it's a cruel summer

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He collapsed onto the bed just next to her, their heavy breathing becoming the only sound in the quiet of the night. For a while they simply lay there, staring at the ceiling.

"It's stuffy in here," Joe finally commented.

Taylor stood up, striding across the room with footsteps muffled by the carpet to the window. The moonlight streaming in reflected off her skin, giving it an eerie glow. As she slid open the window, she didn't mind that she was naked; after all, this window faced a wall, a side yard off the garden no one ever walked down. Most certainly not in the dead of night.

An open window allowed for the nighttime breeze to blow in, icy on Taylor's sticky with sweat skin. She stood in the window for a minute, appreciative of the wind.

A gasp came from her lungs when she felt his hands on her waist. Twisting around, Taylor glanced back at him, interested.

"The moonlight makes you look angelic," Joe told her in that deep voice of his, even the sound of which could ignite a spark in Taylor's stomach.

"Devil in disguise," Taylor mused, and Joe drew her towards him, gravitating her back to his chest.

"Come back to bed," Joe whispered directly into her ear, his hot breath making it go warm. Or maybe that was something else.

"Again? Already?" Taylor teased, a gently playful smile forming her lips. She turned the rest of her body around now, allowing their fronts to face each other. Then she placed her fingers against his chest, the muscles defined but not bulging. Her finger traced down it all, still learning the feel of this new body.

"You can't say you don't want it," Joe said as he watched her hand move. She reached his hip and they simultaneously looked up at each other, recognizing the hunger in the other's eyes as the hunger in their own.

"Let's go," Taylor breathed, the sensual undertones not going unnoticed by Joe.

And then, like she were in some fever dream induced by the summer heat, Taylor was dying again at his touch and movements while the rest of the world lay silent and still.


Back at home, Taylor was calm. She sat in the window of her bedroom, staring out onto the street below. With summer brought the wonderful colors out on the street, matching with the bright decor of Taylor's house. Bright orange, yellow, and hot pink seemed to make up much of the pillows and blankets she brought out for the season.

Her cell phone rang, and Taylor smiled at the name before picking up.

"Hey, Abi," Taylor greeted happily. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to check in on you. Been a few days since we talked is all," Abigail responded. "What about you?"

"Just staring out the window and thinking," Taylor replied, and she let out a wry chuckle.

"What about?" Abigail prompted as Taylor set her phone down on the cushion of the window seat.

"Stuff," Taylor cheekily answered.

"Clever," Abigail laughed. "I see I have to give you more specific questions... let's see. How is it going with Joe? Anything new?"

The mention of his name caused a smile to appear on Taylor's lips, and a blush to rise to her cheeks because of the smile. She was suddenly appreciative of the fact that they were on a voice call and not FaceTime.

"Maybe a few new things," Taylor said, becoming slightly giggly.

"Tell me! Oh my god, I want to hear all about it!" Abigail raved. "I wish we were in the same place so we could be all high school gossip-ey. Please tell me you're coming to Nashville soon."

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