CH4: The first adventure

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I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling with a stupid grin on my face. I haven't felt this giddy since I had spoken to my first crush when I was in eighth grade. I distinctly remember the first time I saw Anjali at the park. It was as if the universe was telling me that there is someone out there for me.

I'm so glad that I asked her out. Ever since the death of my parents, I had always felt that I don't have anyone with that special connection. Early on I learned that I was born alone in this world and the only one who was going to be with me is myself. But, I realized how wrong I was. The moment I saw Anjali I felt a spark with her. I had to get to her and I'm glad that I met her.

I smiled and texted her goodnight with a selfie that we had taken today. I smiled when she replied. I swiped through the pictures on my phone. I stared at one particular picture. It was a candid picture of Anjali. We were talking about something and I remember cracking a joke. Her face was glowing and her eyes were closed. Everything about her was so perfect and beautiful.

Am I doing the right thing by bringing her into my world? I knew that it wasn't going to be easy to be in a relationship with me. That's precisely why I never dated anyone for long, that and another reason is that I hadn't found the right person. But with Anjali everything is different. She's so different and so pure. I want to know everything about her. I want to spend each moment with her. I smiled and closed my eyes. The last thought was Anjali.

|3 months later|


It has been almost two months since Tushar and I had gone out for the first time. Since then we had gone on a lot more dates. Things had been going well. I don't even know how to describe this feeling. All I know was that I was falling hard and fast for this incredible man. I kind of feel it's too soon to tell but when you know you know.

He treats me like a princess. Not once did I find he was overbearing or pushed me to do things that I don't like. For two months there have been a lot of cheek kisses and forehead kisses. As for the actual kissing that is yet to happen. There were times when it almost happened but something or the other always interrupts us.

The one time I'll never forget is when Trisha caught us. That was embarrassing. She didn't stop yapping about it for a very long time. Tushar was so frustrated that he almost shouted at Trisha while I tried to control my laughter. I have to say he has a lot of control over his anger.

I was at home right now, correcting some of the books. Just then my phone began ringing. I smiled when I glanced at the caller id. It was Tushar. I swiped the accept button.

"Hello, beautiful! Are you busy ?" I blushed and twirled around on my chair, I leaned back and pulled my legs up to my chest. "Hi, Tushar! I was just correcting some books. What's up?" I smiled as he cleared his throat. He was getting ready to ask about something with an assumption that I'm going to immediately reject or hate that idea. This is something that I had observed about him over the past few months that we had been dating.

"Go on. I won't bite you if you ask me." He chuckled and whispered something like, "I want you to bite me." I laughed out loud and he cursed under his breath. "I'm sorry Anjali. I'm just I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean to sound like such a jerk. God, what is wrong with me?!" He kept on cursing and mumbling.

"Okay okay stop apologising Tushar. It's okay, just get to the point." I interrupted him with a huge grin on my face. He can be so adorable. If he was in front of me right now I would have pulled his cheeks.

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