Chapter Nine: Denmark National Zoo

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Isla of Sussex

February 7th, 2014

I held Diana on my hip as we stepped out of the car. Today the three of us along with the entire Crown Prince Family would be visiting the National Zoo. Harry stepped towards us and he wrapped his arm around me before leading us inside.

I smiled as I saw Mary holding Josphine in her arms as Fredrick held Vicent. I looked around and spotted Christian and Isabella.

"Hello everyone!" Harry said and Diana waved shyly earning Fredrick to chuckle.

"She is adorable! How old is she?"

"She is now ten months. We are already planning her first birthday party and you are of course invited!" I said as Fredrick hugged me.

"These are our lovely children. In order, it goes Christian, Isabella, Vincent, and Josphine." He said as he pointed to every single one of them.

"Are you ready to see all of the animals?" Harry asked and Christian nodded.

"I want to see the monkeys!" He said and Harry laughed as he offered Christian his hand before I looked at Mary.

"So what animals are we seeing first?"

"We are going to go inside and warm up for a bit and see the pandas, then the foxes, birds, and peacocks. Then we have the half in and half out part. There we will see the polar bears, giraffes, and baby cubs are new." Mary rambled and I smiled.

"Don't worry, you planned everything wonderful," I stated and Mary shook her head as she fixed Josphine before holding Isabella's hand and guiding us inside.

"Planning this and then having four children to drag around. It's a lot." She said and I nodded as Diana began bouncing as she spotted the pandas.

"Oh, I know. I watched George for Kate and Will one time and I wanted to pull my hair out because the two of them together drive me nuts." I said as Diana almost threw herself out of my arms to reach a panda.

"Has she started walking yet?"

"She takes steps but only holding Harry or my hand. When we leave her to walk on her own she just stares at us like we are dumb." I explained before we reached the pandas and squealed.

"Can you say Pandas?" I asked as I set her on the ground and she quickly stood up and reached for the glass.

Diana grinned before turning to Harry and began babbling.

"That usually means she wants her father," I said with a smile as Harry bent down with her. I stood up and walked over to Isabella who was sitting in front of the foxes.

"Do you like foxes?" I asked but Isabella shook her head.

"No, they look weird. But I like their tails." She said and I laughed as I helped her stand up and dusted the front of her skirt off.

"Do you like coming here?"

"Yes but momma and poppa don't come here a lot." She explained and I nodded as I helped her onto the stand so she can see into the exhibit.

"I know. At times I feel bad when I work a lot and leave my baby." I whispered and Isabella nodded.

"But today fun! We are together!" She said as I felt someone near me and looked to see Harry with Diana in his arms and holding Christians hand as he pointed out the foxes.

I stared at him for a moment and smiled at how natural he looked with two kids. We had always talked about having another one but only to try after Diana was a year and a half old.

"Okay, so we have seen the pandas and foxes already. Why don't we see the pretty birds?" Fredrick offered and all the kids cheered including Diana.

Veamos Los pavos reales!" (Let us see the peacocks!) I said and Diana clapped her hands.

"Pavos!" She cried out and I rolled my eyes.

"Close enough!" I said as we turned left and I gasped when a white peacock walked in front of me and I pulled Isabella out of the way.

"They let them walk around here?" I said and Fredrick chuckled.

"Only some of the animals. Peacocks don't usually attack unless they are provoked." He explained as he set Vincent on the floor and Vincent quickly rushed to Isabella's side.

"You are teaching Diana Spanish?"

"Yes, it was the second language I learned. My mum said once I was able to say sentences in English she started teaching me Spanish. It was all my grandparents spoke." I explained as I heard the clicks of the camera and I looked to see Harry spinning around with Diana.

"Do you two ever think about having another?" Fredrick asked as he scooped Josphine out of Mary's arms as Mary rushed after Vincent.

"We do but we wanted to wait till Diana is almost two. Then we will start potty training her and getting her ready for nursery school." I explained and Fredrick chuckled.

"We said that about having Isabella but she came earlier than we needed her too." He explained before I heard a cry and I froze.

I knew that cry. It was Diana. I quickly turned and saw Diana sitting on the ground near Isabella and rubbing her head.

"I was trying to help her walk! She fell!" Isabella said and I nodded as I stepped to them and quickly scooped Diana into my arms.

"It's alright Isabella, I swear. Diana can be stubborn." I explained as I bounced Diana and rubbed her head.

"Shh, está bien." (She, it's alright) I whispered as I rocked her softly. She stopped crying and took a deep breathe before I bent down and set her to stand up again.

"Now be a good girl and try to walk with Isabella," I said and Diana stared at me for a moment before she dropped to the ground and began crawling.

"She is stubborn like her father," I said as I stood up and Harry was next to be.

"Hey! How is she stubborn like me?"

"You're ginger! Gingers are very stubborn." I said and Harry rolled his eyes before he wrapped his arm around me and we watched as Isabella picked up Diana and I smiled.

"It wouldn't hurt to have another one would it?" I asked and Harry shook his head.

"No, it wouldn't. But right now let's go see the polar bears. I want to take a photo and tell William it's him!"

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