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"Why?" Midoriya stated in anger as he walked into Sero's room to see him sitting and talking to Uraraka, anger filling every inch of his body.

"What's going on?" She asked with urgency in her voice as her best friend landed in front of the duo. If she thought he looked bad when he left earlier, he looked like a train wreck now.

"Why did you chose this hospital?" He questioned towards Sero, completely ignoring the brunette in the room. "Why did you have to come here and why did you have to ask for me? Why do you have to be back in my life right now? So you can show me you're a better man and can have me clear your name? Or is it because you are so adamant about ruining my life all over again?" He yelled, attracting attention from the nurses in the hallway. He in front of the duo with tears rolling down his face, knowing that this wasn't completely Sero's fault. He could have put his foot down and left the program a long time ago. He could have chose to go home when he was supposed to and not stay here for his ex.

"Deku, outside. Now." Uraraka spat with gritted teeth as she stood from her old best friends bed, grabbing Midoriya's wrist. Sero sat there in pure shock as his ex yelled at him, not knowing what to say.

"No!" The green haired man yelled at her as he freed his arm from her grasp before turning his attention back to his patient. "Why?" He asked once more.

"I never meant to hurt you Midoriya." Sero stated in a whisper as he looked to his doctor in concern. He was happy when he was here just a few hours ago, so what brought this on all of a sudden?

"Then why did you come back?" He yelled once more. His entire life had been falling apart left and right since his ex had come back and he was already sick of it.

"Because I still love you!" Sero yelled in defense. Midoriya's eyes widened as his heart skipped a beat. His green eyes pierced Sero's black ones and for the first time, he didn't know what to say. He was expecting a lot of answers but that was not one of them.

"Deku, please step into the hallway." Uraraka whispered as she gently gave him a nudge towards the door. He did what he was told as he slowly ripped his eyes from Sero, turning for the hallway. The brunette followed behind him before quietly shutting the door.

"What the hell Deku?" She whispered as she lightly slapped him on the top of his head. "Has he done a single thing bad to you since he came back?" She asked with venom in her voice as she stared him down. Looking closely, she could tell that he had been crying before coming here.

"It's not about what he's doing to me, it's about what he's done to my marriage!" He argued in reply, standing his ground. "Kat kicked me out of the house tonight, I am going to be sleeping in on call rooms and not be able to see him or Hakai until I quit the program here." He explained as the tears pooled in his eyes once more. "I lost everything I have worked so hard for, including my mental health. I'm going backwards Uraraka." He complained.

"And yelling at someone with cancer is going to change that?" She asked in an angry voice. "I told you what could happen between you and your husband, but you said you wouldn't let it. You didn't try anything to prevent it! You came in and chose to get to know him. You could have just been his doctor and left it like that, but you chose to give him a second chance. It's not his fault that you don't know how to handle it." She explained as she began calming down. She wasn't here to pick sides, but that whole situation was completely uncalled for.

The green haired man soon began feeling guilty as he was being lectured by Uraraka. Okay, so it was a little uncalled for, but the green haired man had every right to be mad in his opinion. Even if Sero was a better person, he still has an active restraining order against him and everything. Sero choosing to come here and asking for Midoriya to be his doctor was also uncalled for.

"You don't have to be his best friend, but you can't yell at him like that." She whispered, not sure what else to say. "Go apologize and actually talk to him."

"How am I supposed to go back in there after he told me he loves me?" Midoriys whispered. He knew that Sero was at least confused since they had almost kissed, but he wasn't expecting that. How could he love someone who put him in jail and ruined his life?

"You calmly explain that you're married and no longer have any feelings towards him. From what I've been able to see, he isn't a monster. He isn't out to hurt you Deku, just tell him how you feel and I'm sure you can work everything out." She said with a sad smile. "I'll see what I can do about telling your husband who it is, there might be some way to avoid the law since he is your husband and there is an active charge against Sero."

"Thank you." Midoriya whispered in response as his heart rate began slowing down. He took a deep breath as Uraraka turned back towards the room before walking inside. He watched her say goodbye and grab her things before walking back into the hallway.

"My house is always open. You have a key, feel free to come over any time Deku." She said with a sad smile. She knew their were issues in their relationship because of everything going on at the hospital, but she wasn't expecting Bakugo to kick Midoriya out.

"Thank you Uraraka. I mean it." The green haired man whispered as his eyes flickered towards Sero. He was laying in his bed, still horrified that he told his ex that he still loved him.

"Call me later." She whispered as she gently grabbed his hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Take a deep breath, you've got this." She reminded before releasing his hand and walking away, leaving the two of them alone once more. Midoriya did what he was told and took a deep breath to calm his nerves as he stepped inside the room, slowly shutting the door behind him.

"I'm sorry." He started as he slowly began making his way to the bed. Sero slowly sat up before swinging his legs over, leaving room for his ex to sit next to him. Midoriya took the spot before continuing. "Things have been rough at home since you came back and I took it all out on you. I had no right to do that to you." He began explaining.

"What do you mean things have been rough?" Sero asked in confusion. Midoriya had never talked about his home life before now, so he was completely in the dark about it.

"Katsuki and I haven't been getting along." He whispered in response. He knew Sero had to know the name since he was at the trial.

"The hot headed blond boyfriend?" Sero questioned with a small laugh as he recalled seeing him be a wreck on the stand at the trial.

"My hot headed blond husband." Midoriya said with a small smile, ripping the band aid off. There was no use in beating around the bush.

"Y-you're married?" Sero question in shock. He wasn't expecting anyone to put their life on hold for him, but he wasn't expecting that. He carefully watched his ex pull a silver chain with a silver band entangled on it from underneath his scrubs.

"I am." Midoriya responded with a soft smile. Even if they were going through a rough patch, he still knew Bakugo was the man of his dreams and that they were perfect together. "I also have a daughter." He informed with a smile as he thought to his perfect baby that he didn't know when he would be seeing next. At least the trial was soon and the green haired man was almost done.

"A daughter?" Sero asked in pure shock. How long was he gone for? It felt like a century, but he knew it hadn't been.

"I got married a few days before my birthday and ended up adopting Hakai about two weeks after." He said. "So I'm flattered and a bit concerned that you still have feelings for me, it will never happen again. I love Katsuki and Hakai more than anything Sero."

"I didn't know you were married." Sero whispered with an apologetic tone as his eyes trailed up to Midoriyas freckled face. He looked completely torn up and devastated. "I didn't mean to cause problems in your marriage Izu.." He whispered as guilt punched him in the face. If he knew that coming back would have caused him this much distress, he wouldn't have done it. The green haired man didn't say anything as his sobs grew louder and louder. He couldn't handle the pain and the stress anymore, he simply couldn't do it.

"I'm so sorry." Sero whispered as he raised his hand before gently setting it on Midoriya's back. He moved his hand in a circular motion, hoping to calm him down as he leaned his head on his shoulder. They sat in silence as Midoriya continued crying. They didn't need to say anything as they fell into a comfortable silence they used to love.

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