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Tw abuse

Dan pov

I woke up in my new room, lying on the soft mattress with a thick duvet laid over me. I barely remembered last night. I know that Eret, Phil, George, Fundy and Tubbo arrived but I couldn't remember what for. I also know that my mother would be wanting me back soon. I shuddered at the thought of going back to her. I doubt she would have been able to figure out where I was but she was persistent, a trait I had inherited. Techno and Wil had said that I could stay as long as I wanted. 

As son as these thoughts entered the already crammed brain of mine a clash of thunder sounded from outside and a bright strike of lightning flew down from the heavens, lighting up the cracks from in between the shutters on my window. I covered my head in the duvet, memories flooded back to me. My mother always beat me whenever there was a storm. "Better no-one hears your pathetic cries" She said. I hated them. I hated them so much.

Another strike of lightning and another memory of nearly drowning in the bath. A heavy downfall of rain and I'm pulled out gasping for air before getting plunged back in. Another clash of thunder and a red-hot knife sizzling into my back, drawing a long red line down while I scream into the water. I didn't realise I was crying when I fell off the bed, letting all the heat escape from the duvet. It was pulled off the bed when I fell off so I wrapped it around me and cried into it, pulling my knees into my chest. 

Another clash of thunder and I scream almost as I remember how she left me bleeding on the bathroom floor. My breathing gets faster and I feel like there isn't any air left in the room. I can see the thin strip of light from under the door open wider as someone enters the room. "Yo can you quiet-" It was Tommy. He's cut off as he sees the state I am in. "Omg are you ok?" The thunder rumbles again and i bury my head into the duvet and muffle my sobs. "Okay... umm hold on." He dashes out, leaving the door open.

There is more banging on the roof as the rain gets heavier. After what seems like an eternity, two shadows appear at the door. Tommy and someone else. The other person looks at me and mutters something to Tommy and he runs off. I shuffle away and they approach me slowly as not to startle me. I can feel warm strong arms wrap around me as the person sits next to me and I scoot over and push my head into their chest. They stroke my hair and whisper soft words to me. Its Eret

Tommy pov

I was in my room on twitter when I hear a thud from Dan's room. I shut off my phone, the sound of the storm grows louder as a gust of wind bangs the windows. The windows bang and I walk over to the door, opening it and creeping down the hallway. I can hear a soft scream come from her room. I open the door. "Yo can you quiet-" 

She's on the floor, long black hair messy, her golden eyes filled with tears. "Omg are you ok?" Thunder from outside and she pulls the duvet closer and buries her head in it. She's hyperventilating. "Okay... umm hold on." I run out her room and to the one opposite. 

I bang on the door. Eret opens it, his hair ruffled and he's wearing an oversized grey hoodie and some light blue sweat pants. He looks at me groggily. "What is it Tommy?" There is another sob from Dan's room. "Dan's what. I really don't think she like the storm." Eret nods and rushes past me. I follow. He stops at the door and I can see his eyes widen at the sight. "Go get the others please. It's probably some bad memories and she's having a panic attack." I nod and rush off to Wilbur's room. 

Philza pov

I was lying peacefully in my bed when I woke to someone shaking me. My eyes flew open and I groaned. "What Tommy?" It wasn't him who answered though. It was George. "Apparently it's Dan. She's having a panic attack." Tommy nods and so does Tubbo and Will behind them. "Right lets go get Fundy then and we'll all stay with her ok?" They nod and Fundy walks in the room. He looks at us. "I was getting a snack from the kitchen and I heard shouting." Will grabs his arm without explanation and we all parade down the hallway. 

We walk in to see Dan and Eret on the floor. Eret is holding her in his lap while she sobs into his chest. I don't think she's breathing properly. He's stroking her hair and cradling her, rocking back and forth as the wind bangs on the windows. 

Wilbur drops down next to them and takes her small hands in his large ones. She turns to face him, her tear-streaked cheeks and worried golden eyes the most prominent. 

She hiccoughs and he whispers to her, gently placing her hand on his heart so she can steady herself. "Shhh its okay, your ok. Breathe for me okay? breathe" She starts breathing normally and stops crying for a bit. Then a clash of thunder and she takes her hands out of Wilburs and flinches. 

George kneels down as well and hugs her. She grips onto his shirt as the lightning flashes outside. 

Me, Fundy and Tubbo also sit down on the floor, joining in on the hug. After a while I can hear her softly snoring. I scoop her up and place her on the bed. Fundy puts the duvet over top of her and we all take up various positions around the room. 

Wilbur lays down next to her, placing her hand on his heart like before just in case. Tubbo and Tommy move over to the beanbag in the corner and fall asleep on top of each other. George sits down on a chair and Fundy grabs a book from the bookshelf and sits on the floor. Eret lays on the other side of her from Wilbur, hugging her from behind so she feels safe. 

I grab a blanket and throw it over the two boys in the corner before grabbing a book as well and sitting on the floor at the end of the bed, resting my head against it.

"Night guys." I whisper. 


Hope you liked this one! Just some PLATONIC fluff. Go drink water also another shout out to Sunshine_Innit for basically planning the whole rest of the storyline. 

Remember to vote and follow if you enjoyed, its literally just pressing a button but it would really boost my self confidence. 

Go drink water and eat some fud. Baiiiiii


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