💭Forgotten Love💭

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This is an AU (Alternative Universe) Just like pretty much all of the one-shots in this book-

Ships: Charlight Angst with a side of Charjade (Charli x Jade) and Levight (Levi x Light)

Charli's POV:

"Light! You're just pretending to forget your memory to make me come crawling back to you in pity, right? It's not working!" I accuse Light. Light has been simping for me lately but, I've moved on already. Well, I am pretty sure I did. I felt like this was a plan to make Charlight sail again. "No? Who are you?" Light asks while lying in a hospital bed. Light is a terrible actor but, I have a reason why I didn't believe his sincere-looking self. You see, ever since I've moved on, Light started to simp for me. I felt like this was a test to make me simp for him again. I should have believed him but, I didn't...

"Alright, I'll play along with this act. I am Charli, the ex-simp. Meaning I'm over you!" I said but, I said it meaner than I wished. I was a fool not to believe him but, I was really angry about the fact that once I'm over Light, he's over his rebellious stage of rejecting me. "Huh? Did you like me? I am glad you're over me, I guess. Even if I did like you back, I can't even remember you that much", Light responded, still looking confused. I guess his love that barely started to show a few weeks ago is lost in the past. "Charli, he's telling the truth. The doctors said so!" Alex scold me. I still don't believe a word that comes out of Light's mouth. He could have blackmailed the doctors. I don't think Light would do that but, still! There is always a possibility! 

I've been hanging out with Light sometimes now and, wow, it's much better when none of us is simping for each other. It feels good to just be friends...right? Something inside me keeps telling me my past feelings came back. That's impossible, though! I like Jade now. I need no man when I have my rat eater! Yeah, I kept trying to convince myself that but, of course, reality hit me like how the bus had hit Regina George... I like Jade and all but, we might have not been meant to be... I had wished for a future with Jade but now, I see that my future needs a bit more purple! (If only I realized that a bit sooner...) We could get married, have kids and, I could do his laundry every day! Well, I'm not excited about that part... If I want all that to happen, I need to talk with Jade.

I opened my phone and texted Jade to meet me at the park with the big cherry tree! "Jade! Come meet me at the park! ASAP!" "Uh, alright?". It's been 10 minutes and Jade has arrived. "Jade, listen, I like you and all but, we need to break up..." I told her the news. "What?! Why!?" Jade yelled in confusion and disbelief. "I think my future is lacking a bit of purple now and, I want to fix that.", I replied. "Oh no..." she muttered. Why did she say "oh no"? "Well, I'm gonna go to the cherry tree to clear up my thoughts." I told her and started walking towards it. "Wait no!" She yelled while grabbing my arm. "Don't go there! Trust me!" She added. I shoved her off me and went to the beautiful tree which had two boys standing in front of it. Light and Levi..? Jade chased me, begging me to turn back. What is she hiding?

Now we're in the present time where my heart had shattered into pieces...
"Listen, Light, I like you..." Levi confessed to the purple boy.
"I love you too, Levi!", the same purple boy replied while jumping on Levi as they fell to the ground happily. It kinda reminded me of when Jade confessed to me...
"I told you so..." Jade whispered to me.
I guess now, there will be no purple in my future... </3

The End (There might be a part 2-)

This was one of the laziest stories I've ever written xd

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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