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Dear readers,
I can't believe that Love is Painful is finally complete. I'll be honest it wasn't easy to write this book. I knew when I started writing this book that it wasn't going to be a happily ever after. Nevertheless I wanted to write something closer to reality.

Not everyone gets their happily ever after!

Now I wanted to talk to you guys about a few things. I know that I haven't been that regular in the past one year. I graduated and then real life happened.

To top it all I wasn't really in the right frame of mind to write. I was constantly worried about a lot of things and couldn't focus on writing.

Reading is something that I've always been passionate about. One day I wondered how it would be to write a book that I wanted to read and that's how I began writing. I thank each and every one of you for taking time and reading my books. I'm forever grateful for your support. Without you guys I wouldn't have had the courage to come back. So a big thank you and a hug to each and every one of you.

Writing here has been rewarding in more than one way but it has also been super stressful. I get anxious as to how my story is or how the chapter is and then my thoughts go haywire.

Keeping all this in mind I have made a decision. I hope that you guys will be there with me and support me. I hope that you don't give up on me.

The decision is that I'm going to start updating the next story once I finish writing it completely. That way I can ensure that I give you guys a regular update and also ensure that I don't put too much pressure on myself.

Now for the exciting part!!!! Are you guys ready ? The next book is going to be slightly dark and also something different from the books that I have written so far. I have already started working on it.

I'm planning to release the title, synopsis and the prologue in the month of November. The date that I'll leave up to you guys to decide! You tell me when you want it and I'll release it that day. The updates will start from the first week of December!

The exact date I'll let you guys know. But for sure you're going to get the new story in the first week of December.

I can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned. Please, please don't give up on me until then! Just wait patiently! I promise it'll be worth every single second the you have waited.

I will be sharing glimpses me writing and also about the new book on my Instagram account! Do follow me there.

Instagram ID: elizalilly347

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