Chapter Forty-One: Christmas 2014

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Isla of Sussex

December 25th, 2014

"Can my stomach possible be bigger for being only five months pregnant?" I asked Harry as we drove to Will and Kate's home.

"This is our second child. Your belly does get bigger." Harry said as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"You are never touching me again," I said as we parked and I saw Kate and Will walking towards us. When they climbed inside Kate smiled softly at me.

"I feel like I haven't seen you two in forever!" Kate said as she leaned over and hugged both of us.

"Well the tour of Belgium was two weeks and it was tiring. Now we have to prepare for our Luxembourg tour." Harry explained and Will smiled softly.

"Our States tour compares nothing to yours. How was the funeral?" Will asked as we turned towards the church.

"Diana behaved during it which was good. But I've never been to a monarch's funeral." I confessed and Kate shivered softly.

"Hopefully the next time we go on a tour that never happens to us." She said as the car stopped and they climbed out first. Once Harry and I stepped out I heard the cheers of everyone and I raised my hand to wave to the crowd.

I linked my hand with Harry as we made our way to where everyone was waiting to walk to the church. Once I saw Her Majesty and Prince Phillip we quickly started following them.

"So Harry, Isla. Belgium tour tired you out?" Edward asked as he held Sophies' hand.

"Very much."

"I believe you two did very well. Especially during the funeral. " Sophie said and I smiled softly as we stepped into the church. Harry led me to our seat beside Zara and Mike and I smiled softly as I hugged Zara.

"How is baby Sussex doing in there?" She asked as she handed us our two programs and we sat down.

"Well, I am about seventeen weeks pregnant. Soon the baby will begin to kick." I explained and Harry grinned.

"And before we go on our Luxembourg trip we should be able to find out what it is."

"Which we won't! I'm not trying to get in trouble." I said and Mike let out a laugh.

"Is it moving yet?"

"I believe so. I fell it flutter around and it makes me laugh. Diana keeps touching my belly to see if it'll touch her."

"That's adorable."

"Shh, the archbishop is about to begin," Zara said and Harry shot a look at his cousin.

"Says the girl who one time let out a loud snore during sermon about ten years ago."

"Watch it, Henry."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I grinned as I shook the Archbishop's hand and smiled at him.

"Are you excited about your newest bundle?" He asked as I placed a hand on my stomach.

"Nervous really. Diana is just going to be two when the baby is born." I explained and the Archbishop smiled.

"It is an honor to bear children, Isla. Even if it seems nerve-racking you will handle it. I have faith you will." He said and I smiled softly as I bowed my head at him. As I stepped outside Harry stepped forward and smiled at me.

"Ready to say goodbye to Granny and then say hello to everyone else?" He asked as he threw his arm around my shoulder and led me to the rest of the family was gathering.

Harry and I stepped down near Will and Kate and I waved to the crowd softly. I felt someone reach for my hand and I looked down to see little James.

"I was trying to find you and Harry the entire service." He said and Harry chuckled as he fixed James' hair.

"We normally sit in the front kiddo."

As Her Majesty and Prince Phillip stepped towards the car along with Anne and her husband Timothy they turned back around and waved to everyone.

I dropped to a curtsy and I smiled softly at the both of them before they got in the car and drove away. Once the car was out of sight Harry and I led James over to the crowd so he could handle his first every walkabout.

"Happy Christmas everyone! I hope you are handling the wind better than I am." I began as I started shaking people's hands.

"Happy Christmas to you! How is the babe doing?" A woman asked as she handed James a stuffed dog.

"This little one is doing well. I can begin to fill it moving around." I stated as I was handed some flowers.

"What do you think it is?" A little boy asked as I bent down in front of him and hugged him.

"I really don't know. I truly thought Diana was a boy. So who knows what this little one will be. As long as it is healthy I truly do not mind if it is a boy or a girl." I said before I stood up and placed my hand on James' shoulder.

"As long as the kid is as sweet as James here," I added and James blushed before we waved goodbye to them and made our way to Harry who was holding three posters under his arm.

"More posters for our offices?" I asked and Harry nodded as he pulled one out that was a blue poster board.

"This one is from our tour and all the photos. I really don't know how people get such good shots." He said as we waved goodbye to everyone and began making our way towards our car.

"Can I come with you guys to play with Diana?" James asked as he held his dog close to him.

"You have to ask your mum and dad, kid. You know the rules." Harry said as he motioned to Edward and Sophie who were waiting in their car. James sighed before rushing over to his parents.

"So what do you want? A son or another daughter?" I asked Harry earning him to look at me surprised before smiling at me.

"I wouldn't mind another daughter. You will forever be my Queen and Diana will always be my first princess. But I also wouldn't mind a son."

"As long as the baby is healthy right?"

"Right." He whispered before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Merry Christmas my love."

"Merry Christmas baby."

@DailyMail_UK: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released their annual Christmas card

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@DailyMail_UK: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released their annual Christmas card. This was taken earlier this month by the Duchess's mother, Amanda at their lodge. The photo was taken in their family room in front of their famous bookshelf! Merry Christmas everyone!

@User1: Look at little Diana! She's adorable!

@User2: Next year it'll be the Sussex family of four!

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