System :)

103 4 14

I wish I could die peacefully. To tell the truth I'm not that really religious type of person , but that doesn't mean that I don't believe god exist, okay! . But still other than that I can't believe that I'm dead by stepping a fucking banana peel !

What the actual fuck is going on? As I was saying I die and I wake up in a strange looking ass white room well all is just plain white , no furniture or windows , hence I need to sign a fucking contract with weird machine -_- , well it called itself system 062 . That it ! That's sound so fucking ridiculous ! . The weird machine said if I didn't sign the contract I will go to hell , what the fuck? well of course I fucking sign the contract, by force of course !

Plus I didn't know where the hell am I right now ! Since I already sign the contract, well basically me and the weird machine bound together , I can't believe there's a day I will die and meet a weird machine. Well back to the topic , as I said I'm dead right? Well the weird ass machine said that I need to transmigrated to another body to complete tasks that has been given.

At first I though is just a silly ass joke , but man I don't think is a joke anymore! . Well yeah I kinda admit that , is sound fun to do so , since my life is already plain boring. I admit that but that means if I'm dead I won't be able to continue my manga , manhwa and anime which I waited for weeks to be uploaded ! Ok screw it that's much worse than I expected !

Right now I have been transmigrated to a stranger body , which is a female body... thanks god that I'm a female. Well I mean if I transmigrated to a male body I will probably rather die and freak out by that cause I mean I'm been a virgin for my entire life ! Well that embarrassed to say but still. Not to say that I never try to date ! Is just that I'm attracted to 2D characters...Uhhhh well let's not talk about that. I can't believe I just exposed myself !

" ....Host are you done zoning out?? "

"Aaahh....What the fuck don't scare me like that weird ass machine ! " Laura shock off her zoning thoughts.

"-__- Host FOR THE LAST TIME ! , I'm not some weird machine ! I have a name called SYSTEM 062 !! " the system say in piss off tone.

" .... Is that even a name? " she said teasingly

"...anyway host did you know what are you going to do ? For this mission ?"

" I have no idea, so what's it again? " she say smiling awkwardly while rubbing her back of her neck.

"Host this is the last time I will repeat what I had just said" the machine trying to control its anger.


Well is been sooooo long guys , well back then my English really bad asf (2019) . Well I'm just bored since my result has been announced last week, so I thought why not write story ? Welp since I want to improve my English so bad UWU .

PS :Well my English grammar still hella bad 😂

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