Chapter 3

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Bailey's P.O.V:
"Com'on you little love birds your going to be late for class!" Ang screams running past Taylor and I kissing.

I pull away and say "She's right we'd better get going"

He sneaks one last kiss and walks in the other direction. Watching him walk away I smile because he has a little hop in his step. When he is a good distance away I turn around and run to catch up to Ang.

"So I see you and Taylor are still going very strong."

"Ya I guess, you and Shawn?"

"Amazing he is so sweet."

"We have to go on a double date sometime!"

"Ya definitely!"

Then the bell rings we both look at each other. Then sprint into the building and to our first class. We arrive out of breath but the teacher wasn't in there which means we made it in time.

I sit down by this guy named Aaron and one of his friends Nash. Ang goes to the way back and sits by Shawn.

"Hey, Bailey right?" Aaron asks me

"Um... ya"

"Are you friends with Alli?"

"Ya I guess"

"Could you put in a good word for me?"

"Um sure"


Then with that he turns back to face the front of the room. I look over at Ang who is making a face at me. I run over to the other side of the room to talk to her.

"What did he want?" She's asks in a nervous tone

"He wanted me to put in a good word for him with Alli."

"Oh ya, did I forget to tell you? Aaron has a crush on Alli." Shawn says butting into the conversation.

Then the teachers walks in. I sprint to get back to my seat before he sees me. Luckily I made it.

We sit through a basic day of science . Next comes English, then computers and finally lunch.

Lunch is definitely my favorite part of the day. Today I was standing in the line today with Ang, Alli, and Lindsey. We went through the line (I got pizza) then we sat at our normal lunch table. We were the last people to get there.

I sat down next to Steph an Ang. We had a basic lunch that was filled with laughter as most of them are. From me the order we were sitting was Ang, Shawn, Alli, Lindsey, a couple of Shawn's friends (Cam, Nash) Lizzy, Hayes, Aaron, Matt, and Steph.

"Guys you wanna come over to my house after school? I need help with Math." I say doing quotation marks in the air on the word math.

"Ya sure!" Alli and Lindsey say in sinc

"I'll be there!" Lizzy says right after

"Boys are you coming?" I say looking around at all of them.

"Yep!" Shawn says with a mouth full of food.

"Am I allowed to come?" Aaron asks

"I don't see why not." I reply

Aaron's P.O.V:

I'm so excited, I just got invited to Bailey's house to hang out with them. I eat my lunch in silence and just listen to everybody's conversation. If you didn't know any better you might think they were all brothers and sisters. I say this because just listening to their conversations you know that they are extremely close.

"Oh I almost forgot. Just meet at my locker." Bailey says getting my attention

Then the bell rings. I stand up to go dump my tray. I walk over to the door when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Allison's face.

"Hi I'm Allison!" she says

"Hey, I'm Aaron." I say back a little hesitantly

"What class do you have next?"

"Choir, you?"

"Oh same!"

"See you there I guess."

"Yep, bye!" she says turning a corner and walking a way

I stop in my tracks, and just stand there in awe. Nash comes up to me and pushes me forward a little but to get me moving.

"What was that?" he asks

"I don't know." I say still in extreme awe.

"Well maybe you can actually talk and not just stand there looking like a deer in the headlights!"

"Was is that bad?"

"It was worse."

"Do you think I can make up for it tonight?"

"I don't know, but we can sure try."

"K bye!" I say turning a corner to go to my locker then to the choir room.

I walk into the choir room a couple minutes late, but the teacher doesn't seem to notice. I look around the room and see that all but one seats are taken up. And of course the one seats that is empty is one right beside Allison

"Umm... can I sit here?" I say walking up to her

"Ya of course!"

I sit down and put my stuff on the floor. When I look back up the teacher is in the front of the room.

"Okay class your assignment for today is to get with a partner and pick a song for your partner that would show strengths in their voice. I have assigned partners for you and here they are..."

I zone out until I hear my name.

"Aaron and Allison."

I look over at Alli who is talking to Lindsey. I don't really think she heard what he said because she just kept talking. I get up and walk over to where Cam, Hayes, and Shawn were sitting.

When I get there everyone just goes quiet.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing" they all say in sync which makes me know they did something

"Oh and I forgot to tell you, you will have the same partners for the rest of the year." The teacher interrupts

"Okay seriously what did you guys do?" I say focusing back on them

"We told the teacher to make you and Alli partners."

"I'm going to kill you!"

Then the bell rings. I run over to go get my stuff but Alli stops me and hands me it.

"So I was thinking after Bailey's tonight you could come over to my house and we can work on the assignment?"

"Ya sure."

"Great! See you then!"

Then she runs to catch up to Lindsey and Ang.

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