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Tears fell from my eyes. I had a blank expression on my face but the tears kept falling and falling. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I wanted them to stop but they kept flowing like a non-stop pipe that had been left unattended.

I can't believe Tushar, my soulmate, my love, my everything is gone! He has been erased from this world. I don't know what to do or how to take this. I played with the engagement ring on my finger. He had promised! How could he do this? How could he just leave me here?

He didn't have a family but that didn't mean I wasn't there! I was waiting for him. A few officers gave their condolences and handed me his trunk with his belongings. I didn't know what to say. I put on a brave smile and dragged the truck towards my room.

My Dad didn't know what to do or what to say. He just sat there and stared at the television with a blank expression. Once I reached my room I opened the trunk and the first thing that I found was a picture of the both of us.

It was the picture of the day he had proposed to me. He held me and I flashed my hand which was adorned with the most beautiful ring ever. I swallowed the dread and kept it on my bed. My heart stopped beating when I found a letter that was addressed to me.

I ripped it open and my eyes blurred the moment I read the first few words.
"Dear Anjali,
If you are reading this letter I'm really sorry love.....

A/N: Well, this is only the prologue and I'm already crying! I know this is going to be a hard story to write but I'm going to do it anyway.

Not everyone gets their happy endings! Some of them are hit with unexpected blows that turn their lives upside down. They have to navigate and find their happy ending. There's no such thing as an easy life!

 There's no such thing as an easy life!

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