1. Hogwarts

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it's finally here! Sorry for the long wait and I hope anyone who really enjoyed it will keep reading so here's the first chapter at long last. So enjoy and remember to tell me what you think because it is very much appreciated

That's Draco on the side c:


I sat next to one of the girls in my house, Lana, when we got into the great hall. Lana was nice and she wasn't exactly evil. I would have sat next to Blaise since we were good enough friends but definitely not at the risk of having to sit next to Draco too.

I couldn't even believe the nerve of that boy, he was a right bloody pervert.

I hated people who were so serious about the dark arts and that was including my own father. It was horrible, but I had to join them. It wasn't even my own choice but it would be like Harry Potter turning getting a dark mark with Albus Dumbledore next to him.

It just wouldn't happen, it couldn't happen. I despise the dark arts though. The dark arts were one of many reasons I hated Draco. His love for the dark arts almost sickened me, that a boy could love such a cruel thing.

I can understand how twisted an adult's mind can get after years of being told and I can get that Draco must have been brought up like this but he almost seems proud to be on this side. Like it's the right choice.

I hope to bloody Merlin this side loses, I can't be trapped like this forever. I need an escape but either way I'm getting blamed.

I sighed as I tried not to even think about it anymore, trying to focus my mind on Dumbledore's speech. Some of the Slytherins would snicker when Dumbledore told the first years the rules which seemed pointless.

I could never get how someone could dislike Dumbledore so much, I mean he was just a big old guy with a good heart, not much to hate now is there? 

But still, the things I've heard some Slytherins say about him in the common room is absolutely horrible. I just hate the way some people even dare talk about him. He is an absolute genius. Even if he is slightly bonkers.

After the speech we were all sent back up to our rooms and I entered mine, ignoring the loud crowd of Slytherins claiming they were going to stay up all night.

This happened every single year but by three in the morning they had all fled off to their rooms or passed out on the armchairs.

It was, of course, Draco's group that had organized it in the last few years, but tonight, surprisingly, I seen Draco go to bed, ignoring the large group that were sitting on the couch and had already started truth or dare.

"We're in the same room, as usual," Lana told me. I nodded and she showed me up to the room that was ours. We did, of course, have to share it with Pansy and two other girls but it didn't really matter.

Pansy usually avoided her room as much as possible anyway, instead she seemed to prefer a spot on Draco's lap in the common room.

I rolled my eyes at the very disgusting thought as I tried to get rid of just the horrible image of such a thing. Draco and her were so disgusting as a couple and Draco didn't even show much interest in her.

I can never see the point in couples like that. Yes, most of our parents will probably marry us off to other wealthy pure-blood's and if we aren't quick enough we'll end up with out third cousins but still, there's no point in just having a relationship with someone your neither interested in nor you like the look of until you're forced to.

I got into my sleeping gown and pull the blanket over me as I pull the curtains all around my four poster bed. I hold a lit handle gently on my bed as I opened the same book I open every year.

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