Roses-Pt 3

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madi here, I'm trying a new style of writing so it won't have as many pov's also super sorry for the late post


on the piece of paper was a picture of a family. fear-filled Y/N as she looked at the photo more, in it was the home she grew up in with the time stamp a few minutes before her parents were killed. all might saw the look on Y/N's face because he walked up to her and embraced her as Y/N basically collapsed breaking down in tears. as Y/N cried she was hyperventilating, gasping for air. she knew everyone could hear her crying but right now that didn't matter to her. the longer she cried the more of her classmates came to her side confused about what was going on with the girl crying. soon shoto was there holding Y/N attempting to calm her down, the only people in the room where all might and shoto.

"What happened?" asked shoto looking at all might

"there was a picture of the house she grew up in with a timestamp a few minutes before her parents were killed. Y/N has been crying for the past hour." said all might

shoto stroked Y/N's head followed with a kiss on her forehead. all might left to find Aizawa and tell him what they found leaving shoto and Y/N alone.

"How can I help you?" shoto asked positioning Y/N so they were face to face

"I- I just need you to be here," Y/N said calming down

"I will be here then. let's go back to my dorm room. it'll be safer in there for now." shoto said helping Y/N stand up

with that said shoto put an arm around Y/N and helped her to his dorm room. when they entered shoto led Y/N over to his bed taking her pants off and her shirt, he grabbed one of his and put it on her. shoto changed into only pants causing him to be shirtless.

"come on get under the blankets, I'll keep you safe tonight." said shoto

shoto pulled back the blankets motioning for Y/N to crawl under them. he followed after her, as soon as the blankets covered them again Y/N felt her body warm quickly realizing that shoto was cuddling her. 

"th- thank you..." Y/N said as she buried her face into his bare chest feeling the warmth of his body against hers

when Y/N said that shoto knew she was crying again. he took his hand a placed it on her cheek raising her head to face his. shoto couldn't hold back any longer, before Y/N could say anything there lips were touching, exchanging each other's tastes. Y/N hands were still on his chest now trailing up to the back of his neck. shoto pulled away from her and stared into her eyes, he could see pain, anger, and another emotion he couldn't pinpoint. 

"Y/N what's wrong? please don't say nothing and that you're fine. it's just the two of us now and I know when you're lying." said shoto

"i- I'm sorry, I keep pushing myself saying I'm ok. when all I am is broken." Y/N said putting her face into his shoulder

"hey you don't need to be sorry." shoto said 

[timeskip to the next morning]

"Y/N  you have to get up." shoto said waking Y/N up

Y/N shot up breathing heavily looking around. she looked around seeing that she was in shoto's dorm. he quickly hugged her.

"hey, you're with me. it's ok." shoto said 

"i- I know, I'm sorry," Y/N said hugging shoto back

Y/N got up and saw that shoto had gotten her uniform for her. 

"why is he so nice to me but so emotionless to everyone else? I'm the only one who sees this side of him." Y/N thought to herself, face turning red

"hey let's head to class before we are late" shoto said to Y/N

"uh yea let's go." Y/N said heading to the door

when Y/N and shoto walked out they both saw bakugou looking at them in confusion. Y/N didn't pay much attention to him, all she wanted was for the day to be over and everything back to normal. 

"what the fuck is this? are you guys fucking now?" asked bakugou

"uh no Y/N didn't feel safe in her room so she slept in mine." shoto said

Y/N didn't realize that the two boys were talking as she walked to class completely out of it, she didn't even realize that all might was standing at the front of the classroom. when Y/N sat down at her desk she felt all eyes on her, at this point she didn't care and put her head down holding back tears.

"Y/N? are you ok?" Deku whispered to her

she didn't respond. the bell rang for class to officially start. Y/N still had her head down not paying attention to the lesson going on. everyone noticed that she wasn't paying attention and it wasn't like her to do that. so everyone had started to become worried. no one had done anything to bug her tho they knew something was wrong.

[time skip to end of the day]

 Y/N knew the school day would be over in less than 5 minutes. she got up and walked over to the door.

"see you all tomorrow...." Y/N said before walking out

everyone looked at each other confused about what just happened. 

"I want you all to let Y/N be alone for the rest of today. I know you are all confused but it isn't my place to tell you what happened." all might said before the bell rang, everyone had a question that only one person could answer. shoto stayed behind to talk with all might.

"Y/N.... she's broken this might be worse than when her parents were killed." shoto said 

"I'm aware, I need you to check on her during dinner and bring her food or she won't eat. when her parents died she locked herself away and didn't come out for months, she didn't come out for food. so please keep an eye on her." all might told shoto

"I will, she is more important to me than anything." shoto said

all might knew he could trust him with this responsibility. as time past Y/N was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling with an empty mind.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Y/N is me shoto, can you open the door." shoto said with a plate of food in his hands

"go away......"Y/N said not moving

"I'm not leaving until you open this door." 

"then I guess you're going to be there a while," said Y/N

the girl knew why he was there. a few minutes passed with shoto still standing outside but not saying anything more. Y/N filled with fear when she heard something hit the window about her desk, she jumped up and looked for what made the noise. when she looked out she saw dark shadow looking back at her. she closed the curtains and went back to laying down. Y/N knew that her classmates would find a way in whether she liked it or not. about an hour passed with shoto still standing outside, she wanted shoto to hold and comfort her but was unable to move as her body grew heavy and the world around her spun, she was falling asleep. Deku walked up to shoto with bakugou not far behind him.

"is she still in there?" Deku asked

"yes, I have dark shadow making sure she won't escape through the window." shoto told the boys

"why can't we just open the door? is it even locked?" bakugou said reaching for the handle

he turned it, with a surprise to everyone it was unlocked. shoto was the first one in the room, he saw Y/N asleep on her bed. 

"so she's asleep....." Deku said looking over her room

"it's pretty empty in here," bakugou said 

"Y/N.... after her parents were killed she didn't have many things. she always tried to look and be happy but this happened and now her mask is broken." shoto said kneeling next to her bed

"wait her parents? they were killed?" asked Deku

"uh yeah, if you have questions you should as Y/N when she wakes up but until then let's go and let her rest." shoto said

the boys walked out quietly closing the door behind them. shoto walked to his dorm with his head down wondering if Y/N was going to be ok.

Roses- Todoroki x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now