Chapter 6

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*To the side is a picture of the beautiful twins!!*

Nikolai's POV

> Make sure that nobody, and I mean nobody acts out of line! My Mate is fragile and I can not afford him getting scared and rejecting me! Is that clear? < I demanded, just as I pulled my truck onto the long dirt road that leads to my Pack House.

> Yes, Alpha! < The pack chorused in response. I smile, then park my truck before getting out and going over to Bentley's side to help him out.

"So, we're at your house now?" Bentley asked, his voice trembling slightly. I wrapped my arm around his waist protectively as I led him towards the front door.

"Yes, Tinok. Many people that live in this city are here right now, but that is how it always is. My house is the busiest building in all of Mount Pleasant." I whispered in response.

Mother and father will be very pleased that my Mate has agreed to visit. Even if we hardly know each other, it is very important to me, his Mate, for him to agree to spending time with me and my family.

> That's him? He's so cute! <

> He's so small and shy looking! <

> That's our new Luna? He's Adorable! <

> He's perfect for you, Alpha. <

I was getting much praise from my pack as Bentley and I walked to the front door. There were wolves everywhere, but they know that he is blind, which also means that they know that it's okay to be in wolf form as long as they don't howl, growl or fight.

"It smells very woodsy. But you smell very woodsy so I guess I'm not surprised." Bentley commented, just as we walked into the kitchen. His ability to detect such a minor detail made me smile in adoration.

"Good afternoon everyone." I greeted, then smiled when they all returned it. The house was very loud, and the unmistakable pitter patter of tiny footsteps racing in my direction made me smirk.

"Nikko! We missed you!" My little brother screams, as him and his twin sister run up to me and squeeze my legs in hugs.

"I've missed you too my Achais. This is Bentley, he is my friend." I smiled, giving them each a kiss on the head.
(Achai is Hebrew for sibling!)

"Hi Bentley, I'm Tucker!"

"And I'm Anna!"

"Hello, I'm Bentley." My Mate smiled, earning me a lot more praise through the pack link about how amazing and tenderhearted he seems.

I felt an intense wave of discomfort coming from my Mate so I silently shooed my Achais away. I walked us away from the kitchen and into the living room instead. There are seven couches in here, three recliner chairs, and a couple beanbag chairs in the corner. The living room had several people in here, but they all kept to themselves as I gently helped Bentley sit down. I sat beside him and gazed into his beautiful grayish colored eyes.

"Where are we now?" He asked, quietly.

"We are in the main living room. There's like twelve different pieces of furniture to sit on in here so it's quite large." I answered, hoping that my description was good enough. But nothing can possibly be good enough for my Mate; he only deserves the best. So, I will try my damned hardest to make sure that he only gets the best!

"Oh, I see. Don't you get nervous with all of these people in your house? Like when you come home and there's a bunch of people sitting in the living room, doesn't that make you feel like you have no privacy?" He asked, curiously.

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