Chapter One

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⚠️Disclaimer: everything in this story is completely fake! It contains swear words as well.⚠️

George's pov:
"FCUK YOU!!" I scream out my window blaring music. "FUCK YOU!!" I scream again at all the people at my old school. "GeorgeNotFound!" My mother says, you know your fucked when they say your full name. "Just because we are leaving the twon doesn't mean you can blare music and yell "FUCK YOU" To everyone." My mom adds. "Whatever, they definitely deserved it, Especially the teachers. "Oh that's right on your last day of school I heard you fought a teacher?!" My mom yells as she turns towards me. "If it's my last day then they should just let me chill, not give me a 10 page test." I say putting my arm out the window. "That doesn't mean you chase them with a fucking stapler!" My mom shouts at me putting her eyes back onto the road. "George.." my mom says sounding disappointed. "I know.. "be good in this next town because I don't want to move again" I get it.." I say putting my head on the window. "Look I'm sorry, I know you losing your father has took a big turn on us but that doesn't mean your a "bad kid" okay?" My mother says looking at me. "I know.." I say as she puts her eyes back on the road. "I know.." I mumble.

"Shit," I say running into a table. "Ow, fuck fuck fuck.." I say putting down everything I was carrying. "Watch your language!" My mother yells as she sets down the other boxes. "Now we have have to unpack." My mom says closing the front door. "But you should head to bed, you have your first day in another new school Tomorrow and we wouldn't want you to be late." "Okay, goodnight." I say doing our secret handshake. "Night night." She yells as I walk up to my new room. So far I just had some clothes and my bed unpacked, my room looked pretty epmty, although it looked like this everywhere we were, my mom, dad, and I would move a lot because my dad liked to travel and do research, but my dad recently cheated on my mother then died a few days later. So that was a turn of events huh? Anyways I should probably go to bed, good night reader.

"George! Georgenotfound!" My mother yells to wake me up. "I'm awake I'm awake!" I yell sitting up and rubbing my eyes, "well hurry up! Your already late!" My mom yells, I check the time and it's 7:30am, school starts at 7:45. "I have 15 minutes!" I yelled and rushed out of bed. I got dressed and ran down stairs. Hurry we got to go!" My mother said opening the front door. "Okay okay!" I yelled following her. "Don't yell at me mr!" She said getting into the car "sorry-" I say buckling up, about 10 minutes later we arrived and everyone was already going inside. "Bye mom." I say getting out of the car and running up to the school doors. I ran to my locker which I had put everything in when we were taking a tour of the school on Sunday, it was Monday now. I grabbed my books and ran to my first class.

As I walked into the class there were so many eyes on me, I felt like slumping down into a chair and hiding myself. "Everyone, this is George. He is new here so please treat him how you want to be treated." The teacher said. "Thank you Mrs.?" I say trying to read her name tag. "I'm Mrs. captain puffy, but I go by Mrs. c." She said smiling. "Ok thank you." I say walking to the 2nd row closest to the back. "Ow," I say as I pick up a pencil that was thrown at me. "Nerd." The guy behind me said. I turned around facing the teacher and tried to act like nothing happened when he threw another pencil. "Teachers pet." He said this time. "What's your problem?" I asked him turning around in my seat. "Nothing, just welcoming you to the class." He says laughing. "Technoblade!" The teacher yells. "No talking nor laughing right now." The teacher yells, I throw the pencils behind me randomly and happened to hit the guy in the face. "Ow, what the fuck?!" He says covering his eye. "Treat people how you want to be treated." I said to him taking notes. "Bitch.." he mumbles.

As I walk out of class I drop my book, I go to grab it when the guy that sat behind me, kicks it. "Do you got a problem with me or something?" I say standing up, the guy was much taller then me and looked as if he could knock me out in one punch. "Look, I've been kicked out of many schools, lemme guess, your the 6ft football player that likes to hurt new students?" I say turning my back to him. "How did you know I played football-?" He said as I laughed. "Lucky guess." I smiled then went to get my book. I grab my book from off the ground and start walking threw the hallway. Everyone was at lunch except for the football players and the pick me girls that watch them then pretend they actually like football. I turned the corner of the hallway running in to someone that looks like they are 6'4 feet tall , I fall over on to the ground, "watch where your going dude." The other guy said getting up, he had dirty blonde hair, a football uniform and a football in his hand. Whatever, I think to myself getting up. I go sit at an empty table and play on my phone. "Hey!" I hear someone say as they sit down. "Hello?" I say looking up to see two people who look around 17. "I'm Tommy, "says one of them "I'm Tubbo!" Says the other. "I'm George.." I say putting my phone down. "Where's your lunch?" They say sitting down. "I'm not hungry," I respond. " we'll want to go talk outside?" They ask standing back up. "Uh isn't that we're the football players are?" I ask. "Yeah we're friend with the captain of the team." Tommy says coming to my side of the table. "Oh ok," I say getting up. "So your new? Tell us about your self" Tubbo says excited. "Well I'm George, short for Georgenotfound, I'm bi, and I like video games a lot. I say walking with them. "Oh that's cool!" Tubbo says. "I'm Tubbo! I'm straight and I love bee's!" He says pulling out his phone which had a bee phone case on it. I laughed "and I'm Tommy, short for Tommyinnit, I love women and they love me." He says making a serious face. I couldn't help but laugh.

We finally got outside where the football players were practicing. "Big D!" Tommy yells, it was the same person who had bumped into me earlier. "Oh hi again, sorry for being so rude earlier I was in a rush." He said to me looking down at me. "Your kinda short." He says. "Dream stop flirting with our new friend." Tommy says. "Tommy I've told you before not to call me "big D"." Dream says looking at Tommy. "Ayyy Big Q." Tommy says. Dream laughed, "Hey guys." Quackity said standing next to Dream. "This is our only short football player." Dream laughs, we all laughed with him. "I'm not short! I'm legit so tall and you guys just can't see it!" He says walking away. "Dream introduce yourself to George!" Tommy said. "Hello George, I'm Clay, but people call me Dream, I'm bi and I like football. He said smiling. "He's also dirty minded!" Tommy includes. "Tommy I will murder you." Dream says. "I'm a minor!" Tommy yells and runs by Tubbo. "Well hello, I'm George, It's short for Georgenotfound, I'm bi, I love video games and I'm 18." I said to Dream. I've also been kicked out of 12 schools, but let's tell him that later. "Ok well your more then welcome to watch us practice," Dream says running back onto the field. I walk back towards Tommy and Tubbo who seem to be taking to a cheerleader. "Hello!" She says to me. "Uh hello..?" I say standing in the middle of Tommy and Tubbo. "I'm Niki! I'm bi, but I'm more into girls. And I love shopping with friends! I'm a good friend of Tommy's and Tubbo's!" She says. "Oh, well I'm George, short for Georgenotfound, I'm 18 an bi. I'm also a little colorblind. "What??" Tommy and Tubbo say at the same time. "Yeah.." I laugh. "That's kinda cool I guess." Tubbo says sitting down on the outside bleachers. We all took a seat to watch the football players till the bell would ring, correction, they did. I played on my phone."what class do you have new guy?" Dream says coming up to me. "Oh uh, math I'm pretty sure." I say putting my phone down. "I do too, let me walk you there. Meet me inside in 10", He says walking away. "You just got asked to be walked to class by DREAM!" Someone says coming down the bleachers. "Oh? What about it?" I say standing up. "He's the hottest football player here! Just be careful I heard he's a player." They said walking away. "Don't worry, Dreams a nice guy." Tommy says grabbing his bag. "Me and Tommy have science but we will see you later!" Tubbo says smiling. "Bye! Tell us how it goes with Dream." Tommy says walking away with Tubbo.

Dreams pov-
"Hey! Big D!" I hear Tommy shout from the side of the field, I run over and it seems like someone new is with them. "Oh hi again, sorry for being so rude earlier, I was in a rush." I said looking down at them. "Your pretty short.." I say to them. "Dream stop flirting with our new friend." Tommy says looking at me. "Tommy, how many times have I told you not to call me big D?" I say looking at him. "Ayyy big Q.." Tommy says. I take a laugh. "Hey guys." Quackity said. "I swear this is our only short football player" I say laughing, I notice they join me in laughing to. "I'm not short! I'm legit so tall and you guys just can't see it!" He says walking away. "Dream introduce your self to George, " Tommy said.

After that I ran back into the field and went up to Sapnap. Hey, you think the new guy is easy to play?" I say looking at George. "I don't know, let's make a bet." Sapnap says. "I'm listening," I reply. "I bet 100$ you can't play him and break his heart in under a month. "Bet, easiest 100$ I've ever made, after practice I run up to George. "What class do you have next new guy?" I say holding my helmet in one arm. "Oh uh, math I'm pretty sure." He answered. Easiest 100$ ever I thought to myself. "Ok cool me too, I'll walk you to class meet me inside in 10. I say walking away. "Easiest 100$ ever." I whisper to Sapnap as I pass by.

Hopefully you enjoyed this! I spent a little more time on it then my other story so it would be better!

Words: 1901

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