Chapter Forty-Six: Arrival in Luxembourg

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Isla of Sussex

February 3rd, 2015 

I held Diana's hand in mine and smiled softly at her as I could hear the crowd waiting for us outside. 

Today would begin our two-week tour of Luxembourg. I have not been here in almost two years since the big royal wedding, and when I found out truly my brother was alive and had faked his death. 

"Are you feeling alright?" Harry asked as he buttoned his coat up. 

"I am six months pregnant with my second child, it is the middle of winter, we are on a tour and I am starving." I listed as I looked up and raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I will take that as a no?' 

"But I will fake it until I make it," I whispered as I reached for my clutch. I watched as Harry stared at me for a moment before sighing. 

"I don't ever want you to fake it. I want you to be true." 

I smiled softly at my husband before nodding. 

"I know. Sometimes I feel like we should run away and not do this anymore. But I know it would be wrong. This is our job, something we are good at. Stepping down wouldn't be-" I began and Harry nodded. 

"It would make us be someone we are not." He finished before Sarah cleared her throat. 

"They are ready for you." She said and I watched as Harry bent down and picked Diana up. 

"Who is meeting us?" I asked as we stepped towards the door and I fixed my hat. 

"Their Royal Highnesses The Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Duchess," Sarah said and I smiled softly. 

"Wonderful, Guillaume and Stephanie." 

The door began to open and I heard the screams and cheers of everyone who was waiting for us. I stepped at the same time as Harry as we waved to the crowds. 

I looked forward and saw Guillaume and Stephanie waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. Harry and I stood at the top and waved to the group for a couple more moments before Harry began walking down the stairs first. 

I followed shortly after him and once we got to the bottom The Hereditary couple was grinning. 

"Harry, Isla, and sweet little Diana! Welcome to Luxembourg! We are very happy t host your family for two weeks and show you our wonderful country." Guillaume said and Harry smiled as he shook his hand. 

"Thank you! We are very excited to be here as well! You both, of course, remember my wife, Isla. This is our little girl Diana." Harry said and I smiled softly as Stephanie leaned over and kissed my cheek. 

"How far along are you now?" Stephanie asked as we stepped away from the stairs. 

"About six months. This little one is gonna be due around the middle of June or late June I believe." I said and Stephanie chuckled as she turned to Diana. 

"Are you ready to be a big sister?" She asked and Diana raised an eyebrow before nodding. 

"Baby is my doll." She said and Harry smiled as he fixed Diana. 

"We are very honored, as I said earlier, to host you for two weeks and introduce you to our wonderful country. Tonight is a welcome banquet we are going to be holding in your honor. My parents are waiting for us at home, but first, they wish for us to have a small walkabout." Guillaume explained and I winced softly. 

"Well of course. Just for a little while." Harry said and I leaned over and took Diana into my arms. 

"Come on sweet girl. Let's say hello to some of these people." I whispered before I stepped away from Harry. 

I stepped towards the right with Stephanie right beside me as I started waving hello. 

"Hello everyone! I hope it's not to cold for you all out here." I said as I began shaking hands. 

"We've only been out here for an hour, Your Highness. How are you feeling? Hows the little ones?" An older woman asked and I smiled softly. 

"Well, Diana here is ready to eat some lunch and watch some cartoons. And then this little one inside of me is moving around." I explained as I was handed some flowers. 

"Do you know what you are having?" A little boy asked and I shook my head as I turned to him. 

"No, it's almost a rule in our family not to know until the baby is born," I explained as she reached up and handed me a small lion teddy bear. 

"It's for her!" He said and I smiled as I handed it to Diana. 

"What do you say, Diana?" 

Diana stared at the lion for a moment before smiling. 

"Thanks!" She said and I laughed before I waved goodbye and moved on to the next section. 

"Are you excited to be in Luxembourg?" 

"I am! I rarely traveled before! So any chance we can get to do royal tours I always jump on the opportunity whether I am by myself or with Harry." I explained as I lowered Diana onto the ground and held her hand. 

"Wil you two be doing anything for her second birthday?" Another asked as Diana swung her feet and I smiled as I watched my daughter. 

"We plan on having a little party with her friends and family," I explained before I felt a hand on my lower back and looked and saw Harry standing right behind me. 

"Sorry, everyone! But I believe I must take my wife and daughter away now so I can properly feed them." Harry called out and everyone smiled. I waved goodbye before I began following Harry to the car. He opened the door and I scooped Diana up and put her in her car seat and strapped her in. 

I climbed in and sat beside her before Harry closed the door and got in on the other side. 

"We are going to have about five hours before the banquet," Harry whispered and I nodded as I felt my phone buzz with a text. 

"Hopefully Alice can get this little one to nap," I said as I took out my phone and saw Catherine texted me a photo. I opened the message and saw the ultrasound. 

"Aww! Look at our little nephew or niece!" I said as I showed Harry the photo and he grinned. 

"Still can't believe you two are pregnant again at the same time." He said and I laughed. 

"Same. But our kids will be close like you and Will are." 

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