Chapter 1

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*Picture of Bentley!*

Bentley's POV

"Passengers of Flight 536 can find their belongings on conveyer-belt B. Thank you for flying with American Express."

I sighed, feeling afraid of how this move will turn out. I had my walking cane in one hand, and my suitcase in the other. My mother Arleen and my brother Lucas were beside me, chatting away about how this Airport is huge and how there were many statues of planes and one of that famous woman who loved to fly planes; Amelia something. Hell if I know.

I know that they don't do it on purpose, but when they talk about the things that they see tends to hurt my feelings. I can't help it; I've never known what it is like to open my eyes and actually see. I don't know what colors are, I mean sure I know what the definition of a color is, but that's completely different than actually identifying the color with my own eyes. I don't know what Mom and Lucas look like, and I'll never be able to see the face of the girl I fall in love with.

But, who could ever love a blind person?

Who could love someone that's incapable of taking care of themself? I'm so dependent on other people, even on inanimate objects like my walking cane. I wouldn't want to be a burden on someone, especially if she just wanted a loving husband! Plus, I know that girls like nice looking boys. Sure I've been told that I'm handsome, but what if people are just saying that to make me feel good? I could be considered ugly to those who can see, and I would never know.

"Sweetie, watch out there are four steps that go down." Mom spoke, shaking me away from my thoughts. Her hand came out and held onto my upper arm as I carefully descended the four steps. The air around us immediately became hotter and the sound of traffic was all that could be heard.

"Where are we?" I asked, realizing that we didn't have a car, which would make that a little difficult to get home.

"Outside. We're about to get into a taxi so it can take us home." Lucas answered, wrapping one of his arms around my shoulders. I smiled at the familiarness and my depressed mood seemed to brighten.

Lucas is only three years older than me, so we are pretty close. He graduated high school three years ago, and he is transferring to a university around here so he can still be relatively close to us. This move is hard for him. He's leaving all of his friends, and even Tanya, his girlfriend of four years. I liked Tanya, she was always very good to Lucas and me.

Honestly, I couldn't imagine how Lucas must feel about leaving everyone he cared about. I, on the other hand, had had only one friend. Jacob was his name, but we weren't that close. I'll miss him, sure, but not enough to cry over it.

"Duck, Benny, we're getting in the taxi." Lucas said, taking my bag from my hands. I then heard the sound of a trunk closing and felt hands on me as I was gently guided into the taxi.

"Where to, folks?" The driver asked, his voice carrying a thick accent that I couldn't identify.

"81 Majestic Avenue please." My mother answered. In response, the car started up and began moving.

"Are you guys visiting someone?" The overly curious driver asked.

"No, we just moved here." Lucas answered coldly. I smirked, then leaned against my brother. The driver was quiet after that, probably realizing that he shouldn't be too nosy with strangers. We can thank Lucas for that.

He draped his arm across my shoulders and the rest of the ride was silent. My nose crinkled in disgust at the faint smell of smoke in this cab, but I tried my best to ignore it. Eventually, we pulled up to our new home; the new place that I'll have to memorize if I want to move around by myself safely. I sighed at that thought, knowing that it will take some time and patience. I held Lucas' hand as we walked up the 1, 2, 3, the three steps to get to the front door.

Mom unlocked it with the keys and we all made our ways inside. I quietly stood there as Mom and Lucas talked about how beautiful the interior was, meanwhile trying not to let it bother me. Of course I failed at that, but I really can't help it.

"Now, bedroom talk! Bentley, sweetie, there is a bedroom on this floor and two upstairs. Do you want to take this one down here or one upstairs?" Mom asked, gently placing her hand on my shoulder. I thought about it for a moment, and decided what I wanted.

"I want one upstairs." I answered, and reached out for Lucas. He took my hand quickly and helped me up the stairs as if he knew exactly what I wanted.

"You know, you don't have to choose to be up here just to prove something. If you want to be downstairs-"

"No, Lucas! I want to be up here and I want you to take the bedroom next to mine. I'm sick of all of this pity shit! I said I wanted a bedroom upstairs, what is there to question about that?" I growled, pulling my hand away from his.

"You're right. I'm sorry. The bedrooms are side by side and the bathroom is directly across from the one furthest of the stairs. Which do you want?" He asked patiently.

"I'll take the one furthest from the stairs." I answered, and he directed me to go about 8 steps forward and turn to the left. After a few moments of searching, I found the doorknob and opened it.

"Stay right here. I'll grab your things and bring them up." Lucas said, patting my shoulder quickly before leaving.

"Okay." I mumbled. After he left, I stuck my hand out and felt around the walls. The room feels pretty big, but that could just be because there is no furniture in here. There is also a closet by the door, kind of like the bedroom I had in my old house. That thought saddened me; mostly because I had lived there my whole life and now here we are, moving halfway across the country. I shook the sad thoughts away, and tried my best to help with the unpacking. We had lots to do!


The day passed us by slowly. There was lots of moving of furniture, decorating, bickering, and eating of Chinese take out.

Over all, my bedroom turned out to be a success because we were able to arrange my furniture the exact same way that it was before. This made me very happy because that meant I didn't have to get used to a new set up of my bedroom, and also that I could move around without worrying that I would hurt myself.

So that's one day in our new home down, and tomorrow I get the exciting opportunity to explore Mount Pleasant. Well it is exciting despite the fact that I will not be able to see what we are touring.


So that's Chapter One of my newest story! I know it's pretty dry, but if you stick with it I'm sure you'll like it :)


This chapter is dedicated to
@Keronpugh because I would really love it if you read this story!

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