≪•◦ Chapter 2 ◦•≫

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Days passed by and you never really saw the mysterious male again. 'I never even got his name.' You sulked on your counter waiting for customers.

You stared out in the distance watching the birds fly wondering if you would really never encounter the man again.

"Helllllloooooo?" Aether worriedly waved his hands in front of your face as you were too caught up in your thoughts to notice.

You flinched as you realised someone was already talking to you. "A-ah Aether! And Paimon! May I get your order?" You said panickly.

"You've been dazing out a lot recently, is everything alright?" Aether asked worriedly.

"Ah yes. Don't worry about it." You reassured him.

"Hmm? Paimon thinks y/n might be thinking about some boy~" Paimon teased with a smirk.

"Paimon! It's n-not like that!" You stuttered out in defense.

Aether chuckled at the two of you and proceeded to tell you their order.

You served the two their order as they sat on one of the tables and enjoyed their meal joyfully.

As you didn't have many customers, you sat with the two as they were telling you about stories of their journey and monsters they fought.

"Wait, really!? You guys fought a giant boar in dragonspine!?"

"Mhm mhm" Aether nodded. "And in between the battle, it suddenly gave birth to babies that attacked us aswell."
Aether explained as he shivered at the thought and happily continued eating.

After Aether and Paimom left to continue on their journey, there weren't many more customers that came and so you decided to close the restaurant a little early since you also wanted to get some rest.

You were just about to finish cleaning the tables outside until you suddenly felt an arm suddenly get wrapped around your shoulder.

You flinched and immediately distanced yourself. As you got a glimpse on who the motherfucker was, you were met by the sight of three treasure hoarder's surrounding you with a sly smirk.

"Aw come on, no need to be so hostile~" one of them said while taking a step closer to you.

"We just want your mora. Or...you could give us your body instead~" the treausre hoarder said as he slightly graced his hand over along your hair.

You immediately kicked him in the balls with obvious annoyance and disgust written on your face as you attempted to run.

However, before you could even create a suitable distance against them, one of them held your hair and yanked you to the ground.

You winced in pain as you gave them all a glare. They seemed to be annoyed as a small "tch" was all they could utter as one of them raised their foot ready to kick you.

You closed your eyes and braced yourself for (Genshin) impact. You then suddenly felt a fast gust of wind and as you opened your eyes you saw that all of them was already knocked out by...him.

"It's you!" You exclaimed shocked. He glanced over to you with a hint of concern written on his face.

"Are you hurt?" He said with his normal reserved tone.

"N-no, I'm fine." You replied while giving him a reassuring smile. He then let out a relieved sigh as he turned his attention back to the knocked down treasure hoarders and gave them a glare. ✨A death glare✨

Without another thought all three of them ran away as fast as they could not even bothering to look back.

The male then approached you and bent down to examine if you were hurt in any way.

You just sat there awkwardly not really knowing what to do. "T-thanks for saving me.."

"It was the least I could do." The green-haired male from the other night responded seemingly uninterested as his eyes landed on a bruise on your leg.

"You have a first aid kit inside right?" He asked as he looked at you with those beautiful golden orbs that could make any woman fall on her knees and any man turn ga- (Ehem author-chan. More narrating, less simping.)

You nodded in response as he suddenly carried you bridal style towards the inside of the restaurant and gently laid you down on the bed.

He grabbed the first aid kit and sat at the corner of the bed while immediately treating your wounds.

All you could do was just stare at him awkwardly while admiring his features. For someone who seemed to talk really coldly, he held you so gently..

"The wound should be fine now." He said while looking up at you making you snap out of your thoughts and look away from him.

"A-ah thank you.."

He only nodded in response.



"Uhm, I still have some Almond tofu if you'd like..?"

His eyes then automatically shot up and he gave you an expectant look.

You chuckled at how fast his aura changed at the mention of the dish and automatically served him the Almond tofu.

He happily ate the almond tofu as you sat with him on the table.

"You should come more often."

"I'm busy with my duties I have to accomplish." He said to you sternly while you gave a little pout.

"I'll give you free almond tofu as a discount and a token of my gratitude." You persuaded with a little smirk.

He then looked back down on the dish and thought about the possibilities of eating this amazing dish each day for free. Plus he'd also get to spend time with the girl he found himself interested in.

He wasn't so sure why. They never really conversated much. However, he felt an intense amount of comfortability in her. And her actions definitely peeked his interest regardless if he showed it or not.

"..I'll think about it." The male responded while not taking his eyes off the dish.

You gave a smile as he didn't completely reject your offer.

As he finished his dish, he was about to take his leave since it was already late at night.

"Thanks again for saving me back there Mr. Stranger." You thanked once again with a smile.

"...Xiao. You can call me Xiao.." The mysterious male said as he avoided eye contact and you smiled.

"Thank you Xiao." You said with a smile.

"If ever you need help again..just speak my name." And just like that the male dashed away.

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