Well, I really hope it's the second one, but this isn't 'Fantasy World'.


Second last chapter? :/

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