Chapter 2

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(Y/n pov)

               After zoning out for like ten minutes, the teacher finally comes in to class when pretty much the whole class is in there already "hello class sorry for being late" he says kind of out of breath like he was just running as he sets his stuff down at his desk. He looks at me and notices my headphones "uhm miss y/n no headphones in class please" I roll my eyes slightly and take them out "sure whatever" I say sarcastically "thank you, okay class today we are gonna be learning about fractions so..." when he starts talking I start to zone out, as I draw on my notebook during class I eventually without noticing I start falling asleep.

              Pretty much as soon as I do I wake up to my teacher slamming a big text book on to the top of my desk making me shoot awake, I hear the whole class laughing at me and I get quickly embarrassed putting my head down "maybe you should stay awake next time, or if you got more sleep you wouldn't look like the living dead" I hear someone behind me say automatically knowing who it was "shut up gaege" I snap back at him and turn back around at my desk, he crumbles up a few pieces of paper and throws them at me "could you fucking stop!" I tell at him "no bitch!" he tells back at me.

            Then all the sudden the teacher yells "y/n and gaege language and both of you detention after school!" he tells at the both of us "fucking thanks dickhead" I say underneath my breath so that he can't hear it, after another half hour the bell rings and I grab my stuff and head to my next class, history look I don't mind history honestly it's a pretty easy class so it's not to bad, the only bad part is that neither Eddie or narrator are in this class and so I'm fucking stuck with gaege and now I have to suffer with him for three more hours then I have to which sucks.

            Anyways when I get to class gaege is already there so I just try my best to ignore him, but that plan fails almost immediately "hey living dead" I roll my eyes and ignore him, sitting down at my desk as I wait for the teacher to get to class, "don't ingore me" he says "why the fuck not" I ask looking back at him "damn you really do need more sleep, judging by the bags under your eyes you obviously haven't had enough of it recently" he says as he laughs thinking he's funny, I roll my eyes and turn back around "fuck off gaege" I yell at him as the teacher walks in the class room "fuck you too bitch" he yells at me "both of you another day of detention" I scoff "bullshit" I say as the teacher starts class.

          After history class and English it was finally time for lunch so I go to the cafeteria not waisting anytime and wait for Eddie and narrator to actually get to the lunch room since they went to go get us some McDonald's , so while I wait I listen to some music and play some games on my phone, after like 20 minutes they finally get there with the McDonalds, they come over and sit down with me and I got a 20 piece chicken nugget and a large fry and a large sweet tea "thanks you guys" I smile "your welcome y/n"Eddie says and I smile and all three of us start eating.

Half an hour later we all finish eating and I get up to go throw our trash and stuff away and while I do gaege trips me, causing me to fall on my face dropping everything I was holding "what the fuck" I sit up and Eddie rushes over to help me "aww you need your little boyfriend to help you" gaege laughs and Eddie helps me up and help pick up all the stuff that I had dropped when I fell "thanks Eddie and he's not my boyfriend" I yell at gaege "sure seems like it he's at your wrapped around your finger it's honestly pathetic" he laughs and looks at his friends I just grab the trash from Eddie and throw it away, I go back and sit down at the table.

            By the time lunch was over it was pretty much the end of the day and the only class I had left was science, so I went to science class and sat down at my desk and did my work not paying much attention to anything really and little did I know that the teacher made gaege sit next to me, not noticing that he grabs my paper that I was writing on "what the fuck."

(Gaege pov)

          It was science now and I kinda felt bad for tripping y/n but not that much, anyways I went into science and some other fucker is in my seat and before I can even get to where I usually sit the teacher calls me over to her desk "gaege um for today and the rest of the week you have to sit with  y/n" she say "no why her?" , "well you were late to class and nobody chose her to be their partner and everyone else is already partnered up with someone" she says and I roll my eyes and go sit down with y/n and she's working on something.

          She's doing something for math and I just watch her for a little but she doesn't seem to be getting it, I let her keep trying the problem as I think to myself 'she's kinda cute ' I shake my head 'no she's not stop thinking like that... Maybe but just a little... No nevermind ' I look at her again and grab the paper she's working on "what the fuck" she says and looks at me "how do you still not get this it's so easy" I say and take her pencil too while she just looks at me "you want a picture or are you in love with me?" I ask her and laugh a little as I do her math homework for her "only in your dreams asshole" she rolls her eyes at me as I finish the problem "there simple" I say handing her stuff back to her.

(Y/n pov)

            "There simple" he says as he gives my stuff back to me "how'd you do that cause I still don't fucking get it" I look at him and then at my paper "here" he says and grabs my paper out of my hand slightly grazing my hand with his as he takes my paper, which makes me blush ever so slightly and he takes my pencil and starts to show me how to do the problems "I still don't get it" I say as I look at him "it makes no fucking sense" I complain and he laughs a little "I'll help you with the rest in detention later" he says "thanks" I say as he nods and I do some of my other work.

(Gaege pov)

              She goes back to doing her other work she has and I go on my phone occasionally.. Well more than occasionally I look up at her and smile slightly as I watch her work, while she is working a piece of her hair falls in front of her hair and I go to move it out of her face and I do which makes her blush a lot and I pull my hand away and go back on my phone.

(Y/n pov)

            A piece of my hair falls in front of my face an unexpectedly gaege moves it out of my face making me blush Vigoursly and he just goes back on his phone and I go back to doing my work, the bell rings and it's the end of the day and I have to go to detention so I grab my bag out of my locker and go to detention, I get to the detention room and not long after gaege and the teacher come in as well and gaege sits next to me as I start working on my math homework he moves his chair next to mine after the teacher leaves the room "I'm gonna help you with that" he's says grabbing my pencil from my hand as he looks at me and helps me with my homework.

          Once we finally finish it I smile "thanks"I say "your welcome" he looks back at me and smirks at me making me blush a little "so what do you wanna do now living dead" he asks me "I don't know..." I look at him and he gets up and grabs his bag and stuff "me neither that's why I asked you... Wait I might have an idea"he says as he starts leaning in closer to me...

A/n: haha cliffhanger I'm gonna try to make this one kind of a long story sooo hopefully you guys would like something like that because I'm really looking forward to writing this book cause I have a lot of ideas for it that I want to try and as always please vote on this you don't have to but if you want to you can and comment so with being said that bye for now

Word count: 1600

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