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Hey!!!! Welcome to the sequel for Love in an Unlikely Place!! Just a few things before we get started..
-I am not a doctor, nor a lawyer. Everything in here might not be factually correct, but it worked best for this story.
-Feel free to point out grammar or spelling errors, in a respectful way. This does not apply to the spelling of the names since Bakugo and Bakugou are both correct.
-Also, this will not have a regular update schedule (yet) I have not fully completed this yet, so I'm not going to post a new chapter every three days as I usually would. You will still get one chapter a week, at minimum. I will go back to my regular every three day schedule when I get the chance to finish writing this fanfic.
-Happy Reading!!

"Do you Katsuki Bakugo take Izuku Midoriya to be your lawfully wedded husband? From this day forward, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do." The blond stated as he gently squeezed his soon to be husbands hand.

"Do you Izuku Midoriya take Katsuki Bakugo to be your lawfully wedded husband? From this day forward, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do." The green haired man responded as tears began pooling in his eyes as he kept his gaze on the fiery blonds ruby red eyes. Both boys realesed eachothers hands before turning around to face their best man, silently asking for the ring. Kirishima and Todoroki both placed the small silver band in their best friends hand before the duo turned to face each other once more.

"Bakugo, repeat after me." The officiant said as the blond gently grabbed the green haired mans left hand. "This ring is a symbol of my love and devotion to you. With this ring, I give you all that I have, all that I am and all that I will ever be."

"This ring is a symbol of my love and devotion to you. With this ring, I give you all that I have, all that I am and all that I will ever be." Bakugo said with a smile as he smoothly slid the ring on Midoriya's ring finger. It was taking everything they had to not kiss each other right then and there, but they knew they were almost to that part.

"Midoriya, repeat after me." The officiant stated once more as he looked to the green haired man. "I give you this ring as my love that will last forever. Know that I am always with you, behind you and by your side."

"I give you this ring as my love that will last forever. Know that I am always with you, behind you and by your side." Midoriya repeated as he shakily slid the smooth silver band up the fiery blonds ring finger. His eyes lingered on the ring before slowly making their way back up to his face, making sure to check out his chest in the process. Even though they were both wearing white suits, every muscle was very prominent on the both of them.

"In so much as the two of you have consented together in matrimony, and have witnessed the same before this company, by the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband." The officiant said aloud with a soft smile as he looked back and forth between the two. "You may now seal your marriage with a kiss." He informed.

Bakugo's arms immediately flew around Midoriya's waist, pulling him close before smashing their lips together for a passionate kiss. Everyone began clapping from their seats as the green haired man threw his arms around the fiery blonds neck, deepening the kiss. They tuned everybody out as their lips began moving together in a slow and passionate manner as the taste of cinnamon and caramel combined. After a few more seconds, they pulled away from the kiss with wide smiles on their faces.

"I love you." Midoriya hummed in happiness as he looked at hid amazing husband.

"I love you too." Bakugo replied before they slowly untangled themselves, knowing they had a whole crowd of people waiting for the rest of the day. They turned towards the aisle before walking down, everybody cheering for them the entire time.


"You guys really aren't going on a honeymoon?" Uraraka questioned as the large group of friends danced together on the dance floor.

"No, we just took a vacation last month." The green haired man replied in between breaths. "We'll be going in a month or so, just not right away." He explained. He couldn't take vacation after vacation since he was working now, so he had to space himself out a bit more.

"We're just gonna spend the weekend with each other, unpacking everything in our new house." The blond added as he leaned over, placing a gentle kiss on his husbands freckled cheek. Obviously they had certain plans for tonight, but the rest of the weekend really would be getting their new house all set up. They ended up buying a five bedroom house a week ago and were only able to get everything moved over before the wedding.

"Honestly, that sounds like a lot of fun." Todoroki added as he smiled towards his best friend. He had never seen him so happy in his entire life and he was so thankful that the fiery blond ended up at that summer camp.

"Well, you did say on the invite that the reception would be ending in a little less than an hour." Ashido said aloud, drawing the rest of the groups attention to her. "So until then, I'm going to go to the bar and get a few drinks from Hatsume." She said with a small laugh before running across the large room. Bakugo ended up hiring Hatsume to work his wedding for the night, leaving Kendo in charge of the bar. One night without him or Hatsume wouldn't kill his business, right?

"I think that sounds like a great idea." The green haired man replied as he gently slid his hand down his husbands arm before landing at his hand, entangling their fingers together. They spent the rest of the night telling stories and drinking way too much with their friends and family, happily celebrating the love between Bakugo and Midoriya.

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