Tanaka Ryūnosuke × Reader

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You always knew Tanaka-San had a crush on Kiyoko

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You always knew Tanaka-San had a crush on Kiyoko.
You already knew that.
But you couldn't not fall for his charm, his sense of humor, and his skills on the court.
You were also sure that he doesn't even know who you are.

You were just a member of the girls volleyball team.
Sure you may have your special moments when you spike a ball the right way to score a point, but other than that, you're just a regular volleyball player.
So when Tanaka came to you for advice, you were legitimately surprised.

At first you didn't answer him right away, thinking it was a prank, and looking for your teammates because they discovered your crush on the fellow spiker.
But when you couldn't find any of them, you gladly accepted to help him.
And well, you wished you asked him what kind of advice he needed. Because you weren't prepared for the devastating feeling you got when he told you he needed help asking Kiyoko out.

Not letting your unrequited feelings get in the way, you managed a weak smile and nodded, saying you'll help him however you can.
"Sweet! Thanks Y/N!"
"You're wel... wait you know my name?"
"Well yeah of course I do! I would never forget the name of the girl whose spikes are out of this world!" He moves closer. "And well I couldn't forget the girl who always sneaks around to check out the boys volleyball practice."
With that last statement, you blush profusely, mutter a quick flustered good bye and run away, listening to Tanaka's laughs behind you.

You couldn't believe it. He noticed you sneaking by the gym to see their practice. He even saw how you spike.
Damn now you're going to be self-conscious whenever you're going for a spike in practice or in a match.
"But how did he know I come to watch him and his team practice? I always try to stay hidden and not bother them, so how?" you mutter to yourself, not looking where you're going, and you just bump into someone.
You quickly excuse yourself, but you're still thinking and don't notice who you bumped into, so you just continue on your way.

You look up quickly and look around, searching for the source of the voice. There's only Nishinoya, and of course it's not him who called you, right? How would he know your name? But as you keep looking around, you heard him snicker, and you blush.
"Y/N are you okay?"
"Wait. You're talking to me?"
"Well yes. There's no one else around, as I'm sure you noticed while looking around."
"But how do you know my name?"
"All of our team knows who you are, dummy! You're famous amongst us!"
Horror struck your face, and you start panicking. What did he mean you're famous? Famous how? Did you make a fool out of myself in front of them and didn't notice? What are you going to do?

"Y/N calm down. It's nothing like that! Don't worry! It's my fault I should've been clearer. You're famous because we all know you watch us practice and watch us play our matches. And well whenever you're around Tanaka-San is always on top of his game! So thank you for that!" he said with a big smile on his face.

You could only look at him in shock. Were you that obvious with your sneaking around? You always try to make it to their matches to cheer them on, and you always go to watch them practice because they were just so cool to watch. Whenever you practiced with your team, you tried to incorporate what you saw with what you already know, but it would always turn into a hot mess and ruins everything. But you still tried to make them work.

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