Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: KRYSTAL

I returned home from the grocery store, completely in a daze. I had no clue as to what was coming over me.

When I woke up this morning, nothing could keep me from thinking about Roger. It was as if everything that had happened in the past three months, everything that had changed drastically in my life, had come to haunt me all at once. I woke up frenzied and completely out of it. I thought going out for a run would ease my mind and get my endorphins going, but it just made me more unhappy because it reminded me of my home with Roger. As I ran through a park close to my apartment, I couldn't help but think of the beautiful neighborhood, of Mrs. Sylvia and her yapping dog, of my previous naivety. When I realized running was of no help, I gave up trying to brighten my mood and went grocery shopping.

If I couldn't release my pain through exercise, I could at least do it through food.

I was just about done with the day as soon as I entered the grocery store. The store was huge and actually quite fantastic; the store near Roger and I's old home wasn't even this nice. However it was filled to the brim with people who didn't know how to move out of the way and mean, old cougars who gave me deathly glares as I passed by them. I wasn't even doing anything wrong and some fifty-something year old woman came up to me out of nowhere while in the dairy section and told me to stay away from her man. I was confused out of my mind until I turned around and saw a twenty-year-old guy winking at me. To say the least...

It creeped me the fuck out.

I am rather short, standing at a mere five-foot-three-inches, and couldn't see any of the signs directing me where to go, so that became a problem as well. I nearly had a mental breakdown in the middle of the store when I was stuck in a packed isle for ten minutes with a crying baby in the vicinity.

Throughout all of this, I constantly had Roger on my mind. There even came a point in which I contemplated calling him. I didn't know why, nor could I have explained why I felt the need to hear his voice or talk to him. I was distracted by this thought as I was leaving the store when I felt a thud from the front of my cart.

Of course. I would be the person to nearly kill someone with a grocery cart.

I had immediately panicked , and ran to see the death I had caused. I was thankful when I realized I was being over-dramatic and that no one died, but I felt really bad when I saw a leg being clutched as someone hissed in pain. I didn't even look at the person; my diarrhea of the mouth went into overdrive and I couldn't stop it. I felt so bad, especially because the colliding of my cart with the person's leg sounded extremely hard and painful, and I was surprised I didn't break anything. I wouldn't stop apologizing until I heard the sound of a sweet, sexy voice escape from my victim's lips. I looked up and saw Alex with an amused yet somewhat confused look on his face, and I silently took in his beauty once more. His black, tousled hair that looked so touchable, his perfect teeth and kissable lips, his rosy cheeks and his clean shaven skin. And of course, those piercing green eyes that looked absolutely gorgeous paired with the teal, short-sleeved shirt he was wearing.

When I had realized I had been staring at him, I greeted him before apologizing for always running into him. We conversed for a short while before exchanging numbers, and ever since then, I haven't been able to wipe this stupid smile off of my face.

I laughed lightly at myself before taking a gallon of milk out of a grocery bag and putting it into my fridge. When I closed my refridgerator door, I turned and saw that Alex had been standing behind it.

"...Alex? How did yo-"

"Shhhh," he put his fingers to my lips to quiet me, but his touch was so gentle I could barely feel it. "No questions. Just answers, okay?" I was confused by what he meant by this, but I nodded my head anyway. His hands made their way around my waist and he pulled me into him, without any distance between us, our lips just barely kissing as he asked, "Will you gladly fuck me?" I was startled by his bluntness, but couldn't help but to stay in his grasp. "Krys, answer me? Krys? Krys?"

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