spoic e was a hired asasin , the besdt in the world, and dark oak was hired to kill the kilkler, the plan was for dark oak to ask space on a dagte and poison spaces drinlk, however, nobody counted on dark oak falling madlhy in love with their target. the date went as planned, excluding the poisonirrned drink, which dark oat chcikend out and didnt poison the drink, they had a lovelyt night, but the palns were interuppted by dark oak's boss. MILK BUCKET (dramatic music) milk busket took the oppurtunity to try to kill space, but dark oak pushed space out of thr way!! they were saved!!! and they were able to live their life, as the most feared pair of assasinf, and the ultimate power couple.
Spaceficial Oneshots
Ficción GeneralPlease these are going to be the worst thing to grace the face of the planer