Chapter Forty-Two: New Years Eve Party

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Isla of Sussex

December 31st, 2014

I held Diana's hand as we walked the hallway of Sandrigham Castle. Tonight was the family's annual New Year's Eve party and Her Majesty let me invite my family.

My mum, Maddy, Andrew, and Theo came but no one has heard anything from my father. I smiled when Diana broke away from me once she saw my mother and rushed over to her.

"Abuela!" Diana said and my mother grinned as she held my daughter close to her.

"Hi, Auntie Isla!" Theo said as I bent down as best as I could and hug him.

"Hi, Theo! Hi mum! Ready for the party?" I asked and my mum smiled as she placed Diana on the ground and held her hand.

"Yes! Maddy and Andrew are talking out there and they said they would catch up with us." She explained as Theo led the way to the ballroom.

"They are getting close again?" I asked and my mum smiled.

"Mija, I refuse to get into any of your love lives again. I'm sitting this one out." She said as we entered the ballroom and Will was the first one waiting for us.

"Hello, Amanda! You look lovely!" He said and mum smiled at Will as she kissed his cheek.

"Hello, William! Thank you very much! How is little Georgie doing?"

"He is well! Over there with Kate waiting for his favorite cousin." He said and I smiled softly at Will.

"Well let me take this little one to her cousin and say hello to Catherine. Behave Theo and listen to your Tia." Mum said as she held Diana's hand and started her way towards Kate.

"How is Kate doing? Five more months right?"

"Just about. The little one is kicking around now. But it's keeping her up." He explained and I smiled softly at Will.

"Yea, we just came from our appointment earlier. Baby is a pound smaller than what it should be but our doctor told us not to worry." I explained and Will sighed.

"The second time around should be easier but it's not. I was told Mum had a rough time with Harry. I don't want that with Kate or with you, Isla." He said and I lifted my hand and placed it on his shoulder.

"Our bodies know exactly what to do Will. It can be rough right now for Kate but it'll get better. Just give her some time." I said before I felt someone tap me and I looked over my shoulder and saw Beatrice, Eugenie, and Eugenie's boyfriend Jack standing there.

"Hi, guys!" I yelled as I threw my arms around Beatrice and hugged her.

"Your belly got bigger too! We just saw Kate and she already looks like she did last May." Beatrice said and I chuckled softly as I let go of Beatrice and hugged Eugenie.

"Isla, this is my boyfriend Jack. Jack this is Isla." She said as I stuck my hand out and shook Jack's hand.

"It's very nice to meet you. Eugenie talks about you all the time." I stated and Eugenie blushed but Jack chuckled.

"It's very nice to meet you as well Isla. I just met your husband Harry and your brother Andrew. They were outside speaking." He explained and I sighed softly.

"Hopefully they will be nice to one another," I muttered before I heard a microphone turn on and I looked towards the stage and saw Charles on the small stage.

"Good evening everyone! And Welcome to Windsor's annual New Year's Eve party! The time now is ten o'clock and we have two more hours until we all ring in the New Year! Finger foods are to the left of the ballroom and beverages to the right!" He informed us and I smiled softly as I looked down at Theo who was looking towards the door.

I lifted my eyes and saw Maddy and Andrew walking in with Harry and the two were holding hands.

"Theo, are your mum and dad back together?" I whispered and Theo shrugged.

"She broke up with Rick in September. Dad's been staying the night." He said and I looked up at Will who was staring at Theo.

"You don't want your mum and dad together?"

"My dad faked his death, Uncle Will. He faked it to leave us. Why would I want him back?" He whispered and my heart ached as I heard his voice crack.

"Oh Theo," I whispered as I went to hug him but he stepped out of my way.

"Can I just go play with James and his sister?"

"Yea, just stay in the castle and stay near the ballroom okay?"

Theo nodded before he shoved his hands into his pocket and went to find James. I stared after him for a moment before looking to Will who nodded.

"You have to tell your brother and Maddy."

"How? How do I tell them this?"

"Either you do or Theo is going to start acting out. Harry did the same thing after Mum died and dad started publicly dating Camilia." He said before he turned and walked to find his wife. I inhaled softly and placed a hand on my stomach before walking towards Maddy, Andrew, and Harry.

"Stay out of it Harry." My brother said as I approached them.

"What are you two fighting about?" I hissed earning my brother to stare at me.

"Your husband is saying Theo doesn't want me with Maddy. He is just projecting his childhood on Theo. Now tell him to cut it out." Andrew hissed and I heard his slur his words.

"Isla." Maddy began before I raised my hand.

"Harry is right. He just said to Will and me how you faked your death to leave them. He does not want you with his mother. Now you will leave Andrew, you are drunk and will not embarrass me." I said calmly and Andrew glared at me.

"Papa was right. You have changed since marrying into this family. Hopefully, you won't drop dead." He said as he ripped his hand away from Maddy and walked out of the ballroom.

"Don't we just love family drama?" Harry said as he wrapped his me and pulled me close.


"I know, I know. I'm an arse."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I held Diana in my arms and bounced her softly. The countdown was just a minute away.

Theo was sitting on Harry's shoulder as we all crowded around the stage as Her Majesty was finishing her speech.

"Every year it is such an honor to ring in another with my family. May next year be wonderful as we welcome more members of our family." She finished as she held up her flute of champagne.

Everyone who had their drinks raised them up and we all saluted her.

"Ready everyone? Ten, nine, eight-" Charles began as the countdown appeared on the t.v behind Her Majesty.

"Seven, six, five!"

I turned to Harry and smiled at him.

"Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" We all cried out. I leaned up and kissed Harry softly.

"Happy New Year my love."

"Happy New Year!"

I looked down at Diana and smiled softly at her.

"Happy New Year baby girl!" I said as I held her close to me.

"Happy New! Happy New!" She said and I chuckled softly.

"Close enough!"

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