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"You disappeared for three days, then I have to pick you up from the bar because you're stupid drunk." Bakugo stated with a heavy sigh as he helped his husband to bed. He was still pissed beyond belief, but there was no sense in yelling at a drunk person. So he decided to wait until the morning and have a serious conversation with his husband.

"I'm sorry.." Midoriya whispered as tears silently fell down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry Katsuki." He whispered once more.

"We'll talk about it in the morning, go to sleep." Bakugo said with a sigh.

"Do you still love me?" The green haired man questioned as he grabbed the blonds arm, pulling him to the bed. For the first time, Katsuki looked at him; really looked at him. Tears were slowly rolling down his pink cheeks from his puffy, dark eyes. He could hear the hurt in his voice when he asked that question.

"Of course I do Izuku. I'm not going to stop loving you." He responded softly as he gently set his hand on his husbands freckled cheek. "But we really need to figure out what is going on with you. You've been acting strange since you went back to work and I don't know what to do. I can't help you if you won't tell me what's wrong." He whispered as his husband nuzzled against his hand.

"I can't tell you babe.. I wish I could, but I can't." He informed sadly as he closed his eyes, appreciating the warmth of his husbands hand. Bakugo didn't say anything in reply as he slowly began stroking the mass of freckles with his thumb. He was at a cross road and didn't know what to do anymore.


Midoriya groaned as he slowly pushed himself up in bed, his head pounding slightly. He lazily drug his eyes across the room before they fell to the empty spot next to him. A silent tear fell down his face as memories began flooding in from the night before. He knew his husband was going to have plenty of questions and he knew he was going to be mad. He wanted nothing more than to curl back into the blanket and fall asleep once more. However, he knew that wasn't going to fix anything. He had to get up and face the man he loved.

With a small sigh, Midoriya pushed himself from the bed. The coldness from the floor sent shivers up his spine as he stood up. He slowly began making his way down the hall way, peaking in Hakai's room. When he saw it was empty, he made his way for the stairs. The closer he got to the landing, the louder his husbands voice grew. The green haired man couldn't help but smile at the baby voice his husband used whenever he interacted with their daughter. When his feet hit the last step, he quietly made his way to the living room, not wanting to disturb them just yet. When he rounded the corner, he saw his husband sitting on the floor in front of Hakai, who was laying on her tummy. She showed a wide smile as the fiery blond continued lightly pinching her cheeks and poking her.

Midoriya smiled as he watched the scene in front if him. Watching his husband love Hakai and play with her like that made him the happiest man alive. The young baby noticed her other dad almost immediately and stared at him before flailing her arms around slowly. When Bakugo noticed her staring off, he turned around slowly to see his husband. His red eyes met Midoriya's beautiful green ones for what felt like the first time in forever.

"Morning." Bakugo said with a sigh, disappointment covering his face.

"Morning." The green haired man responded in a guilty tone. He already knew his husband was upset, but he wasn't expecting to be greeted like that. "What are you two up to?" He asked in a quiet voice as Bakugo turned back towards Hakai.

"We were just having some tummy time." He informed as he picked her up before standing up himself. He quickly made his way across the room and laid her down in her play pen, giving her a rattle. Not that it mattered anyway, since she discovered she has hands and feet recently. "Why don't we go into the kitchen and talk." He said with sadness in his voice. He couldn't keep playing these games with his husband. He was fully prepared for him to be working a lot, but to not come home for three days was unacceptable. Especially since they just adopted Hakai a little over three months ago.

"Yeah.." Midoriya mumbled in reply as he followed his husband into the next room. "I'm so sorry Katsuki." He whispered, starting the dreaded conversation.

"I know you are." Bakugo responded with a sad smile. He knew the green haired man would never do anything intentional to hurt him or their daughter, but it still did hurt. "We have to figure something out babe, you have been a completely different person since you went back to work."

"I'm just under a lot of stress with this tumor patient." He replied nervously as he looked to the floor, not having the courage to look his husband in the eyes. He felt dirty, like he was lying and could get caught at any second.

"You've been saying that, but what makes this patient so different than all the others? I get that it's bigger and it's every interns dream surgery, but you're taking it extremely personal." Bakugo said as he carefully studied the green haired man. He had lost a little bit of weight recently and he walked with fear again. He wasn't as confident as he was a few months ago. Something was seriously wrong and he needed to figure out what, even if he had to go behind his back to do so.

"It is a personal case Katsuki, I actually know him." He responded. As long as he didn't give the name, it shouldn't hurt to tell him that little bit.

"You know him?" Bakugo questioned in confusion. He thought he knew everybody in his husbands life, so he was confused.

"I can't talk about it more than that, but yes. I know him." He informed as he gathered all of his courage and finally looked up to meet Bakugo's fiery red eyes. They were filled with confusion and disappointment, which only made him feel worse. "Look, I have to work tonight.. but tomorrow I am all yours and Hakai's." He started, hoping to ease the tension and make up for some of the time that he missed. "I can take a nap when I get home from work around 5 and I'll be up before lunch. We can go out on a walk and even get Hakai's costume for halloween. I'll tell Aizawa that I am 100% not available and I won't even bring my pager." He pleaded, hoping Bakugo had it in his heart to forgive him, even if just a little.

"I'm supposed to work on the bar tomorrow." He informed sadly. He hated that it was so hard for them to make plans like this.

"How about we take her with us and do some shopping and maybe go to the park, then we drop her off at your parents and go work on the bar together." Midoriya countered, really wanting to have this day with his family.

"I don't want you to waste your only day off working on the bar." The blond responded. He knew his husband had to be exhausted all the time from working so much.

"Any time I get to spend with you is not wasted Katsuki." Midoriya whispered with a warm smile. He didn't care what they did, but he desperately needed to escape work and the thought of his abusive and toxic ex. He needed that feeling of being free once more. Bakugo didn't respond as he took a step closer to the man in front of him. He slowly raised his hand before setting it on his husbands freckled cheek, immediately noticing his small flinch when he raised his hand. He hadn't flinched in over six months, so that was definitely a red flag that something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" Bakugo questioned quietly as he gently moved his thumb, tracing the mass of freckles. He watched his husbands green eyes show a sign of sadness before he responded.

"I think I want to take a family vacation after this patient is all cleared." He responded. He needed something to help him clear his head and rid his mind of Sero, but it wouldn't be coming any time soon.

"When is their surgery scheduled for?" Bakugo questioned as he continued holding the green haired mans freckled face in the palm of his hand.

"The end of October to the beginning of November." He responded as he finally nuzzled into the muscular hand pressed against his cheek.

"So, two or three weeks from now?" He questioned. "How long is he supposed to be there for recovery?"

"Hopefully only a week or so, but I won't be taking care of him after his surgery, Aizawa said he would find another intern to do it." He informed. Aizawa already knew how much he was struggling with him being there, so he was willing to help in anyway that he could.

"So a vacation? Do you have anything in mind?" Bakugo questioned with a smirk as he slowly leaned down, closing the gap between the two. He placed a gentle kiss on his boyfriends soft lips, not caring about an answer. As long as he was willing to spend more time with the family, he didn't care where they went. Midoriya slowly slid his arms around his husbands waist, the taste and smell of caramel immediately filling all of his senses. He kissed back passionately as his mind began going blank, which was exactly what he needed anyway.

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