≪•◦ Chapter 11 ◦•≫

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You woke up from absolutely no sleep at all since you spent all night staying up as it was currently that one day of a year that reminded you that you're getting closer to having back pains, memory issues, and all that lovely jazz.

Yes. It was currently your birthday✨

You don't usually make most of your birthday as to you, it never really meant anything that special.

Totally not because of the fact that you had no one to celebrate it with :')

You never really bothered as most of your friends usually get busy. Expeciaply considering that most of them were travelers, knights, adeptus, etc. 🗿

But this year, a hope filled you in with expectance as you wanted to spend your birthday with Xiao. The man you fell helplessy in love with and spent each day with.

But for some fucking reason. Xiao didn't visit you today :)

You sighed as you looked inside your refridgerator to see that you were once again in need of some groceries.

You sighed as you thought you might aswell just go buy groceries if you weren't even going to do anything for the rest of the day.

As you opened your door to head outside, you were met by Aether standing in front of your door as he looked like he was about to knock while paimon was floating beside him.

You two stared at each other before losing it in a giggle fit at the coincidence.

"Happy Birthday Y/n!" Aether and Paimon as they both gave you a hug.

"Awwee thanks you guys." You said hugging them back.

"You look like you're heading somewhere." Aether pointed out as he noticed your attire.

"Ah I was just about to go get some groceries."

"WHAT!? Buying groceries on ypur birthday!?" Paimon deadpanned in shock.

"Well I might as well since a certain someone seems to be busy." You mumbled the last part with a small pout and obvious bitterness in your voice as Aether and his little companion sweat dropped knowing exactly who you're talking about.

"Well in that case, let us accompany you!"

"Ah you don't have too." You reassured the male as you frantically waved your hands.

"It's the least we could do since a certain someone ate your birthday present while we walked our way here." Aether deadpanned a he gaved Paimon a knowing look and Paimon averting her gaze somewhere else.

"Well let's go then." You said as you chuclkled at the two.

The three of you then headed to the harbor as you went on with your grocery spree.

You walked around the stalls looking fot the things you had to buy with an obvious annoyed aura surrounding you.

Aether and his companion just stared at you nervously from afar as you aggresively searched for the things you needed.

"Aww come on! It's your birthday! Don't looks so sad. Maybe...he didn't know it was your birthday..?" He comforted as he approached you.

Just then you dropped whatever thing you had on your hand and stared in Aether in shock.

"T-that's right...I never told him when my birthday was..."

You stuttered out in shock as the two gave you a look of 'Is this bitch fr?'

You let out a sigh and looked down.

"Still, I was looking forward to spending atleast even 30 mimutes with him." You muttered as you sulked with gloom surrounding you.

Aether then suddenly looked over to his watch and grabbed your hand dragged you.

"Ah we have to go!"

"E-eh!? But I'm not done yet!"

Aether just continied pulling you away as he led you back to the restaurant.

You kept staring at him confused as you didn't know why he was in such a hurry.

You both then arrived at your restaurant as he entered and you followed behind him.

Just then, the lights automatically turned on as you squinted your eyes from the brightness but soon widened as you got a glimpse at the sight in front of you.

"Happy Birthday Y/n!"

You were met by the sight of your restaurant decorated cheerfully with a banner that spelled 'Happy birthday Y/n' as you were surrounded at the sight of everyone you ever cared about.

And there he was. The man you loved holding out a boquet of your favorite flowers as he looked at you lovingly and slowly walked closer towards you.

"Happy Birthday Y/n." He said lovingly with a small smile as he gave you the boquet and placed a gentle kiss along your lips."

"H-how did you know it was my birthday..?" You asked confused as you were still surprised with all of this.

"A certain carrot head was reminding us every single day since the start of the month." Xiao explained with a deadpan expression as a certain red-head waved at you from a corner.

"And Aether kept you busy the whole morning in order for us to have time to decorate the restaurant." Xiao explained as the said male gave you an awkward smile.

You felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes as no one ever made the effort to make a gesture like this your whole life before.

Xiao then hugged you tightly and you mumbled a small thank you towards everyone.

You then enjoyed the rest of the day together with everyone as you did all kinds of stuff.

From plain chatter, to karaoke, and Venti even brought a few drinks.

You then passed out on the table from all the drinks you've had and Xiao carried you to your to anearby couch.

Soon enough, each of the guests left and Xiao stayed to clean up the mess in the restaurant.

Apparently, Zhongli himself didn't take his leave aswell.

"Xiao may I have a word with you?" The man spoke sternly.

Xiao then gave a quiet nod as he averted his attention over to Zhongli.

"I apologize for bringing this news to you under such circumstances but, I'm afraid that...

...he has returned."

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