taking on the world together

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this might not be explained too well in the story but the first flashback takes place around sept/oct 2016 and then it progresses from there. just wanna make sure it's not too confusing haha <3


Taylor smiled as she sat back down on the couch, letting herself fall back into Joe's arms. Laying with her head on his chest, their legs intertwined as they sprawled out on the couch was really the most comfortable position she could imagine. She heard Sebastian and Logan laughing as they played with their toy blocks, and her smile only grew wider.

"Can you believe it?" Taylor asked Joe. "Sometimes I look around me and I just think about how crazy life is. It feels like just yesterday that we made eye contact at the Met Gala, and now here we are."

"It is pretty mad to think about," Joe agreed, playing with Taylor's hair.

"Remember when we were first getting to know each other, and you took me to that lake?" Taylor said, sighing contently.

"I would never forget it, love," Joe responded.

some years ago

"Where are we?" Taylor asked as she stepped out of the car, looking around at the forest they were parked next to.

"You'll see," Joe replied, grinning mysteriously. "Come on, it's just through here." He led Taylor on a path through the woods until they made it to their destination.

Taylor gasped, looking around at the scenery. On the edge of the small collection of trees was a lake, with a small strip of sand between them. The lights from the city across from them reflected onto the dark surface, making it appear like a magical scene in a romantic movie.

"Joe, this is perfect," Taylor said, looking all around her.

"I know it's not a fancy restaurant or bar or any expensive art museum, but you said you wanted privacy, so–" Joe said.

"Joe," Taylor told him, her voice soft. "This is a million times better than any restaurant or bar or art museum. This is so much more personal than that."

Joe smiled, relieved that Taylor liked the suprise. "Do you wanna have a seat? I have a blanket and some wine," he offered.

Taylor looked around at the scenery again before smiling at Joe and nodding. "You know the right way to my heart," she told him as he lay the blanket on the sand.

They sat down, Joe pouring them both glasses of wine and handing one to Taylor.

"It's so beautiful here," Taylor said, admiring the view as she drank her wine. "This view is just... something else."

"It really is," Joe mumbled. Taylor couldn't see it, too busy focused on the lake, but he was not looking at the lake as he said it.

"I can't believe this place really exists," said Taylor, turning to Joe and scooting back so they were closer. "It's so gorgeous, yet no one is here. I will say, though, it is a little chilly."

Joe smiled, his gaze darting down. Taylor was sitting right next to him. He didn't have to be scared, he could do this, he told himself. Carefully, he moved so his arm was draped around Taylor's shoulders. "I like how little people know about it. It makes it perfect for occasions like this," he said softly.

Taylor leaned more into Joe, enjoying the feeling of his arm wrapped around her. "Yes, it truly does," she agreed blissfully.

The newly formed couple continued sipping their wine and quietly conversing for a while, Taylor never moving from the position of her leaning against Joe's torso.

handprints on my soul - jaylor oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now