Chapter 18

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*Taehyung's POV*
"He's fake just like him!" I heard Y/n say. Who is this "he"? Who do I look like? Just what exactly is the truth behind all this? Listening them talk gave me a clue that whoever it was...he has played a vital role in y/n's life and I have to find out who he is. Y/n called me fake but... isn't she right? I am fake. This smile...I just can't help being fake. I felt like crying. I tried to hold back my tears because I don't want them to see me cry anymore. I was getting sad by each sentence y/n was saying.
"Y/N! Y/N!" She ran away after saying all this and Jungkook kept calling after her but she didn't stop.
"Oh man... what do I do with this girl!" Jungkook massaged his temple. Should I talk to him?
"Jungkook...why does she bully me?" I looked up to meet his eyes. He had a really sorry expression on his face.
"Taehyung ssi I'm... I'm really really sorry. I'll tell you everything but right now I just...I just don't have the energy. I feel exhausted. Today was such a rough day."
"Hmm it's okay go rest now. I'll go now." I turned around to go but then I remembered something that I needed to say even if I didn't want to. I turned back,"oh and Jungkook...I would appreciate it if you rather maintain a distance from me." He looked shocked. He reached out his hand,"Taehyung..." But I turned away from him. Today really was a rough day.
*Jungkook's POV*
Taehyung walked away from me. He looked really upset.
"It's all my fault." I cursed myself. I really was too exhausted. I went home as well and laid down on the bed and I kept thinking about what happened today.
"Aaaahhh!!!" I screamed shaking my head,"why did it have to happen to me only?! I'm so tired of everything, everyone!" I threw away my pillow but luckily I had another one so I buried my head in the pillow frustrated. I kept remembering his and y/n's face laughing, happy. I don't know when I started crying. I was missing him.
"Why? Why did you leave like this? Why did you leave me and y/n alone like this? Now are you seeing what's happening? If only you could've been here this all shit wouldn't have happened! Where are you?! Why didn't you tell us everything that was bothering you?! No wonder why, why y/n hated you! Yes that's right she hates you!" I cursed looking up at the ceiling, crying.
"I don't hate you...I love you and I know deep down y/n does too. I miss you. We both do. If only you could come back," I was sobbing rapidly now and I just couldn't control my tears. I looked around the room and found the picture of me, y/n and him on the table. I picked it up and laid down on the bed again. I was crying holding it tightly to my chest.
"You know Taehyung? Y/n hates her and bullies her. I know why she's doing all this but poor him he doesn't have any idea.
Whenever I try to save him y/n gets angry with me too...but you know that after losing you I cannot afford to lose her as well right? So I always apologise. Sometimes she does too. But I can't...I can't see her bullying someone...specially Taehyung he...he reminds me of you. He has the same face as you...his habits, the way he laughs, talks, smiles... it's all similar to you. That's the reason why Y/n bullies him. I don't like it.
If only were here. You could make her smile in like 2 seconds. If you were here everything would've been fine. But curse you! You left son of a bitch!" I wanted to throw away the picture but at the same time it was the most precious thing to me and I couldn't do that.
"We love you. Please come back." I said and fell asleep.
*Taehyung's POV*
*Next morning*
I got up and did my morning routine as usual. I changed my bandage and took my bag. As I was eating breakfast I got a text from...Jungkook.
"Why doesn't he understand. Y/n won't like this." I saw the text.
Jungkook: morning Taehyung ssi~
Jungkook: I'm sorry about yesterday. Please forgive me🙏
I sighed as I saw the text. For some reasons I didn't feel angry anymore at him. I just can't stay angry for too long. I thought of texting him back.
Me: Good morning Jk.
Me: I'm not angry at you why are you apologizing.
I got a text back from him after 5 minutes.
Jungkook: thank god you're not angry!
Jungkook: but still whatever happened yesterday was because I forced you to come with me.
Jungkook: I'm sorry~
Me: I told you it's fine really
Me: besides you didn't do anything wrong
Me: but really you know you should avoid talking to me in front of your "best friend" or else she'll eat me alive =_=
Jungkook: xD
Jungkook: alright anything for you my lord
Me: xD
Me: see ya at school!
Jungkook: bye
Jungkook: see ya!
And that's how our chat ended. I finally made up with Jungkook and now we're gonna pretend like we don't know each other in front of Y/n but of course we're gonna talk when she's not around. I guess that would solve the problem and maybe Y/n would leave me alone. Maybe. I also had to talk to Lee Shinwoo today at any cost. I need to find her. I left for school. I reached there,parked my bicycle and went in. Should I try to find her right now? I don't think y/n is here so I guess it could work. I first went to the locker to grab the books and then started finding Shinwoo. I asked students and one of them told me she's at the ground. I went outside and started looking and finally spotted her. She had her head buried in a book. I reached towards her.
"Hey." I said sitting down.
"Oh you. It's you." She smiled at me.
"Yeah." I smiled back.
"Is Y/n at school?" She asked looking around.
"No no she isn't don't worry." I said assuring her.
"That's great then. So what was your name again?" She asked.
"Oh right I haven't introduced myself to you," I laughed,"I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you."
"Haha nice to meet you too. I'm Lee Shinwoo." She bowed.
"Oh I know that already." I laughed.
"Of course you do. So what did you wanna ask?" She said getting on the topic.
"Right. You know how Y/n saved you from those bully the day she bullied me?"
"Yeah so you also said that she's against bullying and makes sure to help those who get bullied and punishes the bullies right?"
"Yes, I did."
"You also know that Y/n bullies me right?"
"So why? Why exactly does she bully me when she's against it?"
"Hmm," she stayed silent for a moment and then spoke again,"you know Taehyung...I don't really know much about y/n. I don't think I can answer that for you. However, I assure you that she's doing it for a reason. She has a reason for everything she does."
"Okay thanks. But it's really strange with her."
"Strange? How?"
"You know she...sometimes she'll be all bad and the cruelest person alive on this planet but then again sometimes she does something that makes me rethink if I hate her or not."
"That's weird," she laughed and I laughed along with her,"like what? What did she do?"
"So you see this wound?," I asked showing my wound,"yeah so this is given by Y/n and then she even bought me bandages and ointment for this. However she keeps lying like,'I didn't buy it' but she did cause I saw her. And then one day she literally humiliated me in front of many people and then when she saw me getting um getting touched by those bullies. She totally scared them off. So I don't understand her intension. Is she bad or is she actually good?"
"Hmm, this is quite strange. You know Taehyung...y/n is a great girl. I mean she may not show it but she's really caring and can't stand bullying and I believe what she does to you actually makes her feel guilty deep down that's why she even helps although she doesn't admit." Shinwoo explained.
"Hmm I see." I answered.
"You get me right?"
"Yeah I do. Y/n is really mysterious. And one more thing. Do you know about y/n's past?" I asked her and it felt like she was getting nervous when I asked this.
"Uh n-no I don't know her past. Why do you ask?"
"No actually y/n and Jungkook that's her—"
"Best friend yeah I know."
"—yeah so he keeps talking about how my face matches someone else's and I just can't figure out. Who do I look like? Jungkook also mentioned that y/n bullies me cuz I look like someone. Someone whom y/n probably hates."
"Y-yeah I guess she does. I'm sorry though I don't know about it—" suddenly someone came and sat between us making us startled. It was y/n.
Hey. So of course my story is getting 0 views but idk why am I still writing it. I'll read it myself so cool! To those who are reading it thanks!💜

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