Chapter 4

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Alli's P.O.V:

"Aaron keeps talking to me, it's making me really nervous." I half complain to Lindsey

"Why is it making you nervous? You like him he likes you!"

"Ya but you know how nervous I get when I talk to him!"

Lindsey and I are walking home to get some food then we are going to walk over to Baileys house.

"Well you just need to talk to him a lot tonight."

"I will."

"You promise?"


"Good girl!"

Then we burst out screaming the song good girls by 5sos.

We sing the whole song before we realize that there is people behind us. we turn around to see who they were.

To my embarrassment it was Aaron, Nash, Cam, and Collina. Lindsey and I start sprinting toward our house which was about 5 minutes away.

When we get to the house we ran straight inside. We ran into the kitchen and opened the pantry to get some food.

"Damn that was embarrassing!" I say to Lindsey

"Tell me about it."

We sat in silence and ate some pop-tarts. Then after about 3 minutes my phone started ringing. I look at it and see Ang's face.


"Hey, are you guys still coming over to Bailey's?"

"Ya why wouldn't we be?"

"Just wondering."

Then the phone clicks off. I slowly pull it away both shocked and nervous.

"What was that about?" Lindsey asks me

"I don't know." I say with the confusion showing in my voice.

"Well we'd better get going." Lindsey said

"Good idea it's a long walk."

The reason we walked everywhere and refused to drive wasn't because we didn't have our license, or because we didn't have a car, or even gas money. We actually had all of that stuff. We just absolutely hated driving.

"So you going to talk to Aaron tonight?"

"Are you going to talk to Cam?"

"Hey! We are talking you and Aaron here!"

"I'm not!"

"Well I started the conversation so therefore we are talking about you and Aaron."

"I don't know I want to talk to him but he most-likely doesn't want to talk to me."

"Oh that's bull crap! Everyone knows that he's liked you since 3rd grade."

"That's not true! He's had a lot of girlfriends since the 3rd grade!"

"But do you know why all of them ended?"


"They ended because he always said he liked another girl!"

"That doesn't mean that girl is me."

"We all know it is though!"

By then we had made it to Bailey's house. When we got up to the door Ang and Shawn came running up to us.

"So, Aaron?" Shawn asks making this face😏

"Alright who told him?" I say looking directly at Ang

"Shawn can you excuse us for a couple of minutes?"

"Bye!" he says kissing Ang then running away.

"Did you really have to tell him?" I say very accusingly at Ang.

"I didn't tell him about you liking Aaron."

"Then how'd he find out?"

"He didn't, he knows that Aaron likes you."

"HA I TOLD YOU!" Lindsey says screaming into my ear.

"LINDSEY REALLY!" I say screaming back at her.

Then Lindsey and I just explode into a bunch of laughter. it last for a couple minutes but when it dies down I start talking to Ang again.

"How did he know that he likes me?"

"He told Bailey and I in science."


"What's that about? I thought you liked him?"

"I don't really know, loss of words I guess."

"I still told you!" Lindsey says interrupting the silence.

Steph's P.O.V:

We are all at Baileys house just kinda hanging out. Some of the guys (Taylor, Shawn, Nash, Cam, and Aaron) are in the pool. Everybody is just so care free, that is until we hear someone scream.

I automatically start running around looking for the source of the scream. Then after a couple moments we hear a series of screams again.

"What's going on?!" Hayes says running out of the house with Brianna right on his tail.

"We don't know we just heard someone scream." Taylor replies back

"Maybe we should go check what's going on in the front yard?" Aaron suggests

"Good idea! Lets go!" Brianna chimes in.

The boys all get out of the pool and start to walk to the front yard, but I'll admit I was a little scared so I went inside to find Matt.

"What's going on out there?" Matt asks when he hears the door open.

"Someone screamed and the guys went to investigate the front yard, but I was scared so I came in here to find you."

"Don't worry your safe with me." Matt says walking over to me first kissing me and then pulling me into his arms.

Taylor's P.O.V:

The guys and I are in the front yard looking for the person that screamed. When we get to the front yard I know exactly where the scream came from. It was Bailey.

I run over to her and engulf her in a big hug.

"What's wrong?"

"Monica is here! And I mean at my house here!" she says into my neck.


I was in the 3rd grade. We were at recess and I was playing football with a lot of my friends. There was a new girl at our school, and she walked up to us asking if she could play. The boys of course being 3rd grade boys had to have a private meeting about it. We all went back into the field a little farther. No we definitely cannot let her play one of the boys states. I chimed in saying that I think we should let her play. I definitely had a crush on her. So the guys let her play and I went on to have a crush on her.
I guess you could say I was a ladies man since day one. Then as a 6th grader Bailey moved here. At first sight I said that will be my girlfriend. Before that I still had a crush on Monica, and we had been talking quite a bit. I started to see the real side of her. Then it was almost as if when Bailey came I totally forgot about Monica. When we were in 8th grade I finally built up the courage to ask Bailey out. She had said yes. I was so excited to finally have the girl of my dreams. At that point I hadn't heard from Monica for about a year. Until one day she called me in tears. We talked on the phone for 3 hours talking about what was going on with her, what had happened in the past year and so on and so fourth. From that moment we had became bestfriends. Then a couple months later Monica moved to a different state, but we still talked to each other once a week at least. I don't really know what went on between Bailey and Monica, but since a year ago they have hated each other.
~End of flashback~

This is really bad how could Monica show up at Bailey's house? I thought to myself. But I know one thing for sure this with be a disastrous until Monica leaves.

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