Family Time

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"How did we go through over five stores today and not find a costume for Hakai?" Bakugo said with a deep sigh as he and his husband got into the front end after they made sure their daughter was safely fastened in her car seat in the back.

"Because everything for babies her age is extremely basic and every other baby has it." Midoriya responded with a sigh as they began the short drive to his husbands parents house. "We don't want something basic like a bumble bee, princess or a pumpkin. I want something cute for her, just not something that everyone else is going to have for their baby." He finished as he pulled his phone from his pocket to look some costumes up online. They knew she wouldn't remember this in the future anyway, but that doesn't mean they don't want to give her the best of everything.

"We just have to find something online by the end of this week if we can't find anything else in store." Bakugo said as he continued the path they he knew all too well.

"I'm sure we'll find something." Midoriya muttered in reply as he continued scrolling aimlessly on his phone. "What all did you want to do at the bar tonight?" He asked.

"All the construction is done, so I mainly want to get everything set up in the office and get the menu put up. All the small stuff to allow it to open this weekend." He responded as he turned onto his parents road.

"What do we want to do that weekend?" Midoriya questioned as he put his phone away. He had the rest of the week to find a costume, he was with his family today. "Since you're staying at your parents place Wednesday until Saturday, do you want me to take Hakai to work with me?" He asked as he glanced to his husband in the drivers seat. "I'm off Wednesday, so we can come spend the day with you here and head home Thursday morning. I can take her to the daycare when I'm working. I asked to work evenings while you're here so that I can spend the morning with her and we can both sleep at night." He informed. He hates to admit it, but he hasn't spent a lot of one on one time with his daughter since he went back to work. He worked midnights usually, so it was tough. It also didn't help that he still disappeared once a week to visit with Sero some more.

"That sounds good to me, but are you going to be okay with doing that?" The blond questioned as he pulled into his parents driveway. "She started teething a few days ago, so she hasn't been the most pleasant at night."

"Katsuki, I know what I signed up for, I know how to take care of our daughter." He responded with a small laugh. "I promise we'll be okay for one weekend without PaPa, right Hakai?" He questioned towards the back seat. She of course, was already passed out though.

"I know you know how to take care of her, but I don't want you to feel stressed out because of work. You've already been struggling mentally since you returned." He replied as he turned the car off. He hated to bring up his husbands mental state, but he wanted his husband to understand where he was coming from.

"I promise we'll be fine Katsuki." Midoriya responded with a sad smile. He hated that he knew his mental health was deteriorating, but he hated that everyone else could see it more than anything. If he could tell them why it was going down again, they would all understand. Unfortunately, he was bound by a contract and couldn't tell him what was going on. Even if he could, Sero being in the hospital is supposed to stay away from the media until the trial of his freedom. "Although, I think I am going to go back to therapy." He informed. It wasn't something he wanted to do, but he didn't want to get to the point where he wanted to give up on everything and run away again. He finally had the life he longed for and he didn't want to destroy it.

"I think that's a good idea." Bakugo said with a warm smile. He wanted to bring it up, but he didn't want his husband to ever feel like he was broken again. He knew he would go back when he really felt like he needed too, so he didn't say anything. He is glad that he is finally recognizing that he needs help though.

"If you want to grab Hakai, I'll grab her diaper bag and everything else." The green haired man started as he slowly began exiting the car.

"Deal." Bakugo said as he too stepped out of the car, ready to drop off their daughter so they could get everything ready for their new bar to open this coming weekend.


"I love that you decided to keep the same theme and look from the original location." Midoriya stated as he helped his husband unload all the paperwork into his office. "It brings the same comfort that the other one does." He adds with a soft smile.

"I wanted it to still feel like ours and have the same atmosphere as the first one." He replied as he finished the filing cabinet he was working on. They had gotten the majority of the office organized already, they were just doing some final pieces to officially finish it up.

"It's beautiful babe." Midoriya said with a soft smile as they both stood from the floor. "Who do you have scheduled for opening night?" He asked as he attempted to locate the schedule on the cluttered desk.

"I have myself, Kaminari, Kendo and everyone else that has actually been hired to run this location." He informed. He wanted all hands on deck for their opening night, so he threw as many people as he could on the schedule.

"I'm sure it's going to be a crazy night." Midoriya said with a nervous chuckle, imagining what happened at opening night at the first bar.

"I wish you could be here." Bakugo whispered sadly as he turned his gaze from the schedule to his husband. Before Sero became a patient, the green haired man wasn't working nearly as much. He worked four 12 hour shifts a week, leaving him 48 hours. It was still a lot, but it was better than the five 10's he was working now, especially since he has been working the night shift. The green haired man used to help out at the bar quite often. It started out at simple paperwork, but he eventually learned how to make all the drinks on the menu and became very close with the rest of the staff.

"I won't be here for a bit, but I will be. As soon as this patient is done, I promise I will be spending a lot more time with Hakai and you." He informed sadly. Now that he could see everything he had been missing out on, he realized how incredibly wrong he was. He didn't need to spend all of his time with Sero as the hospital, he didn't owe him a single thing. He didn't need to go to court as the victim he once was. He also didn't have to go because of him being his doctor since he was only an intern. It wasn't his name on the case. He could literally go into work and check on Sero and call it a night. Unfortunately, he was still struggling mentally with him being back, so he felt like this was the only thing he could do. Sure he got closure when he was sentenced to prison for the things he had done, but he wanted to know if it was the tumor that made him do it, or he was just evil. Now that the question has arisen, he needed the answer to feel the closure once more.

"I'm still trying to rack my brain on who your mystery patient could be." Bakugo said with a small sigh as he took a step towards his husband.

"And?" Midoriya questioned with a hopeful tone. He couldn't tell him, but if he happened to guess it; he also wouldn't tell him that he was wrong.

"The only thing that I can think of is that he is someone from your school that I don't know." The blond replied with a groan. He felt that if he knew more about the connection between his husband and the mystery patient, he would be able to understand more.

"I can't tell you who it is, but I did not directly go to school with him." Midoriya informed as Bakugo raised his hand to set it on his husbands soft cheek. Unfortunately, he never made it that far. When the green haired man saw his hand fly into the air, he let out a sharp gasp as he took a step back, knocking himself into the filing cabinet. The sound of metal hitting metal echo'd through the room as Midoriya's breathing began staggered as his heart rate sped up. He wasn't sure about a lot of things anymore, but he was certainly sure he would be talking to the Chief himself in the morning. He could feel himself deteriorating with every thought of Sero that crossed his mind.

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