Chapter 3

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 Meanwhile on the same day but on the other side of the district, a young handsome guy was cycling to his new workplace. He was wearing just a plain white t-shirt tucked smartly with blue jeans and black Nike shoes, his name is Ae. With the smile face on his face, he mumbles to himself.

 "Urghh.. I pray that I won't be late for my interview at the office..! And I hope that my supervisor or whatever they called doesn't get angry, Please God.." 

He reached at about 7.50am and rushed to the lift after parking his bicycle. When the lift opened, he pressed level 4 and wipe his sweat with his hands. As the elevator door open, he come out and walked onto the carpet floor to the receptionist. 

"Hello good morning. My name is Ae-" Not even allowing him to finish introducing himself, Lemon cut him off.

"Oh you are the new guy?! Well take a sit outside while I inform the boss." Lemon talked to her boss in the intercom and after letting her boss informed, she turned to Ae smiling "Wait for a while ok? Do you want something to drink?"

Ae gave her the nicest gentle smile and said "No thank you ma'am.. Cuz I already had my breakfast at home" With a adorable smile, Lemon smiled "Ok..! If you say so~ but if there's anything you want don't be afraid to tell me ok?"

 Bass voice appeared behind her "Don't be afraid to tell you what my dear Lemon?" leaning his face nearer to his girlfriend Lemon who was blushing and embarrassed "Aahhh Bass nothing.. I just talked to this handsome new guy here" She scratched her hair that is not itchy. 

Bass raised his eyebrow looking at Ae "Ohh.. I'm sorry, I didn't see you" Bass holding out his hands for handshake smiling "Well let me introduce myself.. I'm Bass, your supervisor and this lady here is my girlfriend Lemon.. We've been dating for about 1 year already soo..." Bass turned his head towards his girlfriend "Sooo I hope you don't try to tackle my girlfriend mr..??"

Ae stood up, shaking Bass' hand smiling, letting out his deep low voice "My name is Ae" Bass was so surprised to see Ae's face as he shaking hands until he sharply inhale his breath and he put his other hand on his chest.

"Sir sir.. Are you ok? Your face is so pale like you seen a ghost" Ae bent down worriedly and try to make Bass stand up when the office door swing open loudly "LEMON! I CALLED YOU AT THE INTERCOME COUNTLESS TIMES! WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU ANSWER?"

When Ae turn around, Pete was shocked to see the new guy and remained professional and calm "So you are Mr Ae?"

Ae stand up and waiied at Pete "Yess sir" Pete waved his hand and turned around "Come in please." Although from the outside he looks normal and composed but inside Pete's heart is beating fast and his hands is sweating and shaking. Like this is a dream.

Inside his office, Pete sat back down in his seat and offered Ae a seat "Take a sit Ae. Let me introduce myself to you properly ok? My name is Pete, your boss... While Bass is your supervisor... Well, Ae can you please tell me about yourself?" Pete quickly looked down on the file like there's some interesting thing on it.

"Sure Sir.. My full name is Ae Tanapong, I'm 20 years old and my father passed away because of cancer and that leaves me and my mother... My mother worked as a cashier in the supermarket and I stopped my studies cuz my mother can't support me anymore, with her lower salaries... That's why I'm hoping that whatever position job you give me, I will put my heart into it... I want to lighten my mother's burden because we came from poor family Sir..."

After hearing the sad life stories from Ae, Pete was silent and loss for words for a moment, thinking what type of job would suits Ae when all the sudden Bass came to the office uninvited and said "Well Pete, how about you gave him job as a floater because we do need another floater Pete?" smiling as his head peeked in

"Yesss thats it!" Pete snapped his fingers "Ok Ae.. Tomorrow you start at 8am to 5pm, your new job as a floater.. And don't worry, Bass will teach you as you will be on OJT(On Job Training) for about 1 week until you know how to operate the machines. And now you can go back home and take a rest.... One more thing! Before I forgot, we will give you 2 pairs of uniforms and later on your own locker to put your belongings ok?"

After hearing the good news, Ae stand up and waiied to both Pete and Bass and head out of the office with a smiling face, closing the door behind him...

"Do you see what I see?? Pete??" Bass went to Pete looking at him.

"I know what you mean Bass... But I don't know whether to believe it or not... It seems to good to be true..." Pete smiled slightly at Bass

 "Maybe God wants to give you a chance.. Or maybe it is a miracle, we'll never know..." Bass patted Pete's back. 

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