5. The Black Lake

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Hey guys, it is a beautiful day outside but so many chapters of this so far have been a few days late so I'm determined to make this one on time :)

Thanks to LonelyRaven for the banner on the side, I think it is absolutely amazing :)

Anyways, please do continue reading and please also enjoy


I suppose you could say Hogwarts life was a bit more dull without Draco Malfoy annoying you and Lana even speaking to you.

Lana was very annoyed with me and Lana being the determined, Slytherin girl she was, refused to forgive me which did suck a lot.

Draco, well, I had no clue what had gotten into him but he came down to breakfast everything morning looking like something crawled up his arse and died. Let's say he wasn't even in the mood for annoying me anymore.

I kind of missed his persistent attempts to annoy me, in fact, life was indeed very boring without them. Maybe that was only because I didn't have any friends at the moment, though.

Either way, life during the winter at Hogwarts was a very hard thing. I had to struggle through millions of essays and lack of any social interaction for a month before Blaise even realised that I was speaking to absolutely no one.

"What's up, Astoria?" He asked as he slid into the seat next to me at breakfast the next morning, looking at me, curious. I looked up at him, stared, then looked back down at my toast, took a bite and ignored him. I heard him groan.

"Don't tell me you're going to completely ignore me as well?" Blaise complained as he sat at the table, head in hands, looking as if he were about to cry or something. I quickly swallowed my toast when I realised how sad he looked.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I looked at him with concern. "What happened? Who's ignoring you?"

"Well, Draco hasn't been 'in the mood' to talk lately or so he says. It's not like I did anything, he's just being an idiot. And now you are ignoring me when I ask you what's wrong," Blaise sulked. Before I was about to give him a sympathetic glance, I stopped myself and looked back at him with a stony expression.

"I haven't exactly had the best month of my life either, Blaise. Lana's not talking to me because I won't tell her what happened over the summer to make Draco and I to start talking more and Draco's also completely ignoring my existence," I told him. Blaise looked down, seemingly feeling guilty for complaining to me about his problems when I had worse.

"I'm sorry, but hey, we have each other, right?" He asked, giving me an innocent grin. I chuckled and gave him a smile back, nodding my head.

"Yeah, of course we do, Blaise," I told him, the same grin on my face. He smiled back, this time grin even wider.

"Good," he said, grinning as he picked the last slice of toast off my plate and walking off with a toothy grin on his face as I glared after him.


"You look depressed," Draco commented as he saw me lying on the ground in the common room. My eyes looked up at him but I looked away after a second, focusing on the book in front of me. I might as well start studying for exams now, there's nothing else for me to really do, I mean, I'm hardly going to be going to Hogsmeade along with everyone else.

"Maybe I am, you wouldn't know, not like you've talked to me in a month," I commented, giving him a bitter look as I yawn. I had stayed up late last night finishing a novel by one of my new favourite authors. It was fictional, of course, but the author seemed to believe the plot line was very possible.

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