Chapter 7

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Aaron's P.O.V:

I woke up this morning in Alli's room. ALLI'S ROOM! I'm at a loss of what to say or do. I lay in her bed for a minute before realizing the shower is running in her bathroom. I quickly get up and open her door. I see Cam sitting at the kitchen table and run down the stairs to him.

"Wait your still here?" I ask him with a puzzled look on my face.

"Ya, who else would have made sure nothing happened between you two last night?"

"Nothing was going to happen, and you knew that." I snap back at him

"Hey, calm down it was a joke. I stayed with Lindsey." he says throwing his hands up in a surrender.

Just then Lindsey walks in the room.

"What's going on in here?" she asks seeing Cam's hands in the surrender

"Nothing" Cam and I say in sync.

"Mhm... Alright." Lindsey says sarcastically "What do you want to eat?"

"Fruit loops!" we both scream in sync again.

"Okay." Lindsey says walking over to the pantry and throwing the box of cereal at us. Then she went to the other cupboards and got two bowls and set them on the table. Next she grabs the milk out of the fridge and two spoons out of the drawers. "There you go, make your cereal!"

After that she runs up the stairs and goes into the room across from Alli's which I guess is her room.

Lindsey's P.O.V:

I got the boys their breakfast, and ran up to my room. I quickly started the shower and jumped in. I spent about 5 minutes in the shower and then shut the water off.

I quickly put a towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom to my closet and pick out an outfit. I then put on my clothes and walk back into my bathroom to do my makeup. Then I brushed my hair and left it down.

I walked back out of my room and down to the kitchen, grabbed an apple, and sat down next to Cam.

Alli's P.O.V:

I got to the bottom of the stairs, and walked into the kitchen to make my self some toast.

I get my toast and butter it then I walk over to the table sitting across for Aaron with Linsey next to me.

"Do you guys have clothes to change into?"

"Ya, we are going to go walk over to Cam's and get some." Aaron responds

"Well then you'd better get going because we have to leave for school soon" Lindsey tells them

All of the sudden Lindsey's phone started vibrating, and Lacy's face popped up on the screen.

"Hey Lac, what's up?" Lindsey says answering the phone.






"Okay I have to go! See you at school!"

Then she hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" I ask right away

"Well Lacy and Nash are officially a thing!"

"That's awesome!!" Cam, Aaron and I said in unison.

"Okay well we'd better get going." Cam said standing up from the table soon joined by Aaron.

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