Chapter Six

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Warning: swear words and grammar, remember this is all fake!

George's pov:
"George please come out.." I hear Dream say on the other side of the door while I look into the mirror. "Dream just explain from right there!" I yell hitting the door. "George!" Dream yells. "Don't hurt yourself." "I punched the door Dream, I'm sure I'm fine." I say looking back into the mirror, my fist was red from punching the door but it didn't hurt that much. "Fine, I didn't know Lydia was going to kiss me, I swear, and right after she did I pulled away. I told her I didn't like her and I went to find you but you were already in class.." Dream said. "How do I know your not lying.." I said sitting down next to the door again. "Look George, I would never kiss that two faced bitch, I swear." Dream said standing up and trying to open the door again. "Dream.." I said before I got a message..

Please have Dream drop you off at home in 10 minutes, I have something for him. -Mom

What did she have for Dream? I thought to myself. "W-who messaged you?" Dream said, he had gotten quiet. I look up and see the door open, he had picked the lock. "Look George, I'm sorry." He said walking up to me. "I don't like Lydia I like you." He said smiling. "I don't like you.." I said looking away. "But I guess we're cool."I said slightly smiling, " my mom wants you to drop me off at home, she said she has something for you as well." I said looking back at him. " ok shall we?" He said smiling. "We shall." I said acting like a Queen.

Have Dream grab a pair of clothes and anything he would need to sleep over -Mom

He's not sleeping over-
Read: 8:20pm.

"My mom said to have you grab anything you need to sleep over, don't get the idea you are cause I told her your not." I said. "And what was her response?" He said laughing. "She just read it.." I said punching his arm. "Ow, I'm dying.. call 911.." he says in a sarcastic tone dropping to the ground dramatically.

Dream pulled into the drive way and we saw my moms car light on with bags In it. "What's going on?" I ask walking inside. "I'm going to a hotel for a few days to relax from the stress of moving again, and since Dream seemed mature with being here before you even woke up completely ready to go to school, I've decided to have him watch over you and make you don't burn down my house down, if that's fine with you Dream?" She says looking up at him. "WHAT?!" I yell "HIM, WATCH OVER ME?!" I yell. "Lower your voice, especially at your own mother." Dream said smiling. "Thank you dream!" She said "ok bye George! And by mr. "hottest guy in our school. And he grabbed my neck.. smiles cutely." My mom said dramatically mocking me and running out of the door quickly. "MOTHER!" I yell chasing after her but before I can get to her she drives off. Great I was stuck in the same house as Dream for a while, she didn't even say when she was getting back either. "So you liked when I put my hand around your neck?" Dream said smirking as I walked in the door. "Don't even mention what she just did." I said covering my eyes in embarrassment. "So since I'm in charge of you for the next few days and tomorrow is Friday, would you like to go to the movies?" He says looking around my kitchen. "Sure, and I'll show you to my room. I said helping him carry up some bags of clothes.

I had unpacked my room a bit more so it looked pretty cool, it had led lights and a tv with a bed and a few more boxes to unpack. "This looks pretty cool." Dream said setting down his bags. "Thanks, I have to put my cheer uniform on and FaceTime Niki, we were going to practice on phone tonight after I ate dinner. "Okay, I'll put on some music or something." Dream said grabbing the remote from the table next to my bed. I put my uniform on and looked in the mirror. The uniform looked so cool! It reminded me of Dreams uniform for football. I walked into my room and grabbed my phone. "Y-you look great as always.." Dream said looking at the ceiling. I called Niki and waited for her to answer. "Hey geor-" she said seeing Dream laying on my bed in the background. "IS THAT DREAM?!" She shout so loud I thought my phone was going to fall. "HES ON YOUR BED?!" Niki shouted again. "Were just having a little sleep over." Dream say smirking in the background. "Dream!" I yelled turning my head towards him. "Anyways, he's here because my mom didn't trust me alone at the house for the next few days so she asked Dream to "watch" me." I said rolling my eyes. "Damn.." I heard Dream mumble underneath his breath shaking his head no. "What was that?" I turned around asking. "Uh nothing.." Dream said rolling his eyes. "Now that is couple behavior," Niki said jumping with excitement. " "we're not dating. " Dream started. "But if you want.." he says looking at me. "Shut up." I said laughing. Soon the call ended and I went to change. "Why don't you just wear your uniform to bed?" Dream asks looking in the opposite direction. "That's like me asking why you can't wear yours when it's full of mud. I say walking back to the bathroom, I heard Dream sigh as I shut the bathroom to the door. "Nice try." I said laughing. "It was a good one, you gotta admit." He said laughing back. I lay down facing the opposite side of  Dream, "when are you moving to the living room?" I ask half asleep. "Do I have toooo?" Dream said in a whining voice. "Fine, only cause I'm tired and I don't feel like trying to push you out." I said falling asleep. "Point Dream." He said also falling asleep.

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