Azumane Asahi × Reader

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You lost

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You lost.
You didn't make it past the first preliminary round.
You're going home empty handed.
It was all your fault.
You didn't think you could reach a lower point in your volleyball career, but you just did.

He would be so disappointed in you. After everything he did, this is how you're repaying him for the hours of training you did together.
He would be disappointed.

Your team was huddled up outside the gym, crestfallen expressions on your faces.
One teammate was even crying thinking it was her fault this happened. She doesn't know that it was all yours.
Captain reassures her that it's not, you did whatever you could to try to win, even if you didn't, she was proud of your team.
After saying all that, she was called over by your sensei.
You noticed some were admiring her strength, but you quickly noticed that she's just strong in front of you. She's just waiting for the moment she's alone, away from your prying eyes, to finally let down all her tears.
She shouldn't cry. It wasn't her fault, she tried her best to get you to practice. You were at fault for not telling my teammates to come to practice, for not encouraging them more, for not pushing them more, because, well, it was your job to do so, being vice-captain and all.

You felt terrible.
Your mind couldn't focus on anything else but the failure you just witness because of your lack of leadership skills, your lack of volleyball skills. You just had to practice something.
You excused yourself, telling your teammates that you're going to look for an empty gym to practice your serves.
They looked at you with pity in their eyes, knowing they couldn't stop you, even though they know you're going to exert yourself to the point of exhaustion. You always held the weight of failure on your shoulder, blaming yourself over and over. Being a third year, those tournaments are going to be the last ones you'll be able to compete in while still being on your school's team.

When you finally find an empty gym, you find a few wayward balls. You begin by collecting them in the bin, thinking that maybe this is the space for a team's practice time.
After gathering them next to you, you pick up one ball, and try to jump serve it. It gets to the other side, but the power behind that serve is still weak.

You need to get better.
You pick up a second one, and start imagine it as one of your failures that you want to get far away from.
When you hit it, it had more force behind it.
That's it, you thought. That's how you should do it.
You keep doing that, thinking of all the terrible things you need to get away from, of the disappointment you issued with your playing, of all the things you could do better, you could've done better if you were a bit more authoritative.

You did not notice tears flowing down your face, until you saw them splashing on the ball between your hands.
Not being able to stay up, you crash down on your knees, volleyball forgotten, and start sobbing silently into your hands.
You began muttering: "he must be really disappointed in me. I'm such a failure. He'll no longer be my friend. I ruined everything for my team."

You heard some steps outside the gym door, but you don't care who saw you like that, the tears wouldn't stop anyways.
The steps are now faster and louder. You hear a bag hitting the floor, and someone running to you.
You thought it was one of your teammates checking up on you.
That's a male voice.
Looking up, you see Asahi-San with a worried look on his face.
Not being able to stop your tears, a sob finally escapes your lips when you see him, and that's all it took him to go down on his knees and hug you.

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