Chapter 5

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Taylor's P.O.V:

So there we all are sitting in the front yard. Me holding Bailey, Nash Cam and Shawn holding Monica back from running over to Bailey and I. Alli Lindsey and Ang trying to convince Monica to go somewhere else. Then Aaron Hayes Matt Brianna Steph and Lizzy just trying to stay out of everything.

We must have been an interesting scene for anybody that happened to be outside.

Then Alli, Lindsey, and Ang finally got through to Monica. When she had gotten off of the block altogether I pulled Bailey up off the ground. I move the strands of hair that had fallen in her face. Then I pull her into this massive bear hug an whisper into her ear.

"She's gone I promise."

It took a couple of minutes, but eventually everybody went back to laughing and having fun.

Brianna's P.O.V:

Everyone was a little shocked after Monica's visit. Now there's a reason for all of this. We ALL (except Taylor if course) hated Monica and each for different reasons. Here is my reason:


It was the 9th grade. (A year ago/ they are 10th graders currently) Monica has been living here for 6 years. I haven't had a problem with her till now. Hayes, Taylor, Alli, Lindsey, Ang, Shawn, Cam, and Collina. She got out of the lunch line one person before me. You also have to keep in mind she's NEVER sat by us before. There was one spot open between Hayes and Taylor. At this time Hayes and I weren't dating yet, but would be within the next couple of months. I walk out of the line and pick up the speed when I see her getting near the table. When I finally got to the table she had already sat down in the one open spot. I stand at the table for a couple of seconds. Alli, Lindsey, and Ang all offered their seats, but I turned them down. As I was walking away I heard her say "We're better off without her." I then turn around and she's leaning into Hayes. Without turning around I went and sat at a different table with some kids I didn't know at the time, but now I know them to be Aaron, Nash, Matt, Lizzy, and Steph. She did that for a couple of weeks, but the time it ended was the time all my friends followed me to a different table. She never sat by us again.

~End of Flashback~

And that is why I Hate Monica.

Steph's P.O.V:

We all decided to just go inside put on a movie and relax. When we got into Bailey's basement we all found our spots. (the layout in Bailey's basement is to recliners on the left and right, and a big couch in the middle.) Our spots were on the left recliner Ang and Shawn cuddled up right next to each other with Taylor and Bailey in the same position on the other recliner. Then on the couch it was Matt and I cuddling at one end. With Lizzy and Nash at the other end sitting there awkwardly. The rest were on the floor. Everyone started arguing about what movie to watch. I sat back and just listened. As I sitting there I started to have a flashback about what made me hate Monica. Here it is:


We were in the 4th grade. I was currently struggling with reading a little bit. The worst part was that the teacher would always do the thing where she would call on people to read. I didn't mind this because I st behind this really tall kid so she couldn't see me. That worked for me until the day the kid was gone. Of course she called on me to read the biggest paragraph of the whole story. I struggled on almost every word. The while class was laughing. I asked to go to the bathroom, and when I got one step out of the door I just burst into tears. The kid was back for the next couple weeks and the teacher forgot about me again. I was so relieved until someone suggested that this was unfair to the people that always had to read, and we should so something like pulling number out of a jar. Of course that person was Monica, and the teacher took her suggestion. As the bell rang that day I was the second to last one to leave. Monica was the last one to leave. I find this weird because she's always the first one. So I walked out just dreading tomorrow. The next day I rode the bus to school like always. My bus was always there a little late so I never got to go out for recess. I walked into the school and went right to my classroom and sat down. Our lesson that day started with reading, of course. The teacher reached into her jar and pulled out the name Steph. I died a little inside, but I still read the paragraph. Then the teacher pulled out another one that read Steph. Hmm that's weird the teacher says. What? I chime in. They all say Steph. I run up to the front of the room, and take the papers in my hands. She was right they all said Steph. I turn around everyone is laughing and looking at Monica. I run out of the room and down the hallway crying. I didn't notice till after that someone followed me out. I sat down at the end of the hall. The person sat down next to me. I looked the person in the eyes and saw they were these amazing big brown eyes. That's the first time that I meet Matt.

~End of Flashback~

I awoke from my daydream by Matt squeezing me.

"Right babe?" He asks

"What are we talking about?"

"Haha, never mind." he says laughing

"Okay." I say kissing him lightly

Lizzy's P.O.V:

We finally decided on watching the Lorax (because we were all still at the mental age of 5.) So Bailey grabbed the tv remote and hit play on the movie.

All the couples squeezed together tightly cuddling. Then there was Nash and I awkwardly sitting next to each other. I did that weird middle school thing where I put my hand in between us to let him know it was okay to hold it.

And he held it.

I was in shock and was close to pulling my hand away before I noticed what was going on.

Then he put his arm around me, and pulled me close to him. This was the first time that Nash and I have ever touched.

We cuddled for the rest of the movie.

When the movie was over Nash and I stood up to stretch. Soon after we were joined by a couple of other people.

I started to look around to see Bailey and Taylor sleeping together, Ang and Shawn cuddling and talking, and Steph and Matt half asleep.

Allison's P.O.V:

"Okay guys my parents will be home soon so you all should probably leave." Bailey says as her way to say get out.

"So are you still wanting to work on our choir project tonight?" Aaron walks over to me asking.

"Ya if your still up for it!" I say back a little too excited

"Cam, Nash, and Lizzy are going to come too." Lindsey chimes in.

"Could you give us 1 second?" I say to Aaron then walk away pulling Lindsey with me.

"What?" She says clearly confused

"Are you and Cam like a thing now?"

"Um... I don't really know, but we are partners for choir so we want to work too."

"What about Lizzy and Nash?" I don't know I think Cam just wanted Nash along."

"Is there anyway to stop them from coming?"


"Well I kinda want it to just be us four"

"Fine I'll see what I can do. Now you get your butt over there and go talk to Aaron!"

I then walk away back over to Aaron and say

"Sorry about that."

"No big deal."

"So are you ready to go?"


"Oh and by the way Cam is coming too."


"Lindsey wanted to work on her project too."

"Wait so do you and Lindsey live together?"

"Basically, our parents are both always out of town. We just found it easier to stay together instead of by ourselves."

"I see."

At that moment Lindsey an Cam walk up to us saying "Ready?" in sync.


I look around to see that we are the lasts ones here, and as we are walking up the stairs to leave. I say a quick bye to Bailey and walk out the door.

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