Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: ALEX

"Here's one extra free smoothie for the fine lady."

A Jamba Juice worker approached our table and placed a small-sized tropical smoothie in front of Krystal before taking her empty cup. I looked up to see him gazing lustfully at her and for a split second, a tinge of jealously hit my stomach. He looked to be a bit younger than us, probably fresh out of high school. The girls who had come and gone throughout our time here had all fawned over him, although Krystal hadn't seemed to notice him until now.

Krystal and I had been in Jamba Juice for the past two hours - we didn't plan to stay so long, but we had gotten caught up in such a nice, fun conversation that we had lost track of the time. It hadn't hit me that we had been here for that long until this worker came to give her a free drink.

"Oh...really? Thank you, that's very nice. I just don't know why I'm...getting a free drink. Is it because we've been here way too long?" Krystal laughed lightly, and her sweetness made me smile.

The guy smiled playfully at Krystal, biting his lower lip as she spoke to him. He barely even gave me any type of acknowledgement.

"It's on me. I see plenty of women come in everyday but you are probably one of the sexiest I've ever seen. I couldn't not give you a free drink. That's the most I can give you when you have a boyfriend."


This guy is extremely bold.

Krystal blushed faintly but hid it well as she explained to him that her and I were not dating. His smile widened and looked even more wicked once he heard this.

"Well then, if that's the case..." He reached into one of the pockets of his Jamba Juice apron and pulled out a notepad and pen. He scribbled for quite some time before tearing off a sheet of paper and handing it to Krystal. She took it, hesitantly, and as she looked down to read it, he looked down to stare, without any type of shame, at her breasts. Her face went from calm to embarassed before she looked back up at him, and it was clear that she was at a loss for words due to whatever he had written her. He just licked his lips and winked at her before returning to his position behind the register.

I waited for Krystal to say something, but she just folded the paper in halves until it was extremely small, and placed it right into the free smoothie he had given her. Her eyes were now glued to the floor, and I didn't know whether or not it was appropriate to ask what the note had said, although, my curiosity had eventually gotten the best of me.

"...Are you alright, Krystal?"

"Yep." She placed her chin in her hand, still avoiding eye contact.

"What did the note say? Did he write down his number?"

"Oh, he wrote down more than just his number!" Krystal finally looked up, her brown eyes meeting mine, and I could see a mixture of embarassment and humor within them. She straightened her posture before checking the time on her phone. "Maybe now is a good time for us to head home. I feel like I've kept you here way longer than you wanted to-"

"No, not at all! I've had a great time talking to you!" I smiled at Krystal, wanting to convince her that that was the truth. I would have loved to spend an entire day with her at Jamba Juice if I could. I liked talking to her. She was different. She was funny, interesting, and extremely sweet. And above all, she seemed like such an honest person.

I wish she was more like Krystal.

Krystal returned a smile, making my heart skip for a fraction of a second. We got up from our stools before heading to the door. I opened it for her, getting a hint of a fresh flowery scent as she passed by. It was the kind of smell that was comforting and could quickly become addicting. It left me puzzled as to how she could smell so nice after having come from a gym. I subtly sniffed the collar of my shirt to make sure I didn't reak of sweat and hoped to the heavens that if I did, she hadn't noticed.

As we walked to the end of the parking lot, where we had parked our cars adjacent to one another, I couldn't help but to take notice of how right the Jamba Juice guy was. Krystal was undoubtedly sexy. She had on a loose electric blue work out tank-top paired with black running pants. Her butt was lovely; it looked tight and lifted without looking fake, and it was the perfect balance between being big and still being proportional to her petite frame. I couldn't stop staring at it as she walked ahead of me, her voice becoming a faint background noise. I felt guilty but at that moment in time, I was too distracted to get myself to stop. I felt myself getting hard when we finally reached our cars. Krystal turned around, smiling at me as she thanked me for the smoothie. I tried to remain focused, smiling at her before pulling her into a hug. Her smell captivated me once more and I knew that if I didn't leave then and there, I might end up doing something stupid. We parted our ways, and I leaned my head back on the headrest of my seat as she started her engine and drove off. I remained seated inside my car, still parked in the back of the parking lot, waiting for my groin to calm down.

I'm never going to the strip club with Shane again.

It was as if I hadn't been able to control my friend down there since that night. I usually am not perverted, but ever since I had the never-ending erection from hell, I couldn't think about Krystal without eventually getting one. Once I realized that it wasn't going to go away, I buckled up and headed home. I'm going to have to start adding cold-showers to my daily to-do list. This is not okay.

I tried to console myself by remembering that I wasn't this perverted all the time. When other women came to flirt with me, it wasn't like I was constantly this hard. It's only with her. Once I get home, everything will be fine. Everything.



Pulling into my driveway, I saw that a red mustang was parked in the spot that would usually be empty. I sighed, knowing what this meant. Of course, why was I not expecting this.

I got out of the car, still sporting a rather hard groin as I gently closed my car door. I walked up to the main door of my house, trying to enter with as little sound as possible. As soon as I walked in, I could hear her voice screaming, an echo being carried all throughout the entire house.


I stood there in the middle of my foyer, debating on whether or not to stay home or to leave and come back later. I wanted to go to Shane's but I knew that if I did, he would question my boner and then harass me to no end about Krystal. I decided to go to the guest bathroom that was downstairs and use that.


Even downstairs, I could still hear her. I tried to ignore her voice as I pulled my clothes off and stepped into the shower. I let the cold water run down my body, my penis completely hard and erected. The sound of the water sprinkling to the floor of the shower drowned out her voice a little, but now I heard pounding as her lover fucked her harder. I took hold of my penis in my right hand and began to pump it to the sound of the pounding. The faster the pounding, the faster my hand rubbed up and down my penis. The slower and softer the pounding, the slower and softer my movements. I closed my eyes and imagined Krystal, imagined her in the shower with me, imagined that the pounding sounds were ours, and my penis began to throb with lust. I grabbed my penis with both hands now, pumping it like crazy as the pounding began to get more and more intense.


I mumbled Krystal's name as I felt my penis get more and more excited. I rubbed faster, pumped tighter, fucked harder until...I came. The cum ran like crazy from my penis, like a never-ending fountain of complete bliss. Once I had finished, I let the cold water soften me before stepping out of the shower and drying myself off. I put on the same clothing as before and headed back to the entrance of my house. The sex was still happening; I hadn't been noticed. I was half tempted to go upstairs and interrupt them but thought against it. No good would come from that. I decided to leave and come back later.

That's what I always do anyways.

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