Mission #15: Be Brave

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WE: "Dear Diary. Ok, the seven are gone. Wynonna is a bit of a mess right now, but dealing in her way. Which means lots of alcohol at Shorty's. I will talk to her soon. It took a toll on her to deal with the seven, the ones that killed Willa and made her kill Dad. I know she'll be ok. I'm just worried. After this scary moment, we just went through, I feel closer to her, but also distant. She thinks she needs to carry this on her own and that no one can help. I just want her to know I'm here like she is for me.

On another note, I want to talk to Nicole. She was taken by Jack and the fear of losing her was too much to bear. I have never felt this way about anybody and I don't want us to waste any more time. I don't know if she feels the same. She might, but I know she's not going to push me until I'm ready. I think I am. I'm just waiting for the right time to tell her and see where this is going. It's my first time having to deal with these feelings especially with a girl so I'm even more scared of what everybody will think. Well.. not just anybody, Wynonna. Hopefully, if it works out with Nicole, Wynonna will accept me too"

Waverly goes into work and sees Aunt Gus talking to a man who looks like a buyer. Shorty's isn't the most luxurious place, but Waverly has worked here since she was little and Shorty was like family to her. Pete, an old friend from high school, walks up to the bar.
P: "The usual, please. I heard about you and Champ by the way. He never treated you right, Waverly. So I was thinking...any man in Purgatory would be lucky to have you. And I was also thinking that.." Waverly interrupts him before he makes a complete fool out of himself.
WE: "That you should find a gal like me, only taller, right? So that she can get up in that custom-lifted tricked-out pickup of yours?" Waverly hopes she let him down easy, but she's not interested in any man, boy-man, or anyone right now except Nicole.

Wynonna arrives at the bar and shoos Pete away. She looks at Gus then at Waverly.
WE: "Gus is getting an offer to buy the bar."
WyE: "No one's taking the bar. No one is ever taking anything from us again." Wynonna goes after the man to try and persuade him not to buy the bar. Waverly tries convincing Gus not to sell, but she's thinking about it a lot. Waverly leaves her shift and goes to the police station to find Nicole. She almost walks in when Nicole comes out startling her.
WE: "Woah, where's the hold-up?" She jokes and puts her hands up. Nicole is distracted and does not get the joke much.
NH: "Right, sorry. Um, can we talk?" Nicole is desperate to know more about the Earp situation.
WE: "Yeah, we're totally overdue." Waverly gets a little nervous. She wanted to do this in private, not walking around the streets.
NH: "I'm not crazy right? There's something going on here."
WE: "Yeah, I'm not sure I'm ready to get into it yet."
NH: "Why?"

Waverly thinks Nicole is really getting to the point without any hesitation. She wonders what happened to the girl that was giving her the time to figure things out.
WE: "Because it's different for me right? And it's... it's really personal."
NH: "Yeah but it's personal for everybody. I mean people must know. They must whisper about it." Waverly panics and looks around.
WE: "God! I hope not. I only just discovered it when I met you."
NH: "Me?"
WE: "Yeah you're kind of special."

NH: "Ok, uh, maybe I'm a bit more open-minded, but it's not like I have a mystical gift or something. Waverly giggles at the thought.
WE: "No, I get it. You're a lesbian, not a unicorn right?"
NH: "What?"
WE: "What?" Waverly and Nicole both look at each other confused.
NH: "You're making fun of me?"
WE: "No, I'm sorry. Don't you want to talk?"
NH: "I want the truth." Nicole leaves exasperated. Waverly stares at her in disbelief.
WE: "Huh. I think I'd do better with a unicorn."

Waverly goes home and gets changed. She writes about what happened with Nicole in her diary, but it still doesn't make sense. She thinks they were having two very different conversations and nothing went the way she had planned it. She is walking around mad at Nicole for how she acted and is almost at the edge of town when she sees Nicole's cruiser. Nicole sounds the siren looking guilty at Waverly, but she just scoffs and keeps walking.

NH: "Waverly, what are you doing?"
WE: "Being alone. I want to be alone."
NH: "Alright. Well, you've reached the edge of town so any further out and you will freeze to death. Just get in the car."
WE: "No thank you." Waverly is annoyed at how cute Nicole is for coming to find her after their disagreement.
NH: "I've got a taser. Don't you make me use it." Nicole smiles in her adorable way and Waverly melts.

Waverly gets in the car and sits there, arms crossed, looking forward, avoiding Nicole's stare.
NH: "Ok... I'll start. I'm sorry for being such an asshole before."
WE: "First you want to talk. Then you don't want to talk. Then you tell me to talk so I talk."
NH: "Well maybe we should figure out what it is we're talking about."
WE: "Gus is selling Shorty's. She acts like she won't, but she is. Everything is changing around, but it's all too fast you know. And nobody asks me if I'm ok with it. It's like can everybody just stand still for one freaking minute?!"

Waverly sighs deeply and feels Nicole's hand on her leg.
NH: "Hey. it's gonna be okay."
WE: "I just yelled at you. You shouldn't be nice to me."
NH: "Well I think you've just been dating too many shitheads."
WE: "We're not dating."
NH: "I know. God, Waverly I would never ask you to be something you're not."
WE: "Good. then don't ask me to be anyone at all."
NH: "Fine."
WE: "Fine."

They both look out each other's windows and sigh. Waverly tries reaching out.
WE: "Well maybe just friends."
NH: "Yeah sure, Waverly whatever you like." Nicole is mad at the situation, but she understands how Waverly feels too. The confusion that comes with these feelings sometimes is too much. She thinks Waverly isn't ready yet and it's better if they just stay friends. She starts the car and takes Waverly to Shorty's. She goes back to the station to work on some paperwork since Nedley is not usually there at this hour. Waverly gets dressed up for work to help out a bit and sees Gus signing some papers.
WE: "So you sold it?"

GG: "Decisions had to be made. I know you don't believe me, but you were not born to be a barmaid."
WE: "I know, but I have like three t-shirts that say 'Shorty's' on them."
GG: "You can stay and work if you want honey. It's on the contract. Gus hands her a check.
WE: "What's this?"
GG: "Freedom. You've been doing what others want you to do for so long. Now you can do whatever it is you want."
WE: "Which is what?"

GG: "Live your life. Remember: some of the best things in life are the surprises it throws at us about what we want, who we want."
WE: "Is it that noticeable?"
GG: "Honey, that girl has heart eyes written all over her face. You, when you talk about her everything about you lights up. So go for it." Waverly thanks Gus for the push she needed and drives to the station. She finds Nicole sitting at her desk helping one of the locals. She breathes in and goes to talk to her.

She's been thinking about what to say or do, but nothing seems right so she just acts.
WE: "Hey! Nedley out for dinner?"
NH: "Uh, you mean happy hour at Shorty's?"
WE: "Yeah."
NH: "Same time every day is kinda like clockwork." Waverly walks past Nicole into Nedley's office and starts closing the blinds. Nicole walks in. "Waves!" Waverly moves Nicole out of the way and closes the door. "What is your problem? I don't understand." Waverly shuts Nicole up with a kiss. A desperate kiss leads them to the couch. Nicole pushes Waverly off gently. "What happened to friends?"

WE: "You know what I've always wanted?"
NH: "What?" Nicole is in disbelief of what is happening but lets Waverly express herself.
WE: "To parachute out of a plane at 50 thousand feet. Yeah, to swim far, far into the ocean until I can't see the bottom anymore. To eat geoduck."
NH: "Isn't that the one that kinda looks like a p...?"

WE: "Yeah it is. The point is I've always wanted to do things that scared me, you know. Well, it's not so easy to be brazen when the thing that you want that scares you to death is sitting right in front of you."
NH: "I scare you?" Now Nicole is starting to understand Waverly more.
WE: "Yes, yes you do because I don't want to be friends. When I think about what I want to do most in this world...it's you."

Nicole smiles and Waverly just covers her face a little.
WE: "Oh, God. that sounded so much more romantic in my head. Just, uh, jump in anytime Nicole because I really, really don't know how to do this." Nicole smirks.
NH: "Oh sure you do." Waverly's confidence falters looking at Nicole.
WE: "Maybe I should just stop talking."

NH: "See? You're getting better at this already." Nicole pulls Waverly closer by her scarf.
WE: "Maybe you should stop talking too."
NH: "Well maybe you should make me." Waverly kisses Nicole with less desperation, but still excited. She feels like she's being moved and it's Nicole placing Waverly onto the couch laying on top of her. They continue kissing for a few minutes, smiles radiating from their faces.

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