just close your eyes

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"The snow is coming down pretty strong out there," Joe said, staring out of the window. He took in the sight, a flurry of white in the sky and piles of snow on everything outside, hiding it all from view.

"Certainly is," Taylor responded, a light, weightless quality to her words. She put her hands on his shoulders, an easy movement as he was sitting in one of the chairs kept next to the wide window outlooking the spacious front yard. "November truly is coming to a close, isn't it?"

"It's holding on for a few final days," Joe said, continuing to stare out into the abyss of snow.

"Do you think this will clear up enough for everyone to come for Thanksgiving tomorrow?" Taylor wondered aloud. Taking gentle steps, she curled her legs under her as she sat on the other chair by the window.

"Only time will tell, I'm afraid," Joe answered.

"It looks rough out there," Taylor commented. The snowfall was mesmerizing, and both could understand that the other didn't want to take their eyes off of it, for they each felt the same. "It makes it feel extra cozy in here."

Joe took a breath, finally breaking his gaze from the window. Instead he looked at Taylor, her side profile faced towards him. The glow from the snow reflected onto her, shimmering on her skin. Her hair was tied into a loose ponytail with her bangs falling into her face, and she was dressed in a casual outfit of flannel pajama pants and a loose cream colored shirt she'd stolen from his closet.

His phone was laying on the small table between them, and he picked it up, taking a beautiful picture of her.

Hearing his movement, Taylor turned to see him, smiling bashfully when she noticed he was taking a picture of her.

"Excuse me for taking the picture, but you looked simply ethereal, I just had to," Joe explained. He handed her the phone, allowing Taylor to see it for herself, and she smiled.

"Thank you," she smiled as she handed the phone back to him. "It completes our fall mood board from this year."

She wasn't wrong, as the snow outside mixed with the cozy inside decorated with fall colors and decorations made it the perfect autumn picture. Her comfortable outfit and hairstyle didn't hurt either.

"Care to have one final, cozy day of autumn before we spend all day tomorrow cooking and the next day we're launched into Christmas?" Joe offered.

"That would be lovely," Taylor smiled. "The day is perfect for it. Doesn't look like we'll be able to go outside anytime, so a cozy day sounds perfect."

"Good, because I've already got ideas," Joe laughed.

"Gonna make an itinerary?" teased Taylor, a soft jab at him they could both laugh off.

"Don't give me any ideas," Joe joked back, and smiled admirably at her before crossing into the kitchen.

While Joe got whatever his plan was ready, Taylor padded across the floor to the record player, selecting one from the shelf. It was The National of course, as that was their go to band for as long as Taylor could remember. She then strode back to the seats in the window, staring out on the snowstorm as the record player in the background set the mood for the day.

Joe came back into the room moments later, two steaming mugs in his hands. A smile spread across his face at the sight of Taylor and the sound of the music.

"Apple cider?" he offered, setting both of the cups on the table.

"Very autumn," Taylor commented, carefully picking up the mug Joe had given to her. "To us, and to the end of fall," she said as they clinked the glasses together. Then she brought it to her lips, taking a sip of the warm beverage. She savored the taste in her mouth a moment before swallowing, allowing all the flavors from the spices to make their presence known before she gulped it down and it warmed her insides up nicely.

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