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hey, so here's the epilogue even though I just uploaded the last chapter. I decided that I might as well get this story finished with since I'm doing nothing :)

So please enjoy and thanks for all the support throughout this book, it really did mean a lot to me :)


"Draco..." I mutter as we're walking side by side down a path near the lake. He looks over to me, immediately concerned. He's been like this throughout all nine months of my pregnancy, getting scared at little things like when the baby kicks or when I throw up in the morning.

"What is it? Do you need to sit down? Is the baby kicking too hard?" He asked quickly. He reached out and put his hand on my giant stomach but I quickly shook my head, shooing his hand away from my stomach.

"I-I think I just had a contraction," I muttered, looking down at my stomach as Draco began to panic. It felt more like I was the one calming him.

"Come on, we have to get you to the hospital!" Draco said immediately, grabbing my hand. Of course, apparating whilst pregnant was never a wise choice, especially since you could apparate and forget to take the baby with you. That meant we had to go the hard way; walking.

"Draco, I don't think I can make it all the way. It's... too painful," I muttered as I began breathing in sharply. Draco's eyes looked like they were about to bulge out of his head and that's when I really couldn't take it anymore. I burst into laughter, unable to help myself.

"Wh-what?" Draco asked as he tried to figure out why I was so suddenly fine. His face was confused but it soon turned to an angry expression as he realised what I had done.

"April fools!" I laughed in his face as he rolled his eyes and mumbled something grumpily. He continued to shake his head all the way back to our house.

"Come on, Draco! It was just a joke. Come on, please talk to me. I love you," I muttered, pouting at him with puppy dog eyes as we got to our house. Our entire estate was filled with wizards. The Potters lived a little down the road with the Weasleys next to them. Then besides us were the Zambinis. We knew almost everyone around here from Hogwarts but it was fair enough to say we didn't get invited around for tea too often.

"No, that was a very mean joke and I am not going to forgive you," Draco said, folding his arms over his chest and giving me a stubborn look. I pouted again and kissed him. His lips twitched slightly and I knew that I had won.

"I'm sorry, will you please forgive me?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes at me as he ruffled my hair.


"Thank you," I said with a smile as I wandered off into the kitchen and got some pots out for dinner.

"No, no, no," Draco told me, taking the pots away from me as I was getting them out of the cupboard. I rolled my eyes at him as he took everything I was cooking and began to do it himself. "How many times? No cooking when you're nine months pregnant, how simple is that to understand?"

"And how many times do I have to tell you that I am fi- Holy Merlin and all things good!" I screeched as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Draco just laughed at me and rolled his eyes, continuing to chop the carrots and ignoring me. 

"Good one, Astoria. But you're not going to get me twice in one day," he said with a chuckle. I shook my head at him and gave him a serious look as I began to breath in sharply for real this time. He looked at me, questioningly until my water broke. That's around when he realised that I was actually going into labour.  

"Okay, okay, come on, Astoria. Just take a seat back on the couch here and I'll go get Blaise okay? Just hold on," he muttered as he ran out of the house after leaving me to lie back on our couch. Within seconds Blaise and Daphne were running into our house. Daphne quickly got towels and blankets and whatever she needed as Blaise and Draco panicked together. Some use they were, I thought to myself whilst rolling my eyes.


Two hours later and I'm sitting on the couch, with the blonde little boy in my arms. I grin as I look down at him, gently nursing him as Draco leans over my shoulder and coos as he looks at him. I laugh at my husband, not being able to help myself.

"What are we going to call him?" I asked him, looking down at the innocent, sleeping face of my little boy. He had my nose, unfortunately for him but his hair was much lighter than my own so he had to have gotten it from Draco and his ears and lips were Draco's too. He was pretty much a mini Draco.

"Well my mum told me when she was naming me, her and my dad wanted to name me after a constellation. So they named me after Draco, the constellation. And then that made me think I wanted to name my boy, if I were to ever actually have one, Scorpius after the constellation. So what do you think?" he asked me as he brushed a strand of our baby's hair our from his eyes.

I sat there in silence for a minute, no other noise in the room other than the sound of the grandfather clock ticking and the sound of the little boy breathing.

"Scorpius," I muttered, trying to think of what it would sound like. "Scorpius Malfoy. I think I like it."

"So is it the name?" Draco asks me quickly. I look down at the baby once more and smile.

"What do you think, Scorpius?"

The Untold Tale of Astoria Greengrass {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now