Chapter 16

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"It's fine Chase." I ran my hand down his arm lightly to reassure him.

"Dammit! No it's not Lexi! I should've been there! I should've been the one to save you!!" He stood up and shook me off of him in his anger fit. "And you!" He turned to Tucker. "As grateful as I am you saved her, I should be the one saving her!" He began to shake lightly. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him again, knowing he needed help calming down, his eyes closed, and he leaned into my touch. I felt his chest move up and down as he began to calm his ragged breaths.

Tucker slipped out of the room quietly. Eventually Chase calmed down. "Sorry." He spurted out in a gruff. Repositioning us so he was holding me, leaning back down onto the bed.

"It's alright. I understand." I laid my head on his chest as I spoke.

"I just... I want to always be there for you. I feel as though I'm taking you away from the life you were meant to live." He paused playing with my hair. I stayed silent, just waiting for him to collect his thoughts. "Maybe you should give Alex a shot." He finally spoke. I could hear how much it took for him to say that. The strain clear in his voice.

"You're kidding right?" I pulled away and looked at him. My mind raced with a thousand different thoughts. He knew how Alex was, and how he is.

"You were picked to be mates for a reason."

"I don't love him Alex. I can't even imagine loving him." I breathed out. Silence slowly surrounded us, and his self hatred and guilt practically poured out of him in waves. "I love you too much for that." I reassured.

"He's your mate." He mumbled.


"Mates are meant to be together! I don't wanna hold you back. I don't want to be the one making you unhappy..." His emotions where written in his eyes as he looked into me.

I tilted my head up towards him, looking directly into his eyes and spoke with all the sincerity I could. "Or maybe he was meant to reject me. Maybe somehow someone up there knew, I would run when he did. They knew I would meet you, they knew I would love you, like I've never loved anyone before. Maybe, just maybe, I was meant to love you. And even if I'm not? Screw it! I already do!"

His tense shoulders relaxed, and it felt the I could finally breath again as his eyes relit, and his insecurities fell away.

"Maybe, just maybe, " he teased lightly, stepping even closer so no space was between our bodies. "I love you more."

Lips to lips. Sweet warm lips. Our bodies where shoved so close to each other. He rolled us over, only resting a small portion of his weight on me. One hand rested beside my head, holding his weight up, the other gathered my wrist above my head. He leaned down first nipping at my neck before greedily attacking my lips. We were soon full on making out, our tongues fighting for dominance. He quickly won, taking over our kiss.

My shirt was half was up my stomach, my pants were completely gone and I was breathing heavily by the time, the door swung open. My head swiveled to look over at the open door shocked to see Tucker standing there, a smirk on his face. I jumped behind Chase my only half dressed self.

"Well y'all look busy, so I'll just come back later." He chuckled.

"Get out Tucker!" I groaned.

"There's food downstairs for when y'all are done. We wanna make sure y'all have enough energy for tonight so-"

"GET OUT TUCKER!" I hollered my face burning in embarrassment.

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