Chapter Five

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If you have read up to here thanks! Thank you for the support on my story and enjoy reading. Also warnings: Swearing, and grammar.

George's pov:
I get in the car as Dream shuts the door and gets in from the drivers seat. "George I will never understand why you don't like me." Dream says backing out of the driveway. "Because I don't like players, I like people that are actually nice, and don't use people then leave them. I've been at this school for about 4 days Dream! And your already shoving up at my house!" I yell looking out my window and crossing my arms. "Your right, I'm sorry, I've been moving fast George. But when you like someone you just want to be with them, and your like a addition, I don't know if it's because your hard to get or what it is but I'm addicted to you." Dream says looking at me. "I.." I was speechless, no one has ever said that to me before and I didn't know what to answer with. "George?" Dream said pulling up to the school, "I don't know what to say..." I say out loud. "Let's just head inside.." I say tripping out of the car, I had been wearing black sweatpants and a blue t shirt with a white box in the middle, with my vans that had some how gotten untied. "Fuck." I say standing up with my arm bleeding. "George are you okay?!" Dream says getting out of his car and running by me. "No yeah I'm fine.. I'll meet you inside." I say standing up. "I'll walk up with you." Dream said smiling. "No, it's fine.. go walk with Lydia, you guys have the same first class anyways." I say looking over at her. There had been a crowd of 5 girls giggling and looking at Dream. "George-" Dream started to say. "Just go." I say seeing Niki get out of her car and walk towards me. "Ooooh, your with Dream." She said smiling. "I meant what I said george." Dream said walking towards Lydia. "He randomly showed up to my house this morning and my mom let him in, IN MY ROOM!" I yelled covering my eyes, Niki bursted out laughing. "Anyways.." Niki said as soon as she was done laughing. "You made it on the team." "Yay!" I say smiling while we walk up to the school. I take a glance at Lydia and see her grinning at me while holding Dream close to her and putting her hands on him. "Lydia annoys me so much," I say sighing "why does she annoy you, I mean I have many reasons but why you?" She says looking at me, I looked back where Lydia and Dream where and Lydia was going in for a kiss. I stopped walking and stood there watching them. "Oh shit." Niki said seeing Lydia kiss Dream. "Should have known.." I mumbled. "I don't hate Lydia anymore." I say walking faster then Niki. "I hate Dream."

I walk into my first class and sit down. "Hey bitch face, your little boyfriend isn't here to save you anymore." Techno whispers from the row behind me. "Fuck off Techno." I say. "Woah, someone's not in a good mood." Techno adds. "Is it because of this?" Techno laughs showing me a picture of Lydia kissing Dream. "Fuck Dream.." I say putting my head on my table. "Oh now you hate him?" Techno says smiling. "I never liked him.." I said looking at Techno. "Why don't you like him?" "Dream.. he always was better then me at everything, one day we were practicing football and my girlfriend called him "hot", and said "what? It's just a compliment." Smiling." Techno said pointing to his eye were a long scar was. "He did this to me George." Techno said in a angered voice. "Oh I'm sorry, but why do you hate me then?" I said confused. "Oh, because I knew it would make Dream mad, and all I've ever wanted to do was make him mad." "Oh I see, but why did you have to punch me?" "You ask a lot of questions George." Techno says clearly annoyed. "But I know how to make Dream mad.." techno said smiling.

"This is Dreams ex, Maze." Techno said still smiling. "Pretend your dating her to make Dream jealous. "I don't know.." I said. "Techno was right, your short." She said. "We're the same height!" I yell back. "And a bottom.." "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" I say annoyed. "I don't her, she's rude." I say turning to Techno. "Shit, whatever." Techno says telling maze to leave. "We can ask Quackity?" Techno says smiling. "Doesn't he like Sapnap?" I say confused. "Yeah but we can tell them what's happening so they know it's not real. Plus dating someone from his football team would make him even more jealous.

"Okay." Sapnap says laughing. "Your fine with it Sapnap?" Quackity says looking at him. Sapnap kissed Quackity, "it's all fake." Sapnap said, "plus I wanna see how Dream is when he's jealous, 100$ added to my bank." Sapnap says smiling. "What?" I ask confused. "Shit, nothing-" Sapnap says trying his best to smile. "Uh okay," I say "here's the plan" Techno started saying. As I was listening to the plan I looked over to my side and say Dream looking confused as he walked over to us. "Techno I thought I told you to stay away from him.." Dream said arriving to the group. "I was just leaving." "I'll be going with Sapnap and Quackity today" I say walking next to Quackity."Wait aren't Sapnap and Quackity together?" Dream asked confused. "We've decided to just stay friends." Sapnap says smiling. "Anyways we will meet you there." Quackity said grabbing my hand and taking me away from Dream.

Dreams pov:
I had walked up to Lydia and she asked to take a picture with me. I knew she asked for Techno to find out where George lived, but I didn't want to be rude. "Dream.." she said in a flirty way grabbing my shoulders. "Uhm.." I said trying to back up. She leaned in and kissed me, before I could pull away I saw George out of the corner of my eye looking at me. Shit shit shit.. I thought to myself pulling her off and trying to get to him. I was to late and I had to walk back towards Lydia. "Why did you pull off?! I have everything you need Dream!" "Lydia I don't like you." I said walking inside. "Fine!" I heard her yell. After first class I saw Techno, Dream, Sapnap, and Quackity. "Techno I thought I said leave George alone?!" I say coming up to them. "I was just leaving." Techno said smiling. "I'll be going with Sapnap and Quackity today." George says walking next to Quackity. "Aren't Quackity and Sapnap dating?" I asked "we've decided to just stay friends," Sapnap said smiling at me. "Well we will meet you there." Quackity says grabbing george's hand and walking down the hallway. "What the fuck just happened-" Dream said looking at Sapnap. "I just gained 100$." He said walking away. "I don't care about your stupid bet anymore." I yelled but Sapnap was already gone.

George's pov:
We all sat in a circle again, this time it was just me, Sapnap, Quackity, and Dream. "Truth or dare Sapnap?" Dream asked him "truth." "Why where you talking to Techno?" Dream quickly says. "To discuss something.." Sapnap answered. That technically was the truth because we were discussing a plan. "George, truth or dare?" Sapnap said. "Dare." I said smiling. "Play 7 minutes in heaven with Quackity." "What no." Dream says standing up. "Dream sit back down, it's just a game." Sapnap said as Dream slowly sat back down. Me and Quackity went into the closet. "Remember this is all fake it's just to make Dream jealous." Quackity says grabbing my neck. "Okay-" I said. Quackity hit the wall with his fist to make it sound like we were doing something. "That's it." Dream said opening the closet, Quackity heard Dream say "thats it." So he quickly put his mouth up to my neck to make it look bad. "Don't touch him.." Dream yelled grabbing Quackity and throwing him on the ground. "Dream holy shit it was just a prank." Quackity said laughing. "What?" Dream said turning towards me. "Then why the fuck is his neck red?" "Because techno told us to make it look like we did something for the prank!" Quackity and Sapnap laughed. I shook my head yes as he turned to me. "Whatever it's time for you guys to go.." Dream says sitting on his bed grabbing his forehead. "Well me and Quackity want to go home so can you take George home?" Sapnap said walking out of the room. "Yeah, sure." Dream said grabbing his keys off the table standing up next to his bed. "Let's go." Dream says looking a little annoyed.

"You can't be annoyed with me?!" I yelled walking towards him. "When you pull that type of shit with my best friend, yeah I can be!" He said "it was a prank! And I saw you kissing Lydia earlier, so what did you expect?! Me to fall In love with you when you kiss Lydia?!" I yell standing in front of him, after I said that he pushed me onto the bed. "What the fuck?!" I yell trying to get up. "I'm sorry-" Dream says kissing me. "Get the fuck off me!" I yelled rolling over and standing up. "I'm sorry," Dream said shaking his head. "I couldn't resist myself.." He says looking me in the eyes. "That's it, there's nothing special about me okay?! Stop trying to make out with me! And stop pretending you like me saying "I couldn't resist" after kissing other girls right in front of me!" I yell running out of his bedroom. "Fuck, wait George let me explain." Dream says following me. I run into the bathroom and sit behind the door after locking it. "George I'm sorry, it's not what it seems I swear." He said taking a seat by the door as well. "I'm sorry George .. please come out.."

Thanks for reading this chapter! It took a while to write so hopefully you enjoyed it! Remember this is a completely made up story.

Words: 1739

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