Chapter 15

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*Jungkook's POV*
I was walking in the hallway towards the bathroom when I bumped into Taehyung. I noticed his wound and found out that y/n did it. I was furious. This girl is so hard ugh! I need to find her and make her apologise to him.
"Where the fuck are you Y/n? Dammit." I was searching for her when I heard laughter coming from the stairs. I ran towards the stairs and saw students crowded together.
"What's happening there?" I thought as I walked towards the crowd. And there she was Y/n with Taehyung. She had his collar in her hands and he looked startled.
"Y/N!" I yelled her name. I walked towards them and made her leave his collar.
What the heck do you think you're doing," I asked coming towards them,"and I know what you did to Taehyung ssi today!!" I yelled at her. I was really mad at her.
"Well I did no wrong." She shrugged and was about to walk away but I grabbed her wrist.
"Is this girl serious?" I thought.
"Y/n apologize. Now." I said looking straight in her eyes.
"Uh n-no there's no need Jungkook, I-" Taehyung tried to say.
"Shut up," I glared at Taehyung and then again looked at y/n,"I said apologize Y/n." She glared at me and then finally turned around to look at Taehyung.
"Saw. Ry." She said sounding not sorry at all. She turned back and was about to go when I spoke again.
"She just doesn't understand aish. Y/n!" I thought.
"Y/n..." But she just rolled her eyes and walked away leaving me and Taehyung alone.
"Why doesn't she understand? What's wrong with her?" I mumbled as I looked at Taehyung. He looked really awkward. Aish this guy. I looked around me and saw the students still standing there like a bunch of idiots.
"What do you guys think you're doing here huh? Go to your classrooms! Now!" I yelled at them. They have seriously no other things to do! Morons!
"Now you Taehyung... what happened here? She hurted you again?" I asked him.
"No she didn't thanks to you. I was going to the classroom but then I—"
"Which classroom?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Uhh Maths...?" This guy seriously doesn't know how to tell a lie.
"Taehyung don't have classes right now. The next class you have is at 11:30 am, English. What were you doing here again?"
"How do you...?" He looked shocked from the fact that I knew his schedule.
"You showed me your schedule once. I've got strong memory power. That's how. What were you doing?"
"I w-was j-just umm g-going to the uh r-rooftop! Yes." How much is he gonna lie. I knew what he was doing there very well.
I sighed,"You're hopeless. You're still trying to save y/n? Taehyung stop this already. She has hurted you several times. Physically as well as mentally. Stop. Lying. To. Me!" I yelled at him and he flinched a bit because that was unexpected.
"Y/n bullies you and you know that very well. She hates you. She was against bu—"
He cut me off,"Bullying yeah I know," he looked up at me to meet my eyes,"Tell me Jungkook. What wrong have I done to deserve this huh? When she was against bullying then why does she hates me so much that she bullies me? I got bullied everytime for something I never did! Back in middle school, primary, kindergarten... everywhere. Even my neighbour. Everyone was so harsh towards me so I transferred here. But now Y/n..." His eyes were glistening with moisture yet he refused to cry.
"I'm sorry Taehyung I didn't mean to—"
"The class starts now... let's go." He turned around and left. I swear I didn't mean any bad. I just want him to be happy. Y/n...this is too much. I grew furious too. Now Taehyung was mad at me cuz of Y/n!
"Aish I shouldn't have yelled at him. I only wanted to save him. Arghh fuck!" I groaned.
"Even Y/n must be mad at me now for taking Taehyung's side. God these two ugh! I'm sick of this! It's all Y/n's fault!" I was saying all this out loud.
"It's not!" A voice suddenly spoke behind me that startled me a bit.
A girl around my age was standing behind me. She wore glasses and had her hair tied in a ponytail with some strands of hair at her face. She had black eyes and long eyelashes. Her eyes were really beautiful. She wore a white shirt tucked in a cream coloured flower patterned skirt. Wait...did I just checked her out? Eww.
"Excuse me?" I asked making a disgusted face. She stepped closer to me. She had an angry expression on her face.
"I said Y/n didn't do anything. It's not her fault. It must be that boy's fault." She said looking straight into my eyes. Wait now that I look closely her face looks familiar. Where have I seen her before aish I can't remember!
I turned around fully to take a perfect look at her. I had an annoyed face on. Who does she think she is standing up for Y/n? When did Y/n made a friend and didn't tell me, her best friend?
"Who might you be?" I asked folding my hands.
"That's none of your concern! Just stop bad mouthing Y/n!" She yelled at me. Hmm pretty bold.
"Do you know who I am?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her.
"Oh yeah very well. You're Y/n's bratty best friend who bad mouths her behind her back. Is that right Jeon Jungkook?" She said looking straight in my eyes.
I sighed and tilted my head.
"Who are you? Standing up for Y/n? No one cares then why do you?" I asked. Honestly I don't like it when someone tries to get close to Y/n. Yeah that's right she has been through a lot because of her loved ones and now I don't want anyone except me to be near her. There's something different about Taehyung only that's why I'm so desperate to make them friends. Who the heck this girl is?! She definitely needs something from Y/n!
"Again Mr. Jeon that's none of your concern. So stop bad mouthing your own best friend for some random guy who is obviously at fault here." She said boldly.
"I'm not bad mouthing Y/n so shut up will ya? Taehyung has done nothing wrong. Y/n is the one at fault here. She bullies him." I told her.
"I'm sure she has a valid reason for that. You should be at her side you know!" She said angrily.
"I'll not support Y/n in any bad stuff!" I was getting annoyed by this punk. Just who does she think she is?!
"Listen Mr. Jeon you stop complaining about y/n right now!"
"Whatever. I don't argue with idiots. Beside Y/n isn't gonna befriend you for sticking up to her. She won't even care. Bye." I waved my hand at her as I started walking away leaving her alone.
"Weird brat." I snorted and walked towards the classroom.
"I've seen her before though...who is she?" I thought, confused.
Who is "she" any guesses y'all? Haha keep thinking you know her... I guess? Anyways byeee love yaaaa!!💜💜💜

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