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"Oh hey I just remembered, we got this package yesterday." Midnight grabbed the package and placed it in front of Aizawa. "Why give it to me?" Aizawa questioned holding the box. "So we can open it together! We never get sent a box. It's probably fan mail for all of us since it wasn't addressed to anyone."

Aizawa placed the box on the table and grabbed some box openers. "HEy You guys!! What are you doing!?" Present Mic walked in. "Oh glad you could make it mic, were about to open this box. I believe its fan mail or someth-" "What the FUCK is this?" Aizawa stepped back. "Hm?" Midnight looked in the box. "Ew what the fuck is it?" "Thats what I asked." "Hm looks like some ashes and teeth." Present Mic looked in the box.

"Well yea." Midnight looked up. "Should we just discard it? I mean it could just be a harmless threat from some low life villain." Midnight grabbed her coffee and drank it. "I guess- woah hey a letter!" Present mic reached into the box. "How the fuck can you just reach into it so causal? Aizawa gagged. "Eh you get used to it." Mic winked as he opened the letter. "What the fuck?" Aizawa whispered.

Mic read the letter then looked at both Midnight and Aizawa blanked face. "What sick joke man! Uhm by the way, you know that you have a student absent Aizawa?" "Hm?" "What might be their name?" Present Mic nervously smiled. "Oh Momo Yaoyorozu." "Oh shit." 

"What was does the letter say?" Midnight curiously asked. "Read it yourself." Mic handed the letter to Midnight. Aizawa huddled near Midnight to read the letter too. It read "If you're curious to where a Momo Yoayorozu went. Here is your answer. P.S She fucking deserved this."  "So those ashes a-are." Midnight stepped back dropping her mug. "W-well we have no actual proof those are hers. They might just be grandma ashes."

"Well we have her teeth. Should we check her dental record?" Mic asked. "Well thats probably why they added them." Aizawa sighed. "Well how long would it be to get her records?" Midnight asked. "Maybe later today? After school we can all check to see if i-its really h-her." "I really hope not. We don't want to get sued." Midnight picked up the broken mug. 

"I hope this is just a coincidence." Aizawa sighed again.


You sadly did not spend the night with the league. You went back to the dorms to finish the homework you had procrastinated on. "Augh I can't wait until they get it." Denki slumped on your bed. "I bet they already have it, there just going to open it tomorrow." You finished a problem.

"That will show them to fear the league!" You raised your hands up. "Oh uhm actually, I- heh didn't send the photo." Denki sat up and nervously smiled. "WHAT?!" You spun in your chair facing him. "How would they know its us?! They could think its the mafia or something!?" You yelled at Denki. 

"Y/N I'm sorry! But keep it down, people are going to wonder what you're talking about." Denki put his finger to his mouth. "Sorryy. Did you even tell the league?" You whispered. "No cause they'll yell at me." Denki made a sad face.

"You're such a crybaby." You threw your pencil case at him. "Ack hey!" He threw a pillow back. You both fought throwing things until you ran out of things. "Oops, hey give me my homework. Accidentally threw that."

You both feel asleep after you were done with your homework. You dreamt that both Momo and Shoto were burning in dabis fire. "Y/N get up. Come on lazy ass!" You felt someone shaking you. "ah hm." You started to wake up. "Come on we need to be early!" You felt someone push you. "Ack!?" You fell of the bed.

"What the fuck man?" You stood up and pulled Denki off the bed. "Well that woke you up. Come on get ready I wanna be extra early." Denki winked. You smiled and got ready in 30 minutes. "Alright lets go!" You and Denki ran to class. "Hey Aizzawaa!" Denki strut into class. "Hey teach." You followed behind.

"Oh uhm morning." Aizawa stood still. You and Denki went to sit down and wait for the others. "Do you think they got the package?" You whispered to Denki. "Maybe he looks more awake then usual." "Good morning Aizaw- oh hello Y/N. Denki." Shoto walked into class. 

"Hey Shoto! What are you doing here so early." You asked. "Hm I should be saying the same for you guys." Shoto walked to you. "Well we woke up early so we decided to come here." You smiled and kissed Shoto. "So Y/N, are you now free tonight?" Shoto took a seat next to you. 

"Oh yea I'm free." "So do you want to go out to eat like we planned yesterday?" "Oh yea sure!" You smile and get excited. Mmm free food. You thought. "So where do you want to g-" "Get off my seat fucking icyhot." You looked up to see Bakugo. "Oh hey Bakugo." Shoto got up and headed towards his desk.

"Bye icyhot!" You jokingly said. "What even were you just talking about?" Bakugo angrily questioned. "Ah nothing that concerns you." You faced forward which made Bakugo mad.

"Hey, answer the damn questio-" "Alright class, please sit down and pay attention." Aizawa interrupted. "Tch." "Ok, I have a question for you all. Has anyone heard or seen of Yaoyorozu?" Aizawa asked the class.

"No I haven't." "Nope." "Nu uh." "Yaoyorozus gone?!" "I don't pay attention to anyone other than myself."

"Ohm, well shes probably with her family. Lets continue with clas-

"ITS FUCKING HER." Present Mic entered the room traumatized. "N-no you're lying aren't you?!" Aizawa stared at Mic. "No. He isn't. HE FUCKING ISN'T." Midnight was behind him. Aizawa eyes widened as he started where Momo used to sit. "Class dismissed." Aizawa left the class.

Thank you for reading!

Bro I just got done reading A silent voice vol 5 woahh 😳 

Bro I just got done reading A silent voice vol 5 woahh 😳 

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